
Hot Mad

Looking up from her work Rosetta lifted an eyebrow at Mick's tone and comment to her. He new where the request off was posted, and where Rosetta always keep the time sheet even if most of the hands worked the same shift each week.

"Well, the request sheet is over there along with the time sheet like normal so I would think each day you would look at it to see who was where so i don't have to remember to tell you everyday?"

Rosetta gives a small chuckle to show she wasnt to upset with Mick. He was always hot to start with, but Rosetta couldnt help but think he looked even better when he was a little upset. but she had though It was just easyer to write it all down for him to look. Between caring for BJ, work, and normal motherly dutys now

"I dont think you have stupid written all over your face today, only "Hi I am Mick, and Rosetta thinks I am hot when I am mad." How ever standing there and yelling at me, does make you looks stupid when I have no idea what on earth your talking about unless it has something to do with the fight you just had with Dan."

Rosetta looks to BJ who was coloring quietly in the corner before looking back to Mick again.

"BJ went to find you, but when he saw you arguing with Jade and Dan he came running back. Is everything ok?"


Jason returns the squeeze to Katie's hand. It was an odd feeling... but a good one. He couldn't feel her good emotions like she could his, but yet he knew they were there, intertwined within the unspoken language. It was a sharing of hearts... his emotions flowed to her, giving her more so she could give back again. Back and forth, seamlessly the emotions thrived, broken only when negative emotions were introduced to the flow. He wondered if they would ever be able to conquer it entirely, or if it would always be an untamed beast to be wrestled with.

His eyes meet hers and he realizes that he'd just shared all of that with her. The corner of his mouth crooks a little as he sits up and pulls her closer to him, kissing her forehead.

You don't have to thank me for anything. I'm glad I came... and I'd stay if I could. I'm looking forward to you being back home again too.

Mick grits his teeth against any more words that wanted to come. He felt like they were going in circles without anyone understanding what the other meant, just making the whole thing worse. He hadn't meant to talk down to Dan, and all he wanted to do later was make sure they straightened this whole mess out and get Dan to realize he was a respected ranch hand, while at the same time, a little reminder that Mick had the right to use whatever tone he wanted as boss couldn't hurt. But maybe things had been messed up too much for that now. How on earth had this started again?

Stepping back, he watches as Dan pulls away before groaning and tipping his hat back on his head. Looking up to the sky, he squints at the clouds. "It's days like these, I feel too old for this," he grumbles. So he'd been wrong... it hadn't been what he thought, then on top of it, Dan even had the rest of the day off without him having realized it, making him look even stupider.

Leaving the buckets where they were, Mick aims for the office. Getting inside, he's quick to find Rosetta at the desk. "Why didn't I know Dan had the rest of the day off?" He takes his hat off and slaps it down on the table with frustration. "Do I have stupid written all over my face today or what?"

As soon as he'd said it, he felt sorry. It was rare that he snapped at Rosetta, even rarer when it wasn't even her fault. Sinking down in a chair, he puts his elbows on the table to bury his face in his hands. "I'm sorry," he mumbles, his words muffled in his palms. He knew his wife would be totally clueless as to what had been going on outside. "When did things get so hard?"


"Than maybe you should watch your own tone when your talking to someone Mick. I never did anything wrong, and I dont know how you came to the conclusion you did but you could of come to be in a differnt way, with a different tone."

Dan hated how small he felt when he had done nothing wrong. Weather Mick was trying to find out what was going on with his daughter or not. Giving a shake of his head again Dan lets out a long sigh. What had he done to deserve this? He hadnt even done anything wrong.

"Thank you for giving me the rest of the day off, seeing as Rosetta had given it off to me already I planed on it anyways. As far as gaving a talk when I get back fine by me but I still didnt do anything wrong so I dont have anything to talk about."

Looking to Jade Dan's eyes held a look of hurt in them. He'd just tryed to do what was right and ended up some how getting in more trouble anyways. Putting the car into gear Dan start forward before anything else could be said. He was angry, he was frustrated and he was hurt He just had to get out of here for now.

