

Once a few preliminary instructions are passed around, the team is ready to head out. "Alright, gang." Reese slides in behind the steering wheel, Wyatt riding shotgun, and the rest piling into the back. Two seats would hold the team, while the back was left for equipment and spare room in case medical attention was required.

Jason slides in next to Katie in the back seat, giving a sigh, and trying to close out his emotions for now. He needed to stay focused...stay alert.

Kyle picks at his supper, his mind somewhere completely different.

Phil stares at him across the small kitchen table. The hamburger helper wasn't all that great, but it wasn't terrible either. "What's wrong?"

"Hmm?" Kyle looks up, shaken from his stare.

"I said what's wrong? You look a million miles away."

"Oh...I don't know." Kyle sighs and shrugs before stuffing forkful of noodles into his mouth. "Just thinking I guess."

Phil rolls his eyes. "I hope it's not about Misty breaking her date with you tonight."

Kyle gives him a wry grin. "Nah. I guess not. I know she works undercover sometimes and all...I'm just not used to not knowing where she is, or when she'll be back."

Phil studies his brother for a moment. "Worried about her?"

Kyle twirls his fork in his food. "Yeah. I guess I am."

"Well, she's in good hands. You know Reese wouldn't endanger his own."

"That's what they thought about Scott."

Phil stops eating and looks at his brother sternly. "Kyle, quit it. It's probably nothing. She'll be back in fine shape, alright? Stop worrying, or I'm gonna make you go mope somewhere else."

Kyle finally breaks into a weary smile. "Sorry."

"We got practice at Mike's in a while, so shape up."

"Yeah...and Jason won't be there either...neither will Katie."

"Think they're on the same case?"

"Too coincidental not to be."

"Well there you go then. Jason and Katie are there, so you know there are level heads. Now finish your food."

Kyle points his fork at his brother. "Keep ordering me around, you'll be wearing this noodle."

Phil grins. "No thanks."

Kyle pulls back his utensil, threatening him.

Phil grabs a napkin to hold up in front of him. "Oh no you don't."

The drive is long and fairly quiet. Though everyone has so much on their minds, it can only be rehashed so many times, so most fall to silence.

Road signs and state lines pass with the hours, Reese driving steadily. Pit stops are taken every two hours, and light meals are eaten on the go.

The sun eventually sinks down below the horizon, spreading red and golden colors across the sky in a brilliant display.

Sitting almost sideways in the backseat with his head against the window, Jason looks out at the sunset. One arm is tucked around Katie as they settle in for the night drive.

Funny how such beauty can exist while missions like ours do at the same time. It seems so... contradictory.

He watches the colors shift and meld together like an ever-changing painting. As he gazes upon it, his mind wanders to a subject he'd thought of a lot lately. Scott's parting message to him. It wasn't something that he liked to think about, but it always seemed to crop up in his mind. Especially at times like this, when he questioned the majesty of the sky without a God to have placed it there. And now... more than ever... if there really was a God, now was the time they could use some help.

"Alright... I don't know if you're real or not... or if you're all they say you are. But you seemed pretty important to Scott. If you are real and you can give us some help here so we can get Scott home safe... I'll look into this thing a little more. No promises, but... I'll be willing to at least take a look at a Bible or something."

A bump in the road makes his head bounce against the window and he cringes. Grabbing a spare blanket, he puts it behind his head, and sinks down farther in the seat. It was going to be a long night.

At ten o'clock, Wyatt takes over driving so Reese can sleep, and the drive goes on. His concentration doesn't waver, even though his mind wanders to a million places. Scott had been one of his close friends... the prospect of finding him alive was too much to hope for. He could only pray they weren't all setting themselves up for ultimate disappointment... and that they wouldn't be too late. "God, please bless this journey... I know Scott would be in the best place if he really were with you, but... it was so soon... and we all loved him as a friend. If it's your will, please let him still be alive, and please give us wisdom and speed so that we won't be too late."

Street lights pass by one after the other, one after the other. Early morning, Reese takes over the steering wheel again, Wyatt taking his turn at rest.

The rising sun hides behind a cloudbank that is steadily rolling in. Reese looks out the window frequently, tuning in to a weather station and wondering what they were in for. It was colder here, and the clouds looked full of moisture, whether it was just rain, or ice or snow. The van-load could only hope that the storm wasn't heading to the same destination they were.

Breakfast...lunch... supper was forgotten. Into Washington and beyond, their destination was too close now for anyone to want a meal. Reese takes charge of their directions, being the only one familiar with this territory. Driving, he holds the van steady, despite the cold wind that had come up. The sky was gray, having hidden the sun all day long. Now it was nearing evening, and the team is tense once again.

Driving through several cities, they finally arrive at what looks to be almost a ghost town. Not much is left, and few cars are seen. Very little traffic passes, and the atmosphere has an eerie stillness about it.

They sky going darker, Reese resists turning on the van's headlights, and eventually drives cautiously down a street that takes them past a large business building. The parking lot is huge, and a big lighted sign out front indicates a publishing company.

"Here it is, ladies and gentlemen," Reese informs.

Driving past, all have a good look at the lighted exterior. One would have to think long and hard to be able to know how to get in without being seen.

Heading a mile out of the way, then looping back around, Reese finds an old dirt trail that takes them up behind the building. Seen through the trees, several cars are leaving, indicating a finished workday.

Reese glances at his watch. It was six o'clock, and almost dark. He picks up his binoculars. "There are three doors on our side of the building and no windows. Two armed guards watch this end, while five are at the front. Our best bet is to find a way in this side."

He grabs the blueprints and passes them to the back. "Take a good look. We need to figure out how to get in, then from there, we're going to have to play it by ear. I'd like Katie, Jason and Nate to go in."

Wyatt looks up. "Not me?"

"No, I want you here for backup."

"But just sending three in..."

"Less to notice," Reese responds sternly. "The less attention, the better. There are only a dozen vehicles here. There aren't many people here right now. Going in unseen and actually meandering through the building without being spotted will require a small group."

Wyatt stands down, though isn't happy.

Jason looks through the binoculars. "We need a diversion. If we do it right, we'll have two guard uniforms at least."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "What kind of diversion?"

"How about taking out those lights above them?"

"Gunfire will alert the guards in the front, let alone set off who knows what kind of alarms."

"I wasn't talking about gunfire." Jason glances to Katie.
If I can take out those lights, that will startle them enough to give you something to draw on, and you can make them scared enough that sneaking up on them should be easy.

As if reading minds, the radio crackles with Rick's voice. "Let him do it, Reese. I'm not there, but if anyone can create a distraction it's Jason and Katie."

Reese looks back to Jason, Kate and Nate. "We have very little time. A new crowd will be coming in one hour. Can you do it?"

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