
Is there?

Jade looks quickly to Dan, not having thought he would take her back. Her jaw tightens as an irritation builds, heat rising to her face. "I guess nobody's on my side anymore. Maybe Grandma was right... I don't belong here."

Folding her arms, she takes up staring out the window again until the ranch comes into view once more. Why had she even come?

Taken back to the line of bunkhouses, Jade barely waits for the truck to stop before unbuckling and sliding out to the ground. She knew she wasn't treating Dan very well, but he'd been her one chance to get away, and now she didn't even have that. She keeps herself from throwing him a glare though - that might be too much.

Mick is carrying a couple buckets to the barn and stops, looking curiously at the truck just a few feet away. "Jade?"

She doesn't take time to shut the door before she turns to toss him an angry look. "I see you train your ranch hands well."

Mick lifts his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Neither one of you want me to go with him now. Apparently there's something wrong with me."

"There's not, but I'm glad Dan had the brains to bring you back," Mick retorts. "I think you and I need to have a talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is! You just deliberately disobeyed me, while still refusing to explain to me what's been going on."

"Nothing has been going on!"

"Then what's the problem?!"


Mick had had enough. If Jade wouldn't talk to him, he'd go to the source of his conclusions and this time be more blunt. Setting his buckets down, he takes several strides to the open truck. His expression was one of sheer irritation and frustration. "Dan, I want a straight answer and I want it now. You lie and you're out." He looks the younger man square in the eye. "Is there anything inappropriate going on between you and my daughter?"

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