
Running out of time

We'll be fine, Hero... I know you can do this.
Jason gives a nod to Nate. "All three of us will need to get as close as we can. Katie and I need to be pretty near our targets to be able to do anything."

He stops to check his gun as well before holstering it again. "We'll sneak around there through the trees until we're close." He points out the window. "The lights will blow, and set those guards on edge. They're gonna get mighty nervous so when we come up on them, they'll be ready to drop their weapons. I think we should knock 'em out and drag 'em out of the way. Then...somehow we need to get inside."

"They're wearing ID badges and I assume they have keys of some sort." Wyatt looks through his own binoculars. "Jase, why don't you and Nate slip into their jumpsuits? And...take Katie in as your prisoner?"

Reese raises an eyebrow. "That might work...if you go in and say you caught her snooping around or something..."

"Yeah, but no one is going to buy that Nate and me are the guards," Jason argues. "Surely everyone in there knows everyone else."

Reese shrugs. "Depends. At least it'll get you inside. You're going to have to play it by ear then anyway. If that line doesn't work, then do what you do best."

Jason gives him a wry grin. "I think Nate and I could handle that."

Wyatt nods to Katie. "I think that wildcat back there could handle that too."

Jason glances to her too.
I have no doubt.
"Alright... so it's as much a plan as we've got." He slides open the van door. "Lets move." Letting Nate and Katie out, Jason looks back in at Dalton. "Keep us in touch. Be ready to hack into some systems if we need it. I don't know what'll go down in there."

Once the three are out of the van and ready, Jason automatically takes the lead. Normally he'd fall in behind Nate, but for some reason, this time he was heading in first as long as Reese allowed it.

The air was cold, the wind whipping over the treetops. A light mist could be felt in the air, creating an icy atmosphere.

The clearing is only a few yards away, then it's a grassy slope down into the large parking lot before the building. The three sweep along the outer edge until they're closer to their targets, but off to the side where the guards won't notice them right away.

Sneaking through the shadows, they get closer and closer, bent low and weapons ready if needed. Reaching the building, Jason flattens himself up against the wall, waiting for the others to follow suit. He knew the others would be watching from the van... He hadn't thought about this scenario confusing Dalton, but he might as well start realizing that there were a couple strange people on this team.

Jason creeps nearer the corner and turns his hat around before going just far enough to barely see around the corner. He sees the two guards smoking and talking by one of the doors, and he glances up to see the lights.

"It's gonna get dark," he whispers as he withdraws again.
Soon as those lights are out, they'll be on edge and you can latch onto them, Katie. If they're scared enough, they'll surrender even if logically they have the upper hand.
"Nate, stand by to show them we mean business. If Katie gets to them, they'll fold fast."

Wyatt glances to Reese, then back to Dalton, then back to his dad. He could hear Jason talking, and wondered how well this would really work. He knew Jason and Katie could do some unexplainable things... and most people at TJY had experienced Katie's emotional interference by now... and some had heard about what Jason was capable of... but would this really work?

Jason takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment, willing up the negative emotions. It hurt... he didn't like the way they made him feel. It was one thing to be angry first, then just use that anger. It was another to have to drag it up on purpose.

Standing with his back against the wall, his free hand crawls towards Katie's, giving it a tender squeeze.
I know this hurts you too.

Feeling the peek of his emotions, Jason bundles them tight. Letting go of Katie, he moves quickly around the corner, staring straight at the lights. And like a gun, he aims.

Sparks and glass fly as the lights burst with a loud popping sound. The two guards jump back and aim their guns upward, looking around in confusion. They glance every which way, their eyes wide as they question each other, bewildered and taken completely off guard.

Jason whips back behind the corner, turning his hat around and drawing his gun. "Alright. Let's do this." He nods for them to step out and take the guards down.

Reese's eyes widen as he sees the lights burst by the building. "Atta boy, Jase. Do your thing, Kat."

Dreams filter in and out of Scott's mind, blurring reality and imagination together. Shaking with cold chills of fever, he huddles in the back corner, ignoring the bowl of rice in the corner that was feeding the rats tonight. He didn't even know if it was breakfast or supper, but he didn't care.

"You're determined to die in here, aren't you?" A gentle hand reaches down to rest against Scott's forehead. "If you wouldn't have fought so much, I could have gotten you into the medical center."

Scott withdraws, shielding himself from anyone else, friend or foe. He didn't understand... he never understood anything after the shots.

