

*Continuing to watch TV as Cindy drifted to sleep in his arms Wes mind was lost in though. Sometimes when something like this happened it really proved how fragile life can be and reminded those that no hour should be taken for granted because you never know when there will be no tomorrow.

As the show ends Wes looks down at his sleeping wife brushing a strand of hair from her face. Giving a smile Wes shuts off the tv and shift slightly. Taking Cindy in his arms he lifts her from the couch and carrys her to the bedroom. Laying her down gently Wes pulls the blankets up and over Cindy leaning down to give her a kiss on the forhead.

Exiting the bedroom again Wes makes his way down the hall just a little bit and opens the door. Walking over to the crib he leans down and watchs Kaylee sleep for a moment running his hand over the small baby's head as she slept. After making sure Kaylee was asleep and comfortable Wes makes his way back to the bedroom sliping quietly under the covers and draping his arm over Cindy holding her tight as her drifted to sleep.*

*Seeing Wyatt's tears Aerith reaches out and puts her arms around Wyatt offering him as much comfort as she could. She new first hand how losing someone could feel.*

"Hey, It's never fair when we lose someone, sometimes its unexspected, but God had his reasons. He new it was Scott's time to come home for one reason or another. Even if it is hard don't lose faith that this was part of a bigger plan."

*Aerith sits with Wyatt as long as he needs offering as much comfort as she could. Her heart went out for Wyatt, Scott's family and anyone who was close to him. Her own heart having an ach in it.*

*Pulling the blankets up under her chin Katie lets out a tired sigh. The tears still made there presence known but for now they had slowed down. Wrapping her arm around Domino who was snuggled in next to her Katie gives her a kiss on the head and snuggles her face into Domino's fer keeping her other arm close to her face where she could feel Scott sweatshirt on her skin. Minutes seem like hours as Katie stairs into the dark, and memories, voices, faces flow through her mind till finally she drifts off to sleep.*

*As Jamie is lifted up off the coutch she wraps her arms around Con's neck letting out a tired waking sound before laying her head on his shoulder. Once placed into bed Jamie turns to face Con now as she is awake. Running a hand down Con's face she gives just a tiny smile though her own heart hurt.*

"I love you Con."

*Snugging close to Con Jamie closes her eyes again trying to clear her mind once more to sleep. But memories filled once more as sleep would probely not come soon tonight.*

And so it goes once again that time seems to pass just as it always does, but to those who had to face each day without there friend now it seemed to just move slow. Than finally the dreaded day comes, and what you thought maybe was a dream is confermed as reality...and so life for some goes on.

*As the others start to move away from the group Katie stays put. The tears from her eyes giving wormth to her face through the cold air. Katie didn't want to move, she didnt want to get up, she didn't want to do anything but sit there. Though the last week She had been dealing with Scott's death slowly the depression she was experinsing lingered and held on.

Most of her time was spent at Scott's empty house with Domino. Katie had even braught some of her things from Laura's. Some might say she was only harming herself and torchering herself, but for Katie she just wanted to be close to Scott again and this was the only way how.

Still sitting on the ground the rain starts to gently fall but it didnt faze Katie one bit. For now, this was where she would say as she said her own goodbye to someone who had ment so much.*

*Sapphire starts to slowly walk away from the cemeitary with her parents on eather side. Though her eyes didn't so many tears, her heart was drownding in them. She would miss her twin, but some comfort was found in the fact that she would see Scott again one day.*

*Misty slowly makes her way back with Kyle. Her heart was heavy and hurt. Looking and seeing Carson Misty is stuned for a moment. Giving Kyle arm a pat for a moment she lets him knwo she will be right back.

Slowly making her way over to Carson Misty trys to offer a smile though her eyes prove this was hard for her in more than one way.*

"Hey, I think it was nice of you to come Carson."

*Not sure what alse to say Misty offers a small smile again.*

"Take car of yourself."

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