
Wen't human

*Turning around Rosetta looks at Jeff and shakes her head pointing a spoon at him.*

"And let me guess you stood there and laughed at him right?"

*Turning back around and gives one last stir Rosetta puts the spoon down and whipes her hands on the towle.*

"Well let hope that bean sprout in there dosn't eat it all before Mick comes in."

*Going to the cubord Rosetta pulls out some plates and grabs and extra one for Jeff along with BJ's frog plate. Setting the table she nods to the napkins behind Jeff.*

"I think he might eat us out of house and home. He's growing so fast."

*Rosetta gives a small chuckle and takes the napkins from Jeff placing them on the table.*

"But ya know, I wouldn't change it for the world Jeff. Except maybe not taking on cyclone. That horse I tell ya, and that husband of mine bless his heart and not giving up."

*Giving a smile Rosetta goes back to the stove and checks the dinner.*

"Oh, I won't let Mick know you told me."

*Rosetta gives a chuckle again.*

*Instead of sitting down right away Wes come up behind Cindy and wraps his arms around her resting his head on the top of hers for a moment. Than finally he goes to sit down kicking off his shoes.

Wes loved coming home to the house. It was hard to believe before he was married to Cindy he was living out of his shop in a small dirty room. How everything had changed for the best since than and how happy he was.*

*Most of the ride Katie is quiet just looking out the window. She didnt know what to say, she wasnt sure about anything. Not paying much mind to when Jason bumped her. It didn't bother her being close to him. As saspected the ride was long and quiet.

Once geting out of the taxi and standing in the drive way with her bag Katie is bombarded with memories of the last time she was here with Scott. She hadn't relized how much it would hit her till this moment. But through her own term oil Katie feels another. Turning and see Jason look at her and hearing his message Katie trys her best to push her own feeling away for now. She wanted to be there for her friend even just a little though she wasnt sure how much good even she could do.

Reaching out Katie takes Jason's hand and hold it for a moment trying her best to keep her own emotions at bay.

You can do this J. I know you can. Your mom will love you no matter what, Your sister is going to love you, Wes likes having you around. It's ok to be scaired. I would say you wernt human if you wernt.

Katie gives Jason's hand a gentil squeeze and starts forwards twords the ranch.

If you call me and let me know when its ok, I'll come and see Kaylee. I can come with you but I dont want to invade anything.*

Tell me

“Dang it!” Mick presses his hand into his other palm to stop the blood flow.

Jeff reaches out quickly to grab the leadrope of the young escaped horse, trying to calm the colt down. “Mick, you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Mick’s tone was exasperated as he grabs his bandana from his pocket. “Ripped right loose from me. I just got rope burn pretty bad.”

Jeff cringes. “Ouch.”

“Yeah, ouch,” Mick retorts sarcastically. “I don’t know why I said yes to taking on this brute.”

Jeff gets yanked forward as the colt starts misbehaving again. “I don’t know either.”

Mick uses his teeth to tie the bandana off around his palm, then goes to Jeff’s rescue, taking the rope again. “Well, he’s not going to get away with this one.”

Jeff quirks an eyebrow as he watches Mick head to the round wing with a longing whip. “Have fun.” Once out of earshot, he shakes his head, still talking. “And don’t get bucked off like yesterday…” He grimaces. Rosetta didn’t know about that one.

Sighing, he heads out of the barn to the mess hall, his stomach growling. Once inside, he grabs an apple off the table, and wanders to the kitchen where he sees Rosetta. Passing the toy room, he grins in on BJ. “Yo, Beej, my man! What up?!” After giving him a high-five, and commenting on a lego creation, he goes the rest of the way to the kitchen.

Seeing his sister, he smiles, taking a bite of his apple. “That husband of yours might be a little late for lunch. He’s out there with Cyclone again. Just got his palm tore up… but you didn’t hear it from me.”

Cindy laughs and takes the celery from Wes, pointing it at him. “Yes, Kaylee is sleeping, finally. I couldn’t get her down for anything this morning. But now I’m all set. Just sit down and let me get your lunch.”

She beams as she goes about preparing the noon meal. This is what she loved…this is what she’d always wanted. Being a mom had been her joy, but now, not having to work, and being able to really keep up a home, be a wife, and a mother again…blessing didn’t even cover it.