Sitting down on the bed next to Jason Katie took his hand in her. It sucked they were parting again but Reese would only allow Jason so much time away but the good think about parting this time is they had there connection that made them feel close still.

"Tell him by the weeks end I will be back to work. I just want some more time to spend with my dad."

Giving Jason's hand a squeeze Katie gives him a big smile as she let her good emotions flow out to him.

Thank you for come J, and for everything else. I cant wait to be home and work side by side you again.

Wrong conclusion

Mick recoils slightly at Dan's tone and words. It takes him a moment to respond, his voice straining against his red-headed temper.

"Well, thank you for your answer, but first off, don't assume you know what I'd do if you'd been in trouble. Second, I have no idea why you think I'm treating you like a child or even disrespecting you. If I wanted to disrespect you, I wouldn't have called you on this. I've been accused of a lot of things, but rarely has it been for a lack of respect. I don't care if you're young enough to be my son - when you work here, I'll treat you like a man, whether I'm asking you to muck out a stall, or asking you to be honest about your relationship with my daughter."

Jade couldn't feel lower. She was mortified. She wanted the ground to swallow her up right then and there.

Mick is still looking Dan in the eye. "Now if you need fresh air, by all means, go get some. But when you come back, I think we need to have a little come to Jesus meeting, you and I."

"He didn't-"

Mick shoots a look in Jade's direction, warning her. "And if what he says is true, then you still need to tell me what's going on because I know dang well you're keeping something from me, and I'll be hanged if I'm going to be the brunt of secrecy."

Jade's eyes well up with tears, her anger not even tough enough to battle against the hurt. Spinning around, she starts quickly for the house.

Mick's eyes return to Dan. It was the righteous look of a father that shone in his stare. It wasn't an anger towards Dan, or even accusation. All he was trying to do was figure out what was bothering his daughter, help her, and keep her safe. He had drawn the wrong conclusion, apparently, and now didn't know what to think. Dan had just gotten in the way at the wrong time. "Don't worry about picking up the bill from the feedshop," he mentions. "You're taking the day off."

Jason zips up his duffel bag and sighs, looking around the bunkhouse. "Well... I think I got everything."

Flopping down on his back, on the bed, he looks over to Katie. "Reese will be happy to have me back by the morning... but he's gonna ask about you too. What do I tell him?"


Letting out a long sigh Dan continues back to the ranch. He didnt exspect Jade to understand, but maybe if she was mad at him this was the best way to make Mick not mad anymore. He could tell he was not happy to have him hanging around Jade and maybe he had good reason.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Jade, and this isnt about being on your side or not...its just..this is all I got right now, I need this, I am sorry."

Driving the rest of the way back Dan is quiet. He felt bad that Jade was mad at him, and he hated knowing that a friend he had just made now might be lost but if hadnt have braught her back than everything he said he learned and changed would of been a lie.

Letting Jade get out Dan was ready to pull off again once again making his way back into town but stops as Mick comes up once again. Listing to the two go back and forth Dan cringes. He hated seeing people fight and he couldnt help but feel a little responsible for this one weather it was or not.

Looking up as Mick comes over Dan cant help the color that comes to his face at the question. Now he did feel embarassed, and he felt a little aggravated himself now being accused of such a thing.

"If I was you would fire me anyways so I dont know what the point of telling me if I will lie you are going to fire me. Next I think its a little crazy you talk to me as if I am a child when I am not. I am your employee. I have dont nothing wrong I think a little respect on my part would be nice, frustrated or not."

Shaking his head Dan lets out another sigh. He wasnt a child, he had been through so much and he hated being talk to as if he was one but he had to remember he was talking with his boss and he needs to show some respect as well. Giving a shake of his head Dan lets out another sigh looking up at Mick again.

"Mick, I havent done anything with your daughter other than try to be her friend. She looked like something was bothering her today and needed some fresh air so I offered her a ride into town. Now we are back here again. If thats all you needed to do I'd like to go into town myself because I need some fresh air of my own."

Is there?

Jade looks quickly to Dan, not having thought he would take her back. Her jaw tightens as an irritation builds, heat rising to her face. "I guess nobody's on my side anymore. Maybe Grandma was right... I don't belong here."

