
See them again

*Before Jason even reaches Katie cubicle she looks up, exspecting to see him. The last week had been rough and time still seemed to drag but Katie really was looking forward to going home. She missed the ranch more than ever, she miss her aunt and uncle she missed the open quiet country air and was looking forward to clearing her head there.

Finally as Jason arrives and leans over the cubicle Katie gives a nod and shuts her moniter off. Reaching for her bag she heaves a heavy sigh knowing she packed more than she needed but you never know what could happen.*

"I'm ready I think. I've already got my bag packed. I hope Wyatt remembers to take care of Domino...ah he should."

*Katie heaves a heavy sigh as she grabs her cell phone and puts it in her pocket along with her keys. She was going to leave her car at TJY and Jason was going to drive. Reese already new it was staying in the parking lot and was fine with it.*

"I'm just worrying to much. I know he will remember. I'm ready J. Lets get out of hear."

*Katie throws her backpack over her shoulder and starts to follow Jason out of TJY. One could only hope that the time away could heal the pain she felt inside. Mental, physical and emotional.*

*Wes can't help but smile at his wife as she gives him a hug and a kiss, returning it he cant help but put his arm around his wife as they walk back to the kitchen.*

"I'm starving for your good cooking."

*His smile grows bigger as he enters the kitchen and see everything has been prepaired for tonight. He was happy Jason was coming out. Cindy missed him dearly and it was a visit long over due.*

"My day was pretty slow. Now that its fall and moving into winter business is going to slow a little bit. Witch in a way is good. Mean I can spend more time with my family because I am sure Clint and Wendy can handle it."

*Leaning aganst the counter Wes pick at a peace of celery thats laying on the counter.*

"Is Kaylee sleeping? and can i do anything to help you hun?"

*Rosetta moves in and out of an empty bunk as she cleans it out for Katie. BJ running to and frow as he trys to catch a frog hopping in the grass.

Hearing from Austin what had happend to Scott Rosetta felt worse than ever for Katie. She was happy her neice was coming home and that maybe this could help her cop. She's been so happy and now to have that gone. It could only bring back memories not only that Katie lost someone dear but memories of when her mother and baby brother passed away as well. Rosetta could only hope she could make her neice feel at home once again.

Exiting the bunk Rosetta looks around the yard for a moment.*


*The small boy with firey red hair comes bounding around the courner with a frog in hand.*

"Look what I got mom....look what I got."

*Rosetta bends down to one keep and smiles at BJ as he holds the frog a warmth coming to her heart. Over the last month BJ had started called Rosetta and Mick mom and dad. It had felt strange at first but graduly Rosetta was getting use to it.

Ruffaling BJ's hair Rosetta smiles and shakes her head.*

"How about we let that frog go so you can chase him later and get dad for some lunch?"

*BJ smiles and squeels as the frog squirms in his finger tips till finally he lets go and takes Rosetta hand.*

"Is Katie coming today? Is her friend coming too?"

*Rosetta takes BJ's hand as they make there way to the dinning hall.*

"She will be here later and yes Jason is coming."

*BJ thinks for a moment and shakes his head.*

"No the other one I saw her kissing."

*Rosetta lets out a sigh as she relizes who BJ is talking about.*

"No hunny, Scott wont be coming. He lives in heaven now with Sam."

"Will we ever seen them again mom?"

"We will someday sweety we will."

*BJ and Rosetta disapear into the dineing hall BJ going to the toy room and Rosetta heading to the kitchen cooking up something for lunch.*

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