Jason gives a little grin at Katie, holding in a teasing comment. Now probably wasn’t the time to tease her about worrying.

“Alright, come on.” Leading the way, Jason heads to the exit of TJY, waving at a couple people on the way out. Once to his truck, he throws his bag in the backseat, waits for Katie, and they’re on their way.

The ride to the airport was quick. Phil and Mike would come get Jason’s pickup later today, then someone would give them a ride from the airport when they got back.

The plane was waiting, and all it takes is a walk to the steps and they’re in, settled, and before they know it, they’re in the air.

The ride is quiet… Jason keeps mostly to himself, doing his best to keep his rampant thoughts protected. Katie need not worry herself with his problems right now…his biggest one seeing his mom. There were things he needed to tell her that he had no idea how he was going to. Then there was seeing Kaylee…he wanted to… he really did… it just…felt…strange. Then again, underneath all that was that same growing, hated awkwardness he was feeling with Katie again. Would he ever feel right again?

Getting a taxi from the airport was easy. Sliding into the backseat with Katie, Jason accidentally bumps her with his knee. “Sorry,” he apologizes. His face reddens. Why, he didn’t know. This awkwardness shouldn’t even exist, and it was killing him. Glancing over to her, he gives her almost a cringe.

I’m sorry…just ignore me, alright?

Rolling his eyes at himself, he settles back in his seat and stares out the window. It would be a long ride.

…it was near suppertime when the taxi pulls up to the ranch driveway. Jason pays and holds Katie’s door for her, waiting until the car has pulled away to pick up his backpack again.

He stares down the drive. There were a few people moving around…he’d stay for just long enough to greet everyone, then would walk to his mom’s and Wes’. Why did he not want to move? Something just felt… he couldn’t put his finger on it. There would be a lot of talking… he had to face things… he had to experience new things… none was that bad… he would live through them all. They were just…hard.

I’m scared to face my mom…I’m scared to see my sister… I feel stupid for feeling scared.

He sighs and for a moment, turns to Katie, just looking at her.

Tell me I can do this… You will come later to see Kaylee too, right?

See them again

*Before Jason even reaches Katie cubicle she looks up, exspecting to see him. The last week had been rough and time still seemed to drag but Katie really was looking forward to going home. She missed the ranch more than ever, she miss her aunt and uncle she missed the open quiet country air and was looking forward to clearing her head there.

Finally as Jason arrives and leans over the cubicle Katie gives a nod and shuts her moniter off. Reaching for her bag she heaves a heavy sigh knowing she packed more than she needed but you never know what could happen.*

"I'm ready I think. I've already got my bag packed. I hope Wyatt remembers to take care of Domino...ah he should."

*Katie heaves a heavy sigh as she grabs her cell phone and puts it in her pocket along with her keys. She was going to leave her car at TJY and Jason was going to drive. Reese already new it was staying in the parking lot and was fine with it.*

"I'm just worrying to much. I know he will remember. I'm ready J. Lets get out of hear."

*Katie throws her backpack over her shoulder and starts to follow Jason out of TJY. One could only hope that the time away could heal the pain she felt inside. Mental, physical and emotional.*

*Wes can't help but smile at his wife as she gives him a hug and a kiss, returning it he cant help but put his arm around his wife as they walk back to the kitchen.*

"I'm starving for your good cooking."

*His smile grows bigger as he enters the kitchen and see everything has been prepaired for tonight. He was happy Jason was coming out. Cindy missed him dearly and it was a visit long over due.*

"My day was pretty slow. Now that its fall and moving into winter business is going to slow a little bit. Witch in a way is good. Mean I can spend more time with my family because I am sure Clint and Wendy can handle it."

*Leaning aganst the counter Wes pick at a peace of celery thats laying on the counter.*

"Is Kaylee sleeping? and can i do anything to help you hun?"

*Rosetta moves in and out of an empty bunk as she cleans it out for Katie. BJ running to and frow as he trys to catch a frog hopping in the grass.

Hearing from Austin what had happend to Scott Rosetta felt worse than ever for Katie. She was happy her neice was coming home and that maybe this could help her cop. She's been so happy and now to have that gone. It could only bring back memories not only that Katie lost someone dear but memories of when her mother and baby brother passed away as well. Rosetta could only hope she could make her neice feel at home once again.