Folding her arms, she takes up staring out the window again until the ranch comes into view once more. Why had she even come?

Taken back to the line of bunkhouses, Jade barely waits for the truck to stop before unbuckling and sliding out to the ground. She knew she wasn't treating Dan very well, but he'd been her one chance to get away, and now she didn't even have that. She keeps herself from throwing him a glare though - that might be too much.

Mick is carrying a couple buckets to the barn and stops, looking curiously at the truck just a few feet away. "Jade?"

She doesn't take time to shut the door before she turns to toss him an angry look. "I see you train your ranch hands well."

Mick lifts his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Neither one of you want me to go with him now. Apparently there's something wrong with me."

"There's not, but I'm glad Dan had the brains to bring you back," Mick retorts. "I think you and I need to have a talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is! You just deliberately disobeyed me, while still refusing to explain to me what's been going on."

"Nothing has been going on!"

"Then what's the problem?!"


Mick had had enough. If Jade wouldn't talk to him, he'd go to the source of his conclusions and this time be more blunt. Setting his buckets down, he takes several strides to the open truck. His expression was one of sheer irritation and frustration. "Dan, I want a straight answer and I want it now. You lie and you're out." He looks the younger man square in the eye. "Is there anything inappropriate going on between you and my daughter?"

I like that

Letting out a long sigh Dan stops the truck by the side of the road. They wernt farm from the ranch by now only 10 or 15 minutes out. Looking over are her Dan gives a small smile and reachs over to give her a pat on the hand.

"Last night, trust me I wasn't embarrassed. As for getting carried away, you were fine. I've been around worse, and I have handled worse. Don't worry about it ok?"

Letting out another sigh Dan starts the truck forward again but turns it around slowly. It would of been nice to have someone in town with him. Someone to talk to but not this way.

"We have to go back Jade. I'm sorry but If you dad said you couldnt come than I have to take you back. I can't risk my job. Its all I have. I am sure you dad has a good reason for you not coming with me, and I dont blame him. I'm sorry Jade."

Just waiting on the couch Thirteen picks at a hole in her pants as she waits for Ryder to come back. Finally as he returns she looks up at him her eyes holding a tired stair. Scooting closer Thirteen puts hear in his lap and closes her eyes. Ryder's words seemed to warm her and bring a small smile to her lips.

"You'll protect me...I...like that. I like being your girl. I dont want you to go away eather."

Feeling comfortable and relaxed Thirteen soon falls into a light sleep her body tired from everything that had happend in the day. Some sleep would help and when she woke maybe everything would be ok again.


Ryder's shoulders drop, the humor leaving the atmosphere. Looking at Thirteen, he saw the fear behind her eyes and it hurt. Today had been a lousy day and most of it had been his own fault. They were one step away from being right back at square one.

"I..." He stops, looking down at himself. He was still a mess. "Hang on... just... wait for me."

Heading upstairs two steps at a time, it takes him five minutes to be cleaned up and having clean clothes on, his muddy ones waiting to be washed.

Coming back into the living room, he pads across the carpet in his bare feet, coming around to sit on the couch with Thirteen. Reaching to the small end table, he deletes Reese's message. Sitting quietly for a moment, he the reaches over to tuck Thirteen's hair behind her ear. "I don't know about you, but I'm beat," he mentions softly. "Come here."

Scooting down until he was lying with the armrest as his pillow, he pulls Thirteen down to curl up with him, wrapping his strong arms around her. He would deal with Reese in his own time. "You're not going back to that room," he whispers. "And nobody is gonna send you away. Nobody takes my girl away from me."

Jade leans her head against the window, her tears finally stopped. It takes her several long moments to answer Dan though. There were so many things running through her mind. What was her dad supposed to think? She was hiding something from him. He'd just come to the wrong conclusion. "No... no he wasn't." She sighs deeply. "I've made a mess of everything."

Staring at the passing scenery, her stomach churns. Her dad's words echo in her mind. "Dan... I'm sorry if I got carried away last night." She wasn't normally like that, was she? She'd just wanted so bad to forget everything else, that maybe she'd been too bold. "If I embarrassed you, I'm sorry."