"Donovan ought to get a shot of that himself," the voice grumbles. "Just hang in there, eh?"

Scott starts coughing, holding his his arms tight against his thin frame to stop the pain.

The other figure finally stands and heads to the door. Their eyes show their compassion hidden from the others in these walls. "Lord, take him quickly," he begs before leaving, closing and locking the door once again.

"So since when are you such a good cook, hmm?" Dani giggles and licks her fork clean, leaning back in the booth at Mom and Pop's.

Carson stands by the table, wiping his hands on a towel. It was eight o'clock, they were closed for the night, but Dani had come for a late supper with him. "I have no idea."

"Well this was mighty good. Either you got Mum's talents, or Herb is a good teacher."

Carson grins, but a bit of melancholy settles over him. He and Dani hadn't spoken much of the past at all, and the mention of one of their parents brought on some long-forgotten memories.

He sighs and lowers himself into the empty booth across from his sister, leaning his elbows on the table. "Think about Mum much?"

Dani cocks her head, a little surprised at the subject. "Oh...sometimes. I remember bits and pieces."

"Like what?"

"I don't know... her smile... how she used to go all out for our birthdays... the smell of her perfume... the warmth of the kitchen when she was cooking... oooh, and her sugar cookies."

Carson chuckles. "Even I remember those."

"What have I forgotten, Carson?" Dani looks him in the eye. "What did I miss out on?"

Carson leans back, letting his eyes drop. There was a lot she didn't remember...but it was just as well. "Sounds like you got the memories that count."

"Maybe. I don't remember Dad much."

Carson's eyes move back up. "You were closer to Mum."

"I guess. I wish I remembered Dad too though. I was twelve... you'd think I would remember more."

"Yeah, but that was pretty traumatic when you were brought to the US. It's not surprising you don't remember much."

Dani shrugs. "I suppose... I don't remember Dad's character...you know? Like... I know Mum was kind and warm and caring... I just don't know what Dad was like."

Carson swallows hard and rubs a dirty spot on the table. "I missed this spot last night," he muses.

Dani reaches over to stop his hand. "Carson...there's something you're not telling me, isn't there?"

He looks up quickly, his eyes searching hers. One day she might remember, and when she did, it might be very hard. It would probably hurt, and she probably wouldn't understand. He couldn't put her through that prematurely. He couldn't be the one to bring that on her.

Carson forces a small smile and shakes his head. "Dad was busy. He wasn't home much."

Dani looks at him for a moment, but then backs down, satisfied with his answer. "So. Enough about the past. What about the future? You gonna move in with me?"

Carson chuckles. "I can't afford to help out much."

"I know. But with my job down at the grocery store we would be okay."

"Well...I don't know. I know you're trying to get your own start and all. I don't want to be a burden to you."

Dani rolls her eyes. "I've offered three times now. I leave it up to you. You know good and well you wouldn't be a burden." Her mouth upturns into a mischievous grin. "You need a good start...if you're going to impress that girl of yours."

"Dani!" Carson's eyes widen, though he laughs. "I think I've done quite well, thank you very much."

"Oh, sure...for starters. I'd date a guy who lived in the back of a restaurant too. But the smell of Italian gets a little old after a while."

Carson smirks. "Maybe Jess likes it."

"Maybe." Dani giggles. "She likes you more though."

"You think?"

"Are you kidding me?" Dani gives him a look like he's crazy. "It's written all over her face. You got her, bro."

Though Carson laughs, for some reason, his eyes lack a spark, and his gaze drops once again. "Yeah, I guess I know."

Dani suddenly furrows her brow. "Well don't get too excited about it or anything," she comments with sarcasm.


"Why the grim look? You do like her too, don't you?"

"Of course I like her."

"But...?" Dani fishes for more.

Carson stands up, taking her empty plate. "She'll be here in a few minutes to head to a movie and I still have to clean up the dishes. Come help me or I'll be the one to blame for making us late."

Dani rolls her eyes, but grins, picking up her napkin and silverware. "Lead the way, o cook."


*Nate watchs over Reese shoulder at the blueprints running his own finger along the outlines and differnt rooms. As if almost making a mentil map in his mind of the building. Than looking up he gets closer to the window squinting and looking out. Plans and actions running through his mind. Finally looking away Nate pulls his gun from the holster and checks it making sure that amo was in and in working condition. On every mission they went on Nate always hoped he wouldnt have to use him weapon more more times than not he needed too. Maybe that was the part of his job he hated the most.