Exiting the bunk Rosetta looks around the yard for a moment.*


*The small boy with firey red hair comes bounding around the courner with a frog in hand.*

"Look what I got mom....look what I got."

*Rosetta bends down to one keep and smiles at BJ as he holds the frog a warmth coming to her heart. Over the last month BJ had started called Rosetta and Mick mom and dad. It had felt strange at first but graduly Rosetta was getting use to it.

Ruffaling BJ's hair Rosetta smiles and shakes her head.*

"How about we let that frog go so you can chase him later and get dad for some lunch?"

*BJ smiles and squeels as the frog squirms in his finger tips till finally he lets go and takes Rosetta hand.*

"Is Katie coming today? Is her friend coming too?"

*Rosetta takes BJ's hand as they make there way to the dinning hall.*

"She will be here later and yes Jason is coming."

*BJ thinks for a moment and shakes his head.*

"No the other one I saw her kissing."

*Rosetta lets out a sigh as she relizes who BJ is talking about.*

"No hunny, Scott wont be coming. He lives in heaven now with Sam."

"Will we ever seen them again mom?"

"We will someday sweety we will."

*BJ and Rosetta disapear into the dineing hall BJ going to the toy room and Rosetta heading to the kitchen cooking up something for lunch.*


Carson watches Misty leave, a strange tug at his heart. He didn’t recognize it. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt it before. It made his feet want to follow her…yet he could not.

So he just stands, watching her walk away and join Kyle. But the words are whispered anyway. “See you soon…”

Turning, he pulls his jacket tighter around himself and ducks his head against the rain. It was a fair distance back to Mom and Pop’s. By the time he got back, he’d have just enough time to get into something dry before the evening rush. Maybe he’d call Jess later too…he felt like needing a distraction tonight.

Jason finds himself a little glad that Katie wants him to stay. Their lack of interaction just within the past few days had become a strange sensation, and at least able to be with her for a few minutes now seemed to ease the confused feelings just a little.

He places his hand over hers, just letting her sit…understanding her need to stay. He knew that Katie and Scott had been going through a rough time, and he’d figured out that they had probably decided to part ways. But their friendship had still been there…and love had still existed. Jason couldn’t imagine how Katie must feel now, to have lost that so suddenly.

Buried deeply enough to not be known to anyone else lay his own rampant feelings of this event, laced with emotions from other circumstances too. They confused him…a bewildering web of hurt, worry, fear, doubts, love… it was just writhing beneath the surface, begging to be sorted through, and Jason simply didn’t know how to do it. He didn’t know why he felt the way he did…he didn’t know why he did some of the things he did…he wasn’t understanding himself at all.

His mind reverts back to the night with Katie at Mom and Pop’s. He had denied her yet again. He’d justified it perfectly in his own mind. Yet he was still not at peace about any of it. He did have a longing…he did have a love…and yet he’d even lied about it once more when questioned point blank by Scott. What was his problem? Why was he continually messing things up even more? He didn’t understand…he didn’t know why his actions didn’t follow his heart anymore… he was frustrated that he couldn’t even figure himself out anymore.

And now…today…his best friend was hurting more than ever, and he didn’t even know how to comfort her. Not because he couldn’t be there…not because he couldn’t talk…but because of his ridiculous actions, he’d created this strange rift. It was a rift that had formed boundaries between them, that threw concern of appropriateness in their faces. Instead of just being able to be themselves, he’d stupidly made this tension himself, and now didn’t even know how to get rid of it.

Katie’s movements bring him back to the present, and he focuses on the dismal surroundings once more. He was getting cold, and the rain was soaking through to him.

Standing with her, he waits for her to finish, then catches her eye as she turns to leave. His emotions begged to form some sort of message and they were on the brink of being released, but instead, they all crumbled into a garbled heap.

Giving a little sigh, Jason stretches out his arm to put around Katie’s shoulders, walking her to his truck. I’ll give you a ride home.

“…yes, the files are here on my desk.” Jason rolls his eyes as he throws a couple things into his already-packed backpack.

