
Goodbye, Scott

Cindy nestles in closer to Wes, her tears still coming, but his words bringing comfort. She knew he was right...it was just hard sometimes.

Letting his warm embrace calm her down, she just stays in his arms until she's drifted to sleep.

Wyatt feels Aerith beside him, and feels her hand to his back, but it's still several minutes before he lifts his head. He reaches for the water, but just spins it on the table for a moment. Though tears are absent, the sorrow lingers.

"We were out on a case today..."

Carson stands at the counter, a glass in hand. He didn't want to eavesdrop, but he did want to know if something had happened to anyone he knew. Unfortunately, it had.

Wyatt pauses before proceeding. "...There was a bomb we didn't know about. Scott didn't come back." He takes a sip of water, then sets the glass back down, his emotions finally getting the best of him. Sinking back in the seat, he stares up at the ceiling as a tear eventually escapes to run down his cheek. "He didn't deserve that, Aerith...it wasn't fair. He shouldn't even have been out there, but we were told it was safe. ...he was a good friend."

Carson's heart sinks, and he stops his work for a few moments. He'd heard enough. Scott was dead. How? What kind of a case could go so wrong? Why had Scott even been there?

Carson retreats to the kitchen, trying to finish up his work. It didn't seem real. He'd never been close to Scott...the only person he'd been close to at all at TJY had been Misty. But he'd known Scott as a good guy...had a good head on his shoulders...he'd been good to Katie too. And now...

He sighs, tossing his towel over a rack. Life just wasn't fair.

Con lets Katie bury herself in his lap, and just lets her cry. "Shh...it's okay," he comforts quietly. "You'll be okay...I promise... I know it hurts...I know." He rubs her back gently, eventually moving around so he can be more comfortable too, and allowing Domino to come back close and curl up with Katie again.

Finally it's getting late, and Con can feel Kate's breathing relaxed some. He's not sure if she's asleep or not, but knows she must be exhausted either way. He needed to get home... he didn't like leaving Katie, but he knew for now she would be okay.

Moving gently, he slides off the bed and pulls a blanket up over Katie, making sure Domino stays put too. "Watch out for her," he directs, giving the little dog a pat. He stands for a moment and looks at Katie with sympathy. "Sleep, Kat... rest."

Quietly he leaves, locking up behind him before heading home. Arriving, the porch light greets him, and he enters the house softly. Seeing Jamie asleep on the couch, he picks up her open Bible before she drops it, and sets it on the end table. Shedding his jacket and shoes, he leans down and lifts her into his arms, kissing her forehead lightly. "Come on," he whispers. "You're gonna get a crick in your neck if you sleep out here."

Managing to turn the light off while still holding her, he carries her to bed. He knew he wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight though...his mind was still far too full.

When someone we care about is gone, sometimes it's as though a fog has descended on our souls. We want so desperately to break free and be happy again, but the loneliness just seems to hold on tight, unwilling to let go. Time seems lethargic, and what happens around us just seems to be a big blur. We talk to others and nod and maybe smile, but all the while, our insides are still mourning...still grieving.

It was chilly. The sky was overcast with a thick layer of gray clouds and a cold mist fell. The cemetery was dark and dismal. Low thunder rumbled in the distance.

The gathering was larger than one might expect on a day like today, and perhaps one might be surprised to see as many turn out for one's funeral who seemed to have impacted only his small corner. But the truth was seen now, that the one who they had all gathered to remember, had touched more lives than realized.

"...he was a hard worker...a good man...a good friend." Reese bravely stands before the small crowd. He'd been asked to speak. He hadn't wanted to, but had known his duty. He looked at those from TJY...he saw friends and family...he saw those outside of TJY who he didn't even know. It was hard to know what to say. "...most importantly, he was a child of God. And those of us who know God ourselves, know that this was not the end for Scott, but only the beginning. Not only is he alive and well and better than ever, but what he has left with us lives on as well. His kindness...his laughter...his big heart..."

Jason stands to the side of the group, hunched over, like the rest, under the determined drizzle. Reese's words seemed to bounce off his eardrums, not to be understood. His mind was too busy pulling out pictures of the past to focus on today.

The last few days had been rough. TJY had been in a quiet state of chaos, the inner turmoil running rampant. Things had gone wrong with equipment constantly, only serving to make the situation and sorrow all the worse. Jason had hibernated in his office most of the time. He'd talked to few people and hadn't even seen Katie much. He didn't know what to say to her... he wanted to say something... he wanted to offer some kind of comfort... she'd seemed so lost... but he just didn't know what to say or how he could even help.

The rest of JetStream is nearby too, present for the memory of their friend. Kyle bridges the space between Mike and his siblings, and Misty, feeling the pressure of both worlds that had been effected by Scott's passing.

Apart from the group and farther to the back, Carson stands as well. He didn't feel a part of any groups there, but had had enough respect for Scott to come. It seemed strange...he saw so many faces he knew...so many he used to be able to just walk up to and talk to...he saw Misty... yet under these circumstances, there was really no longing to stay and talk.

As the short service ends and the remains of the body are buried, the attendees begin to drift in their own directions once more. The mist had turned into a light rain, and the temperature was cold enough one could see their own breath.

Jason trudges toward his truck, not looking forward to the rest of the day. He'd be going back to work. There wasn't much else for him to do. Though he did need to talk with Katie sometime about their trip to Texas. As far as he knew, she still wanted to go...and he knew he needed to. He'd put it off long enough... though admitting some things to his mother was going to just be all the harder after so much time had passed.

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