Turning Nate looks at his two young friends. They both had powers no one could understand but in this situation it could be used for something good. Nate trusted them and new they new what they were doing. Even if no one alse could comprehend it.*

"I'm ready and I can help Jason sneek up on them."

*Katie takes the binoculars from Jason and looks out them for a moment studying the building.

I never tryed using my powers like that, but I see no problem in doing it.

Continuing to scan the area she takes note to everything that was around them and around the building. Making sure to leave nothing unturned. Giving a nod Katie looks to Jason, than Nate and than Reese.*

"Yeah I'm ready. I think this is out best bet at this point."

* Katie eyes held hope as her own nervouseness was pushed aside for now to be used later when she needed it.*

*Misty silently sits in the van and listens to everything that was going on around her. She was there to help if they needed it and to mend thoughs who would as well. Though no one said it Misty new in the back of her mind if Scott was alive he would need her and she was ready.*


Once a few preliminary instructions are passed around, the team is ready to head out. "Alright, gang." Reese slides in behind the steering wheel, Wyatt riding shotgun, and the rest piling into the back. Two seats would hold the team, while the back was left for equipment and spare room in case medical attention was required.

Jason slides in next to Katie in the back seat, giving a sigh, and trying to close out his emotions for now. He needed to stay focused...stay alert.

Kyle picks at his supper, his mind somewhere completely different.

Phil stares at him across the small kitchen table. The hamburger helper wasn't all that great, but it wasn't terrible either. "What's wrong?"

"Hmm?" Kyle looks up, shaken from his stare.

"I said what's wrong? You look a million miles away."

"Oh...I don't know." Kyle sighs and shrugs before stuffing forkful of noodles into his mouth. "Just thinking I guess."

Phil rolls his eyes. "I hope it's not about Misty breaking her date with you tonight."

Kyle gives him a wry grin. "Nah. I guess not. I know she works undercover sometimes and all...I'm just not used to not knowing where she is, or when she'll be back."

Phil studies his brother for a moment. "Worried about her?"

Kyle twirls his fork in his food. "Yeah. I guess I am."

"Well, she's in good hands. You know Reese wouldn't endanger his own."

"That's what they thought about Scott."

Phil stops eating and looks at his brother sternly. "Kyle, quit it. It's probably nothing. She'll be back in fine shape, alright? Stop worrying, or I'm gonna make you go mope somewhere else."

Kyle finally breaks into a weary smile. "Sorry."

"We got practice at Mike's in a while, so shape up."

"Yeah...and Jason won't be there either...neither will Katie."

"Think they're on the same case?"

"Too coincidental not to be."

"Well there you go then. Jason and Katie are there, so you know there are level heads. Now finish your food."

Kyle points his fork at his brother. "Keep ordering me around, you'll be wearing this noodle."

Phil grins. "No thanks."

Kyle pulls back his utensil, threatening him.

Phil grabs a napkin to hold up in front of him. "Oh no you don't."

The drive is long and fairly quiet. Though everyone has so much on their minds, it can only be rehashed so many times, so most fall to silence.

Road signs and state lines pass with the hours, Reese driving steadily. Pit stops are taken every two hours, and light meals are eaten on the go.

The sun eventually sinks down below the horizon, spreading red and golden colors across the sky in a brilliant display.

Sitting almost sideways in the backseat with his head against the window, Jason looks out at the sunset. One arm is tucked around Katie as they settle in for the night drive.

Funny how such beauty can exist while missions like ours do at the same time. It seems so... contradictory.

He watches the colors shift and meld together like an ever-changing painting. As he gazes upon it, his mind wanders to a subject he'd thought of a lot lately. Scott's parting message to him. It wasn't something that he liked to think about, but it always seemed to crop up in his mind. Especially at times like this, when he questioned the majesty of the sky without a God to have placed it there. And now... more than ever... if there really was a God, now was the time they could use some help.

"Alright... I don't know if you're real or not... or if you're all they say you are. But you seemed pretty important to Scott. If you are real and you can give us some help here so we can get Scott home safe... I'll look into this thing a little more. No promises, but... I'll be willing to at least take a look at a Bible or something."

A bump in the road makes his head bounce against the window and he cringes. Grabbing a spare blanket, he puts it behind his head, and sinks down farther in the seat. It was going to be a long night.