Reese runs a finger down his notepad, following Jason around his office. “Well what about Brown’s…”

“I got that to him yesterday.” Jason stops and looks at him. “Reese…you’re the boss, remember? You’re in charge here. I think you can survive with me gone for a few days.”

“Yes, but…” Reese heaves a weary sigh. It had been a long week. Everything had been so topsy turvy after the case gone wrong, and now it had been several days after Scott’s funeral, and things were still a mess. They had a tech guy coming up from Arizona, but it wasn’t a permanent deal, and in the meantime, everything imaginable had been going wrong. All Reese wanted was some support around him, and now Jason and Katie were taking off for Texas. “I know, I know…you guys need the time off.”

“You can call,” Jason assures. “I was gonna say no communication, but after seeing you like this, I don’t have the heart.” He zips up his backpack. “I’ll have my cell phone with me.”

“What about Katie?”

Jason pauses, then shakes his head. “Don’t call her, Reese. She doesn’t need to be thinking about work right now.”

Reese purses his lips, brought back down a little bit. “Yeah…you’re right. I haven’t seen much of her.”

“Me either.” Saying that sounded a little strange, but it was true. Jason shrugs. “She’s been at Scott’s house a lot.”

“You think she’ll be okay?”

“Yeah.” Jason nods. “She will. She’s too tough not to be. It’ll just take a while.”

Reese cocks his head. “What about you?”

Jason shrugs again. “I’m always fine.”

Reese looks him in the eye skeptically, then gives his shoulder a pat. “Once a hotshot, always a hotshot. I know you better than that, but I won’t push it. Get out of here before I think of something else that I need.”

Jason grins a little and slings his backpack over his shoulder. “Wyatt’s taking care of Trooper and Domino…if he has trouble, have him call me.”

“What? I’m taking messages now too? You haven’t told him this?”

“Calm down!” Jason starts down the hall. “He’s out with Aerith right now, and I was just saying it so you didn’t worry when he complains.”

“Oh. Well why didn’t he tell me he was gone today?! Doesn’t anybody tell me anything anymore?”

Jason stops and turns for a moment. “Go…talk to Angelica or something to calm down, will ya?”

Reese bites his lip. It had been a long time since he’d felt this scatterbrained. “That bad, huh?”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Take an aspirin and call Rick in the morning.”

As Jason walks away, Reese throws up his hands. “I can’t help it that everybody is abandoning me!”

Jason gives a slight smile, heading onto the main floor. It was nearing noon…he was running just a little late.

Getting to Katie’s cubicle, he knocks on the wall and leans over the top. “Ready to go, Hero? Plane’s ready when we are.”

Carson runs a comb through his hair and takes one last look in the small mirror before tucking in his t-shirt and tightening his belt. He felt good…better than he had in a long time. His weight was about back down to where it used to be, his head and eyes were clear, and he was starting to regain some confidence that maybe things would eventually look up.

His morning jogs had helped. He’d finally gotten used to it again, and now had three different routes he took. Usually it was twice a week that he wound up passing by Misty’s. It never failed that he had an urge to stop, but of course, he never did. Companionship was satisfied though, in the afternoons and evenings when Jess would come by Mom and Pop’s. Carson enjoyed the company, and found her presence something he not only appreciated, but simply liked as well.

Heading to the kitchen, he swings the door open and grabs for an apron. “Morning, Herb. What do we got going today?”

Cindy bustles around the kitchen, stirring, pouring and baking. The house was clean, Kaylee was fed, changed and asleep, the laundry was done, and now supper was almost ready to throw in the oven later in the day.

She wipes the sweat from her brow then stops and smiles as she hears Wes come in the back door. It was close to noon, and he was probably hungry for lunch.

Meeting him in the entryway, she greets him by throwing her arms around him and pressing her lips to his. Drawing back, she smiles, her eyes sparkling. “Hi. Hungry? I got your lunch, and I got everything ready for when Jason gets here, and..” She stops, realizing she’s chatting excitedly, and giggles. “Sorry…” She was so thrilled to know her son was coming, that it was hard to hold it in. “Have a good morning in the shop?”

Little longer

*Misty gives a small nod of the head. She felt strange standing here talking to Carson but in times like this it can make you relize you have to make good, and stop being angry at someone before its to late.*

" I'm glad your taking care of yourself."

