

*Misty puts her stuff into the van giving one last check that she has everything she needed. Taking some medical sapplys Rick new about she keeps them in a separate bag. She want sure what they would need but she brought what commonsense told her. A bit nervous by all the secrets Misty tryed her best to calm her nerves. Kyle new she would be out on a case but where and for how long she did not tell him. Even keeping something from him made her uneasy but what was done was done for a reson and she just had to accept it for now.*

*Pulling his car into the parking lot Nate sits for a moment thinking. Was what they were doing right? Could it be pulled off. Leting out a sigh Nate gets out of the car and slowly makes his way to the garage. He had to move forward this was worth it. *

*Katie listens to Reese as she throws her bag into the van. Heaving a heavy sigh. She felt bad not filling Laura in on anything when she asked her to watch Domino. Laura was one of her best friend and hiding this hurt, but it had to be done.

Pulling her hoodie around her tighter to keep the cold chill out Katie stands by Jason. How would this end? Was time on there side with this?

For Scott.*

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