

Letting out a long sigh Dan continues back to the ranch. He didnt exspect Jade to understand, but maybe if she was mad at him this was the best way to make Mick not mad anymore. He could tell he was not happy to have him hanging around Jade and maybe he had good reason.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Jade, and this isnt about being on your side or not...its just..this is all I got right now, I need this, I am sorry."

Driving the rest of the way back Dan is quiet. He felt bad that Jade was mad at him, and he hated knowing that a friend he had just made now might be lost but if hadnt have braught her back than everything he said he learned and changed would of been a lie.

Letting Jade get out Dan was ready to pull off again once again making his way back into town but stops as Mick comes up once again. Listing to the two go back and forth Dan cringes. He hated seeing people fight and he couldnt help but feel a little responsible for this one weather it was or not.

Looking up as Mick comes over Dan cant help the color that comes to his face at the question. Now he did feel embarassed, and he felt a little aggravated himself now being accused of such a thing.

"If I was you would fire me anyways so I dont know what the point of telling me if I will lie you are going to fire me. Next I think its a little crazy you talk to me as if I am a child when I am not. I am your employee. I have dont nothing wrong I think a little respect on my part would be nice, frustrated or not."

Shaking his head Dan lets out another sigh. He wasnt a child, he had been through so much and he hated being talk to as if he was one but he had to remember he was talking with his boss and he needs to show some respect as well. Giving a shake of his head Dan lets out another sigh looking up at Mick again.

"Mick, I havent done anything with your daughter other than try to be her friend. She looked like something was bothering her today and needed some fresh air so I offered her a ride into town. Now we are back here again. If thats all you needed to do I'd like to go into town myself because I need some fresh air of my own."

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