*Misty looks down for a moment before looking back up again and searching Carson's eyes. Dispite the pain, and the hurt that was still there a small spark twinkled and Misty couldnt help but smile. She wanted Carson to be ok, she wanted him to be happy in a healthy way.*

"Breakfest sounds good, as long as your cooking it. I guess I'll see you soon than."

*With that Misty turns and heads back to Kyle. She had made the first step in moving on from the past.

Giving a nod to Kyle and a smile she signls she is read to go now.*

*Katie sits as the rain still falls, her tear mixed in so it was hard to tell if it was the rain or not that wet her face. Feeling a drawing emotion, almost as if a pulse Katie knows before Jason even speeks he was close behind her.

As Kate feels Jason's emotion comfort she soaks it in like a spunge not even sure if she herself wanted it, but she took it in anyways. With something like this Katie wasnt sure what to do or how to act. She felt alone, she felt sad, and she didnt know how to relay it.

As Jason takes a knee next to Katie she finally turns her head to look at him, the rain causing her to squint her eyes to keep it out. Though feeling alone, it was nice having someone next to her that new how she was feeling without her having to try and explain. Katie really didnt want to be close to anyone at the moment, but she didnt want to feel this alone eather. Finally she musters the strangth to reply to Jason.

Please don't go.

Katie's hand reachs out and lays gently on Jason's leg as she rests her head on it.

Just for a little while longer I want to sit here. Just a little longer.

Katie's tears had stoped for now, and her heart still ached. She wasn't sure how to move on from here or what to do. So many things ran through Katie's mind not langing on one. but trying her best Katie keeps them underwrap as to not drive anyone crazy. Just leaning on Jason taking in his comfort Katie tryed to feel better.

A little while longer had passed and Katie lifted her head from Jason. It was starting to get even colder now and though Katie didnt want to leave she new she should. Giving Jason's leg a pat she starts to stand.

I'm ready to go now.

Even Katie's mentil messages seemed to lack the excitment and lift they always showed and she new it but she just didn't feel like being excited at the moment.

Leaning back down again Katie takes the small flower she had been holding and lays it ontop of the fresh dirt. Heaving a heavy sigh a few more tears spring forth.*

"Rest in peace Hun. I won't forget you."

*Turning and giving a small nod to Jason, Katie lets him know she is ready.*

Your choice

Carson sees Misty approach, and for a moment, thinks that there must be someone nearby that she's aiming for, and almost steps out of the way. But as she speaks to him, he realizes that he was her destination.

Caught off guard, it takes a moment for anything to register, and she's almost ready to leave again. He fumbles for the right words to say.

"I...I thought I should come." He gives a little shrug. "It was the best I could do…not much a bloke can do, who’s broke, living in the back of a restaurant." It was meant to be a joke, but he knows how pathetic it must sound, and makes him feel all the more awkward.

"...But at least Herb's keeping me out of trouble." Another bad choice of a comment. Someone like him really did need someone to keep him out of trouble. He gives a little sigh, his eyes traveling to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, he looks back up again, regaining his composure. "Yeah...I'll take care of myself. For once...I will." He searches Misty's eyes for a moment, in the background, seeing Kyle's figure. "Take care of yourself too, huh? You guys come in for breakfast sometime...it's been kinda quiet in the mornings."

As Jason nears his truck, he reaches for the door handle, but turns around once more. His eyes catch sight of Katie, sending another lurch to his heart. Why he felt so awkward, he didn’t know. He just didn’t know how to offer any kind of comfort, and honestly, didn’t even know if Katie really wanted it anyway. He didn’t know if she’d rather grieve alone or with someone else.

Words had been few between them since the accident. Silent communication had been nothing. Neither had shut out the other, but it was close to it. Both hurting, it was hard to know what to say or when to say it. And on top of all that, Jason was still dealing with buried emotions that were in such turmoil now that it almost hurt to continue keeping them locked away. The current situation just compounded his own confusion with what he was feeling… he just wanted it to all be right again. Why did things have to be so hard?

Giving a sigh, Jason opens his door and puts a foot inside. But he just couldn’t do it. Groaning at himself, he shuts the door again. Stuffing his keys back in his pocket, he turns around and heads back to the gravesite.

