
Tell me

“Dang it!” Mick presses his hand into his other palm to stop the blood flow.

Jeff reaches out quickly to grab the leadrope of the young escaped horse, trying to calm the colt down. “Mick, you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Mick’s tone was exasperated as he grabs his bandana from his pocket. “Ripped right loose from me. I just got rope burn pretty bad.”

Jeff cringes. “Ouch.”

“Yeah, ouch,” Mick retorts sarcastically. “I don’t know why I said yes to taking on this brute.”

Jeff gets yanked forward as the colt starts misbehaving again. “I don’t know either.”

Mick uses his teeth to tie the bandana off around his palm, then goes to Jeff’s rescue, taking the rope again. “Well, he’s not going to get away with this one.”

Jeff quirks an eyebrow as he watches Mick head to the round wing with a longing whip. “Have fun.” Once out of earshot, he shakes his head, still talking. “And don’t get bucked off like yesterday…” He grimaces. Rosetta didn’t know about that one.

Sighing, he heads out of the barn to the mess hall, his stomach growling. Once inside, he grabs an apple off the table, and wanders to the kitchen where he sees Rosetta. Passing the toy room, he grins in on BJ. “Yo, Beej, my man! What up?!” After giving him a high-five, and commenting on a lego creation, he goes the rest of the way to the kitchen.

Seeing his sister, he smiles, taking a bite of his apple. “That husband of yours might be a little late for lunch. He’s out there with Cyclone again. Just got his palm tore up… but you didn’t hear it from me.”

Cindy laughs and takes the celery from Wes, pointing it at him. “Yes, Kaylee is sleeping, finally. I couldn’t get her down for anything this morning. But now I’m all set. Just sit down and let me get your lunch.”

She beams as she goes about preparing the noon meal. This is what she loved…this is what she’d always wanted. Being a mom had been her joy, but now, not having to work, and being able to really keep up a home, be a wife, and a mother again…blessing didn’t even cover it.

Jason gives a little grin at Katie, holding in a teasing comment. Now probably wasn’t the time to tease her about worrying.

“Alright, come on.” Leading the way, Jason heads to the exit of TJY, waving at a couple people on the way out. Once to his truck, he throws his bag in the backseat, waits for Katie, and they’re on their way.

The ride to the airport was quick. Phil and Mike would come get Jason’s pickup later today, then someone would give them a ride from the airport when they got back.

The plane was waiting, and all it takes is a walk to the steps and they’re in, settled, and before they know it, they’re in the air.

The ride is quiet… Jason keeps mostly to himself, doing his best to keep his rampant thoughts protected. Katie need not worry herself with his problems right now…his biggest one seeing his mom. There were things he needed to tell her that he had no idea how he was going to. Then there was seeing Kaylee…he wanted to… he really did… it just…felt…strange. Then again, underneath all that was that same growing, hated awkwardness he was feeling with Katie again. Would he ever feel right again?

Getting a taxi from the airport was easy. Sliding into the backseat with Katie, Jason accidentally bumps her with his knee. “Sorry,” he apologizes. His face reddens. Why, he didn’t know. This awkwardness shouldn’t even exist, and it was killing him. Glancing over to her, he gives her almost a cringe.

I’m sorry…just ignore me, alright?

Rolling his eyes at himself, he settles back in his seat and stares out the window. It would be a long ride.

…it was near suppertime when the taxi pulls up to the ranch driveway. Jason pays and holds Katie’s door for her, waiting until the car has pulled away to pick up his backpack again.

He stares down the drive. There were a few people moving around…he’d stay for just long enough to greet everyone, then would walk to his mom’s and Wes’. Why did he not want to move? Something just felt… he couldn’t put his finger on it. There would be a lot of talking… he had to face things… he had to experience new things… none was that bad… he would live through them all. They were just…hard.

I’m scared to face my mom…I’m scared to see my sister… I feel stupid for feeling scared.

He sighs and for a moment, turns to Katie, just looking at her.

Tell me I can do this… You will come later to see Kaylee too, right?

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