

*As Cindy sinks down next to Wes he wraps his arms around her. Only part of the conversationwas hurd but it was enough for Wes to know what was going on. It was always hard to hear of the passing of someone and it was even harder when it was unexspected by an accedent. Wes think's back to the days when he was in the army. How many times was he the one who had to go to his friends home and tell them there loved ones would not be back. It was a curle hard cicle that would never end as long as there was hatread in the world.

Pulling Cindy in even more so she is close to him Wes holds her resting his own head on top of hers offering the comfort he could.*

"I know you hate it Hun, and when something like this happend it can really slap you in the face and show what could happen to anyone. God will keep Jason safe Cindy...."

*Wes tilts her head to look into her eyes.*

"....think of now, don't look to far ahead. God has a reason for everything, lean on him and know he wont give you anything you can't handle."

*Wes squeezed Cindy again and just holds her. His own heart acked for the loss though he didn't know Scott all that well he new him enough that it stung to think he was gone.*

*Looking up from her desk Angelica's eyes meet Reese's. She had hurd what had happend, and it was hard to believe. Hearing the invatation Angelica looks down at her paper work for a moment. She had so much to do, three differnt cases she was working on, but looking back up at Reese and searching his eyes she knows he need someone right now and that was more impotant.*

"I'd love that."

*Truth be told though on the outside she looked fine, on the inside she was crying for the loss of someone who was important.

Standing Angelica grabs her jack and heads twords the door as she gives Reese a small smile and placing a hand on his arm as they exited the room.*

*Katie wraps her arm around the small dog as she lays next to her. All the people around her in the world to give her comfort and yet Katie still felt completely alone. Nuzzaling her face into Domino's fer Katie just continues to let the sob run.*

*Looking out into the dinning area worry pass over Aerith seeing the way he was. Something happend she could feel it and she could only assume the worse.*

"Could you finish drying these glasses for me? Thanks Carson."

*Slowly Aerith makes her way from to back and along the way grabs some water. Making her way over to the booth she slowly slips in next to Wyatt and puts her arm around his shoulder and pushes the water twords him.*

"Hey you"

*Gently Areith rubs Wyatt's back trying to bring him comfort but not sure why she did it anyways. Something was really wrong and the best thing was to be there for him.*

"Whats wrong hun? What happend?"

*Giving Con a hug and a kiss Jamie walks with him to the door flipping the pourch light on. Giving a wave to Con Jamie makes her way back inside and sinks down on the coutch. Whiping some of the escaping tears from her face Jamie reaches for her bible and opens it starting to read some of the passages, before her eyes start to drift shut.*

*Katie dosnt even look up as Domino barks and than stops, nor does she move as someone enters the room easing themself down on the bed. Feeling Con's large hand and hearing his soft voice making the tears in Katie's eyes burn. She was trying to fight the tears but it was hard. Her face hurt from crying and her eyes were puffy, but that dident seem to matter. Staying still for a moment Katie finally sits up and turns repositioning herself to lay with her head in Con's lap as she sat curled into a ball as she sobed.*

"He's gone, He's really gone. I tryed not to be sad, I tryed not to hurt...but...I'm never going to see Scott again. He's really gone."

*Katie burrys her face into Con's lap at her eyes start to red and the tears run even more.*

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