
Time out

Though still utterly embarrassed, Laura tries to get past it as she accepts the ride from Nate. Arriving at the apartment, she sighs deeply. “I’m afraid to go inside. I might trip on my way up the stairs and finally break my neck.”

She shakes her head, sniffing again. “I’m sorry…I’m not usually such an idiot…I guess everything’s just been building up and it finally erupted.” She takes a deep breath, composing herself. “I think I’m okay now… I’ll just be a minute or two.”

Laura makes her way inside, and heads for a mirror to clean up her face, but doesn’t even bother replacing her makeup. She was running late enough the way it was, and would just have to put up with looking plain today.

Grabbing the folders she’s forgotten earlier, she heads back outside, jogging to the car. “Alright.” She catches her breath and buckles herself in. “Maybe, just maybe I can survive the rest of the day. Though, if you’re playing good Samaritan today, I might just have to beg another ride off of you depending on my car and whether or not my brother’s available later. If I can’t get that bucket of bolts started, it’ll have to be towed to the shop, and I’ll be back to begging Wyatt to take me to work.” Laura stops and can’t help but laugh a little. “I don’t know what I’d do without all you guys. I’d be lost.”

As Con barges in Rick's office and begins fighting with Jason, Carson takes several steps backward, not having intended on having a physical fight with anyone, let alone a man the size of Con. Carson would never have a chance.

He swallows hard and simply watches out the open door as the fight continues until it's finally broken up by Jamie. Seeing Con walk away, Carson relaxes just a little, throwing a wary glance in Misty's direction. By the look on her face, she knew nothing about what was going on. Maybe it was just as well. If she had known, she might not have helped bandage him up again.

Fire flashes in Con’s eyes as he’s held back by Wyatt, Rick and Hal. A shouting match ensues between him, Reese, Jason and several others, nothing making much sense.

As Jamie enters the chaos and places a hand on Con’s arm, the hall is immediately silenced. Slightly calmed, he shakes off the hands of the other men, signaling that he’s not going to try going back after Carson for the moment. Not in front of Jamie anyway. “Alright.” His voice is softer towards Jamie, but still etched with a coolness. “I’ll take you home.” Taking her by the hand, he sidles past the others and heads toward the exit.

Once in the car, Con is quiet until they reach Jamie’s lost in his own thoughts. Finally in her driveway with the motor shut off, he looks down at the keys in his hand. He was still so angry, but fear had been injected into his veins, and shame too. “I’m sorry, Jamie…”

Reese sets his hands on his hips and shakes his head. “I didn’t think I’d ever see him like that again.”

Jason wipes his lip with the back of his hand. “He’s just mad about Carson. He’ll be back.”

“Yeah…I’m sure after this blows over he will be.”

Jason sighs, tenderly fingering the side of his face.

Reese quirks an eyebrow at him. “Why don’t you take off for a while and come back in the afternoon? I know I need you here for some stuff, but with all this going on, I’d just as soon you get some time away from here too.”

Jason is a little surprised, but won’t argue. “Alright. I’ll come back in after lunch then.”

“You want me to take a look at your face?” Rick asks.

“No…I’ll be alright.” Jason stops by his office to grab his jacket, and heads out. Deciding not to even risk tangling with Con again, he opts to go back to the hospital instead of Con’s place. Mid-morning, he’s not even sure what he’ll be doing, but he couldn’t complain about a couple more free hours.

He makes it up to Katie’s room, but pauses before entering. He could feel the big bruise forming on the side of his face, his jaw was throbbing, and his lip was still bleeding. Knowing Katie, she already knew something was wrong though.

Finally he slips inside the room, forcing a weary smile. “Surprise.”

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