At ten o'clock, Wyatt takes over driving so Reese can sleep, and the drive goes on. His concentration doesn't waver, even though his mind wanders to a million places. Scott had been one of his close friends... the prospect of finding him alive was too much to hope for. He could only pray they weren't all setting themselves up for ultimate disappointment... and that they wouldn't be too late. "God, please bless this journey... I know Scott would be in the best place if he really were with you, but... it was so soon... and we all loved him as a friend. If it's your will, please let him still be alive, and please give us wisdom and speed so that we won't be too late."

Street lights pass by one after the other, one after the other. Early morning, Reese takes over the steering wheel again, Wyatt taking his turn at rest.

The rising sun hides behind a cloudbank that is steadily rolling in. Reese looks out the window frequently, tuning in to a weather station and wondering what they were in for. It was colder here, and the clouds looked full of moisture, whether it was just rain, or ice or snow. The van-load could only hope that the storm wasn't heading to the same destination they were.

Breakfast...lunch... supper was forgotten. Into Washington and beyond, their destination was too close now for anyone to want a meal. Reese takes charge of their directions, being the only one familiar with this territory. Driving, he holds the van steady, despite the cold wind that had come up. The sky was gray, having hidden the sun all day long. Now it was nearing evening, and the team is tense once again.

Driving through several cities, they finally arrive at what looks to be almost a ghost town. Not much is left, and few cars are seen. Very little traffic passes, and the atmosphere has an eerie stillness about it.

They sky going darker, Reese resists turning on the van's headlights, and eventually drives cautiously down a street that takes them past a large business building. The parking lot is huge, and a big lighted sign out front indicates a publishing company.

"Here it is, ladies and gentlemen," Reese informs.

Driving past, all have a good look at the lighted exterior. One would have to think long and hard to be able to know how to get in without being seen.

Heading a mile out of the way, then looping back around, Reese finds an old dirt trail that takes them up behind the building. Seen through the trees, several cars are leaving, indicating a finished workday.

Reese glances at his watch. It was six o'clock, and almost dark. He picks up his binoculars. "There are three doors on our side of the building and no windows. Two armed guards watch this end, while five are at the front. Our best bet is to find a way in this side."

He grabs the blueprints and passes them to the back. "Take a good look. We need to figure out how to get in, then from there, we're going to have to play it by ear. I'd like Katie, Jason and Nate to go in."

Wyatt looks up. "Not me?"

"No, I want you here for backup."

"But just sending three in..."

"Less to notice," Reese responds sternly. "The less attention, the better. There are only a dozen vehicles here. There aren't many people here right now. Going in unseen and actually meandering through the building without being spotted will require a small group."

Wyatt stands down, though isn't happy.

Jason looks through the binoculars. "We need a diversion. If we do it right, we'll have two guard uniforms at least."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "What kind of diversion?"

"How about taking out those lights above them?"

"Gunfire will alert the guards in the front, let alone set off who knows what kind of alarms."

"I wasn't talking about gunfire." Jason glances to Katie.
If I can take out those lights, that will startle them enough to give you something to draw on, and you can make them scared enough that sneaking up on them should be easy.

As if reading minds, the radio crackles with Rick's voice. "Let him do it, Reese. I'm not there, but if anyone can create a distraction it's Jason and Katie."

Reese looks back to Jason, Kate and Nate. "We have very little time. A new crowd will be coming in one hour. Can you do it?"


*Misty puts her stuff into the van giving one last check that she has everything she needed. Taking some medical sapplys Rick new about she keeps them in a separate bag. She want sure what they would need but she brought what commonsense told her. A bit nervous by all the secrets Misty tryed her best to calm her nerves. Kyle new she would be out on a case but where and for how long she did not tell him. Even keeping something from him made her uneasy but what was done was done for a reson and she just had to accept it for now.*

*Pulling his car into the parking lot Nate sits for a moment thinking. Was what they were doing right? Could it be pulled off. Leting out a sigh Nate gets out of the car and slowly makes his way to the garage. He had to move forward this was worth it. *

*Katie listens to Reese as she throws her bag into the van. Heaving a heavy sigh. She felt bad not filling Laura in on anything when she asked her to watch Domino. Laura was one of her best friend and hiding this hurt, but it had to be done.

Pulling her hoodie around her tighter to keep the cold chill out Katie stands by Jason. How would this end? Was time on there side with this?

For Scott.*