He bends his head against the rain and approaches Katie slowly from behind. Standing behind her for a moment, he knows he doesn’t have to announce his presence.

A gentle package of comforting emotions is offered, whether wanted or not, and left to drift, its purpose to be felt as an arm around a shoulder.

Finally Jason moves beside Katie and goes to one knee next to her, following her gaze to the grave. I’ll leave if you want me to… but I’m here for as long as you want, too.


*Continuing to watch TV as Cindy drifted to sleep in his arms Wes mind was lost in though. Sometimes when something like this happened it really proved how fragile life can be and reminded those that no hour should be taken for granted because you never know when there will be no tomorrow.

As the show ends Wes looks down at his sleeping wife brushing a strand of hair from her face. Giving a smile Wes shuts off the tv and shift slightly. Taking Cindy in his arms he lifts her from the couch and carrys her to the bedroom. Laying her down gently Wes pulls the blankets up and over Cindy leaning down to give her a kiss on the forhead.

Exiting the bedroom again Wes makes his way down the hall just a little bit and opens the door. Walking over to the crib he leans down and watchs Kaylee sleep for a moment running his hand over the small baby's head as she slept. After making sure Kaylee was asleep and comfortable Wes makes his way back to the bedroom sliping quietly under the covers and draping his arm over Cindy holding her tight as her drifted to sleep.*

*Seeing Wyatt's tears Aerith reaches out and puts her arms around Wyatt offering him as much comfort as she could. She new first hand how losing someone could feel.*

"Hey, It's never fair when we lose someone, sometimes its unexspected, but God had his reasons. He new it was Scott's time to come home for one reason or another. Even if it is hard don't lose faith that this was part of a bigger plan."

*Aerith sits with Wyatt as long as he needs offering as much comfort as she could. Her heart went out for Wyatt, Scott's family and anyone who was close to him. Her own heart having an ach in it.*

*Pulling the blankets up under her chin Katie lets out a tired sigh. The tears still made there presence known but for now they had slowed down. Wrapping her arm around Domino who was snuggled in next to her Katie gives her a kiss on the head and snuggles her face into Domino's fer keeping her other arm close to her face where she could feel Scott sweatshirt on her skin. Minutes seem like hours as Katie stairs into the dark, and memories, voices, faces flow through her mind till finally she drifts off to sleep.*

*As Jamie is lifted up off the coutch she wraps her arms around Con's neck letting out a tired waking sound before laying her head on his shoulder. Once placed into bed Jamie turns to face Con now as she is awake. Running a hand down Con's face she gives just a tiny smile though her own heart hurt.*

"I love you Con."

*Snugging close to Con Jamie closes her eyes again trying to clear her mind once more to sleep. But memories filled once more as sleep would probely not come soon tonight.*

And so it goes once again that time seems to pass just as it always does, but to those who had to face each day without there friend now it seemed to just move slow. Than finally the dreaded day comes, and what you thought maybe was a dream is confermed as reality...and so life for some goes on.

*As the others start to move away from the group Katie stays put. The tears from her eyes giving wormth to her face through the cold air. Katie didn't want to move, she didnt want to get up, she didn't want to do anything but sit there. Though the last week She had been dealing with Scott's death slowly the depression she was experinsing lingered and held on.

Most of her time was spent at Scott's empty house with Domino. Katie had even braught some of her things from Laura's. Some might say she was only harming herself and torchering herself, but for Katie she just wanted to be close to Scott again and this was the only way how.

Still sitting on the ground the rain starts to gently fall but it didnt faze Katie one bit. For now, this was where she would say as she said her own goodbye to someone who had ment so much.*

*Sapphire starts to slowly walk away from the cemeitary with her parents on eather side. Though her eyes didn't so many tears, her heart was drownding in them. She would miss her twin, but some comfort was found in the fact that she would see Scott again one day.*

*Misty slowly makes her way back with Kyle. Her heart was heavy and hurt. Looking and seeing Carson Misty is stuned for a moment. Giving Kyle arm a pat for a moment she lets him knwo she will be right back.

Slowly making her way over to Carson Misty trys to offer a smile though her eyes prove this was hard for her in more than one way.*

"Hey, I think it was nice of you to come Carson."

*Not sure what alse to say Misty offers a small smile again.*

"Take car of yourself."