
Wen't human

*Turning around Rosetta looks at Jeff and shakes her head pointing a spoon at him.*

"And let me guess you stood there and laughed at him right?"

*Turning back around and gives one last stir Rosetta puts the spoon down and whipes her hands on the towle.*

"Well let hope that bean sprout in there dosn't eat it all before Mick comes in."

*Going to the cubord Rosetta pulls out some plates and grabs and extra one for Jeff along with BJ's frog plate. Setting the table she nods to the napkins behind Jeff.*

"I think he might eat us out of house and home. He's growing so fast."

*Rosetta gives a small chuckle and takes the napkins from Jeff placing them on the table.*

"But ya know, I wouldn't change it for the world Jeff. Except maybe not taking on cyclone. That horse I tell ya, and that husband of mine bless his heart and not giving up."

*Giving a smile Rosetta goes back to the stove and checks the dinner.*

"Oh, I won't let Mick know you told me."

*Rosetta gives a chuckle again.*

*Instead of sitting down right away Wes come up behind Cindy and wraps his arms around her resting his head on the top of hers for a moment. Than finally he goes to sit down kicking off his shoes.

Wes loved coming home to the house. It was hard to believe before he was married to Cindy he was living out of his shop in a small dirty room. How everything had changed for the best since than and how happy he was.*

*Most of the ride Katie is quiet just looking out the window. She didnt know what to say, she wasnt sure about anything. Not paying much mind to when Jason bumped her. It didn't bother her being close to him. As saspected the ride was long and quiet.

Once geting out of the taxi and standing in the drive way with her bag Katie is bombarded with memories of the last time she was here with Scott. She hadn't relized how much it would hit her till this moment. But through her own term oil Katie feels another. Turning and see Jason look at her and hearing his message Katie trys her best to push her own feeling away for now. She wanted to be there for her friend even just a little though she wasnt sure how much good even she could do.

Reaching out Katie takes Jason's hand and hold it for a moment trying her best to keep her own emotions at bay.

You can do this J. I know you can. Your mom will love you no matter what, Your sister is going to love you, Wes likes having you around. It's ok to be scaired. I would say you wernt human if you wernt.

Katie gives Jason's hand a gentil squeeze and starts forwards twords the ranch.

If you call me and let me know when its ok, I'll come and see Kaylee. I can come with you but I dont want to invade anything.*

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