
Would you act differntly?

*Jamie's heart goes out to Con. The dimness, the far off tone. Con was so lost inside himself. He ment so much to her, once thinking of him as a friend now looking at him with love, the love she felt for a while finally free. Jamie never wanted to lose that. Jamie's own hand finds Con's face gently running her fingertips across his skin and wraping her hands about the side of his face to cradle it.*

" I'm in it for the long hall Con. Part of a relationship is dealing with hard times and helping eachother through. I'm not going to leave you when you need me the most, just like you dident leave me."

*Jamie holds her smile as she looks into Con's eyes.*

"I know there isent an excuse for what happend with you and Jason, But if I know hotshop Con I am sure he understands. Wernt you telling me about how one you got in the middle of him and Hero and he sluged you one? You guys are like brothers and you guys fight and make up like brother too. He's gonna understand Con. Something tells me he would do the same thing for Katie."

*Jamie removes her hand from Con's face but still holds her smiles as she lets out a sigh.*

"Maybe you need some time away Con. Away from TJY and all the stress. To clear your head and really ask yourself what you want in life and how far you will go to get it and keep it. Sometimes we all need a good head clearing. Come on you, lets go inside befor my mom stops by and thinks we are kiss again or something."

*Jamie cant help but let out a chuckle and her smiles becomes silly and her eyes dance in the sun light.*

*Misty nods to Rick as he leaves. Moving away from the sink Misty stands infront of Carson with her arms folded. Her hair tied back now in a long ponytail as to not get in her way anymore.*

"My story, I dont think I have one. Well one thats to intresting anyways. I grew up around here. Reese is my Uncil, I went to medicle shcool in England, have to do an intership for a year so thats why I am here. Its good to know people in high places sometimes I guess. All in all I guess I am pritty normal, well compared to alot of people here who had hard, difacult backgrounds."

*Misty steps away from Carson and moves over to what would become her desk. Siting down she lets out a sigh than turns in her chair to Carson and gives a qwerky smile.*

"So...Carson, whats YOUR story?"

*Katie lets out a long sigh. She felt sorry for Con yet confused at the same time. She's never seen Con upset that that at anyone. Smile Katie looks at Jason.*

"I can understand why your hurt. I probley would be too., if my best friend just beat the crap out of me, even though I'd like to see you try..."

*Katie sticks her toung out at Jason and cant help but laugh. In minutes though she grows searouse again.*

"...but all in all ya I understand why your hurt. But if you were in Con's shoes on the brink of losing your best friend, and the person you hold dear to you heart, only to find out that those you thought were the good guys were harberin the guy that almost killed the person close to you, would you act any differntly than he did? I'm not trying to say its ok what he did, only trying to understand myself why he did, and the more I think about it. I dont think I would act differntly myself."

*Katie is silent for a moment befor once again the smile returns to her face and the light returns to her face.*

"Well since you have some time, how about we get that pizza we wanted last night but never got to?"

*Nate smiles at Laura as they enter TJY.*

"Well I am happy I could do that for you. Just keep tht chin up Doll and everything will be ok."

*Once inside Nate gives alittle wave and winks at Laura before heading to Reese office to see whats up for the day.*

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