

*Nate smiles as he starts to pull out of the driveway.*

"I wouldent mind taking you home again. Its on the way anyways."

*As Nate makes his way back to TJY he glances at Laura and smiles. She looked nice without any makeup on.*

"If Wyatt wouldent be able to take you to work eather let me know and I certinly can take you as well."

*Finally pulling into TJY Nate lets out a long sigh for some reson he dident want to go back into work today even though he new he must. As Nate exits the car he see Con and Jamie exiting the building. Her throws a wave and smiles not knowing what had occured inside. Heading over to Laura's said of the door he ups it up for her and steps back to let her get out.*

"Well if you need anything just give a yell. I'll probley be at my desk or helping Jason today."

*Misty's body relaxes as he fight is finally broken up. What on earth just happend. What a first day. Walking over to the sink she pours herself a glass of water and takes a swig. Turning back to Carsontrying to calm her shaking hands.*

"Want anything to drink or...or eat?"

*The ride home is quiet. Jamie isent sure what to say to Con or how to act. Somewhere inside her she felt this was her fult. If only she had been stronger, and no so scaired Con wouldent have goten so angry. Finally reaching her house Jamie lets out a sigh and turns to Con.*

"Con, You were only trying to protect me. The face that you cared so much drove you to want to hurt the person that hurt me. I'm honnered you care that much I am. Just next time lets try not to kick your friends butt in the process ok. Anger can be good and bad at the some time. But no matter what happend at TJY today Con, I love you still the same. Just dont let your anger block me out. If kept untamed thats what it will do and I dont want that."

*Jamie leans into Con and smiles at him. Love filling her eyes. Gently Jamie plants a kiss on Con's lips lingering for a moment. than pulling away again to look into his eyes. *

*As Jason enter Katies room she pushed herself away from the window. It looks as though she had been crying alittle. But a sigh of releaf wases over her as she stands and slowly makes her way to Jason wraping her arms around him tight.*

"J...or J, I was so worryed. I new something was wrong really wrong, but I couldent find my phone anywhere I think I droped it lastnight while we were out. And non of the nurses would come when I called for them, I tryed to walk all the way to TJY, and I got half way and I couldent want anymore I had to turn around...and and...it was killing me I dident know what was going on."

*Katie draws away from Jason and looks at his face grimcing at the cuts and bruses.*

"J, what the heck happend?"

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