

Con returns Jamie’s kiss lightly, taking in her words, though his mind is still a million miles away. The look on Jason’s face kept replaying, over and over, driving the guilt further into his soul. He’d just been so angry…it all seemed a blur…he could barely remember a time he’d been so out of control, and it was a frightening thought. He turns to see Jamie’s eyes, searching them for the reassurance that was in her voice…allowing her presence to calm him.

“You know…about a week ago, my eyes saw you so differently…” His voice goes soft and thoughtful, a contrast to his earlier display, though a dimness shades his tone. “…In a single instant, everything changed. Like adding a drop of dye to water, it transforms it immediately, and can never be returned to its original state.” Con’s eyes drift from each of Jamie’s, consumed by their entrancing pull, yet still confused by how his world had turned upside down.. “I’ve never felt so deeply for anyone, Jamie…it’s almost like a dream…one day I was just myself, with not a whole lot to look forward to… and the next, I had a sudden realization that I’d been missing something. And not only did I realize what it was, but it was at my fingertips to fill that void.”

Con cocks his head slightly, his eyes not drifting from Jamie. “It all happened so fast, that I don’t think I’ve caught my breath yet.” He pauses, raising a hand to cradle her face. “And I feel so unworthy. To think you love me…have loved me for a long time…I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to understand that.”

He swallows hard, remembering his anger. “I’m sorry for what happened today…I just lost control…” He finally breaks eye contact, letting his hand retreat. “I’d never want that to get in between us…I just don’t know anymore what will set me off, or if I can keep a handle on it, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt someone I care about.” His eyes grow even dimmer. “Like I already have.”

Con takes a deep breath, unable to sort through the strange mixture of thoughts and emotions that seemed so foreign to him. “I don’t know what to do.”

Carson looks to Misty in surprise. “No…thanks…” He sits back down on the table and pulls his shirt back over his head.

Rick sticks his head back into the room. “Misty, stay here a minute, will you? I have to run to Reese’s office. I’ll be right back.”

Seeing him leave, Carson glances back over to Misty, his curiosity getting the best of him. He still didn’t understand why he cared at all, but for some reason he did…these people had a strange effect on him that he just couldn’t seem to shake. “So, Misty, huh? What’s your story?”

Jason takes Katie in his arms, a little surprised at the welcome and tale of her excursion. “Aw babe, you know better than to do that.” He rolls his eyes, though he can’t scold, and kisses her head instead. “I’m sorry, I knew you’d probably know something was up. I should have called up here before I came.”

As Katie draws away and asks him what happened, he purses his lips in seriousness, though forces some amusement. “I got run over by a tank.”

He turns her around with an arm still over her shoulders, and sets her down on her bed, where he sinks into the familiar chair. “No…it was Con. He found out Carson was in the office, Jamie got scared, and he just went crazy.” Jason shrugs. “And I got in his way.” He licks his lip, finding the bleeding has almost stopped. He wants to pretend like everything is fine. He wants to pretend that he believes Con is fine and it really was Jason’s own fault for getting in the way. But he knows his eyes will betray him. He was hurt. Con had hit him before, but not like this…it had been different this time.

“Anyway, Reese wants me back after lunch, but he figured I could use some fresh air. I guess he was right. Con took off, I guess to take Jamie home too, so things at the office should have settled down by now.”

Laura finds Nate’s gentlemanly politeness surprising but nice, and lets him open the door for her again. She smiles gratefully at his offer. “Thanks…” She continues to talk as they head for the building. “…And thanks for making my day a little brighter. I guess I kinda needed that this morning. Maybe now I'll actually have enough sense back to function without bursting into tears over something silly.”

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