

*Nate watchs over Reese shoulder at the blueprints running his own finger along the outlines and differnt rooms. As if almost making a mentil map in his mind of the building. Than looking up he gets closer to the window squinting and looking out. Plans and actions running through his mind. Finally looking away Nate pulls his gun from the holster and checks it making sure that amo was in and in working condition. On every mission they went on Nate always hoped he wouldnt have to use him weapon more more times than not he needed too. Maybe that was the part of his job he hated the most.

Turning Nate looks at his two young friends. They both had powers no one could understand but in this situation it could be used for something good. Nate trusted them and new they new what they were doing. Even if no one alse could comprehend it.*

"I'm ready and I can help Jason sneek up on them."

*Katie takes the binoculars from Jason and looks out them for a moment studying the building.

I never tryed using my powers like that, but I see no problem in doing it.

Continuing to scan the area she takes note to everything that was around them and around the building. Making sure to leave nothing unturned. Giving a nod Katie looks to Jason, than Nate and than Reese.*

"Yeah I'm ready. I think this is out best bet at this point."

* Katie eyes held hope as her own nervouseness was pushed aside for now to be used later when she needed it.*

*Misty silently sits in the van and listens to everything that was going on around her. She was there to help if they needed it and to mend thoughs who would as well. Though no one said it Misty new in the back of her mind if Scott was alive he would need her and she was ready.*

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