
Cocolate... and peanut butter

Ryder was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the hall, Trooper keeping him company. He didn't feel he needed to be right there when Thirteen reappeared, but he didn't want her to feel lost either.

As the door opens, he looks up and studies Thirteen for just a moment. Receiving her smile and thanks, his own smile spreads on his face. "Well, whadya know..." He stands up, a slight teasing tone in his voice. "She's a girl after all." He gives her a wink to let her know he wasn't making fun - it was a complement, not a mocking phrase.

Nodding down the hall, he leads the way back to the spare room. "Come on. I talked it over with the big boss and this is going to be home for a little while." Opening the door, he lets her in first. While she'd been showering, he'd asked Sapphire to do him a favor. As a result, the smell of take-out fried chicken wafted in the air. The food was sitting on the small table by the bed - a meal for two. There was a small bowl of mashed-potatoes and gravy and water for both to drink.

"Figured after a long day like this you might be getting hungry." Ryder motions for her to sit if she wanted to. "Not home-cooked, but I have a feeling it's going to hit the spot."

Trooper follows them in, knowing what his duty was. Lying down near the foot of the bed, he keeps his head up, ever-watchful... for Thirteen and a handout if one should come his way.

A smile creases Reese's lips. "Do you know how long it's been since I've been to a movie?"

He stands up, tossing his pencil down and standing tall to stretch. "Mm... I do need a break, and getting out of here with you might just do the trick."

Coming around the desk he waits for Angelica to rise as well, and slings an arm over her shoulders, giving her a peck on the cheek. "If it weren't for you and Susanne, I would end up living here. Good thing I got you two around." He cocks his head to look at her as they walk. "Especially good that I got you."

Ironically, it was when he was tired that he was the most free with the way he talked and acted, every once in a while, a slight goofy nature coming through. It was rare... but Wyatt's sense of humor didn't necessarily come from his mother like everyone thought.

"Movie it is. And afterward... ice cream." Reese nods with his decision. "Chocolate... and peanut butter." His stomach rumbles. "Hmm... maybe we should do the ice cream first."

Laura curls up on her bed, staring at the window. Moonlight shown down through the clouds. But there was no one to share it with tonight. She had made the ultimate mistake, without even realizing it. Regardless, she was paying for it now. She glances to the phone and almost reaches for it, then stops, curling back up again. No... he wouldn't want to talk to her.

God... what am I supposed to do? I keep messing things up... I can't make up my mind... I'm scared... I'm foolish. What should I do?