
Wet sand

With Alice’s face returning to rest in Kyle’s palm, he doesn’t withdraw. Strangely, his heart skips a beat.

A small grin quirks the corner of his mouth at her comment about the sand. His thumb gently strokes her cheek, feeling how soft and smooth her face really was. He swallows hard, not quite knowing what to do with the strange feeling that had settled over the moment.

His tone is so mellow and quiet, a stark contrast to his earlier boisterous teasing. “Yeah… it’s hard to get rid of once it gets to know you…”

Scott nods a little at Hope, unable to express that he really did appreciate her willingness to keep an eye on him while he was here. Though she was leaving, he believed her, that she would be back, and knowing that brought a small amount of comfort. There was a reassurance about her… a peace that Scott needed right now.

His eyes closed, he just lies still, listening to the various sounds around him. Rick had returned… Misty was working in the corner. Voices carried from down the hall. He was much more attentive to sounds than he used to be. Unfortunately, it just added to him being skittish.

Almost dozing off from pure exhaustion, a new presence is felt. He hadn’t heard her enter, but he knew someone was close and he tenses. Feeling Sapphire’s hand and hearing her voice though, he relaxes again. He shifts his hand to curl his thin fingers around her own, giving her hand a little squeeze. “I’m okay,” he responds softly.

Managing to get his good eye open, he looks up at his sister. Despite having failed at so many things… despite feeling so small and weak… he always wanted to be stronger for her. There were so many times when they’d been younger that he hadn’t been there for her. Both had had a tough time in school, neither popular, and both getting picked on. But Scott had never been strong enough to help defend her. He’d had too much trouble just trying to keep himself from getting locked in the bathroom or pushed around in the halls. And here at TJY… Sapphire didn’t need him. Their jobs didn’t often overlap and Scott really never got a chance to talk to her much, let alone be a brother to her.

Though after his supposed death, they’d made more of an effort to talk more, there was still a gap there. It was one that Scott didn’t like, but one that he just didn’t know how to fix.

“They were just doing their job,” he speaks again, remaining quiet. “I was a threat to TJY.”

A feeling

Giving a small smile to Scott Hope seemed to understand what he was saying even though he didnt say it out loud. She new how he must feel lost and alone.

"Ok, well I am gonna run home and change, grab something to eat and than I will be back. I like spending time with you Scott. I wont be long."

Turning Hope leaves the infermary and heads back out of TJY to make her rout home. Some new cloths and a little food would keep her energised.

Sapphire gives Carson a nod knowing he would tell Reese when he saw fit. As long as whoever was question and justince was served for her brother Sapphire was happy.

Turning around and going back inside Sapphire gives a shake of her head. She wasnt close to her brother much anymore, and she didnt talk to him much but that didnt mean she felt less about him. He was her brother and she loved him. Know someone had hurt him made her upset and she didnt want them to get away with it.

Heads down stairs Sapphire takes a new rout insted of back to her desk and heads for the infermary.

Entering Sapphire is hesatint but walks slowly over to her brother. Not seeing Hope in the room she moves to the front of her brother and rests her hand on top of his. Her heart acked for him.

"Hey little brother, how are you feeling?"

Looking back down at Kyle Alice's smile stays ferm as she continues to let small laughs escape. She deffintly had a fun time being around Kyle and he helped her keep the smile on her face in place.

As a new look forms in Kyle's eyes Alice's smile fades a little but not to a displeased look. Closing her own eyes for a moment she leans her head into Kyle's hand feeling his warmth on her skin. This time is was much differnt than before, this time it felt much more than a friendly gest. It was a feeling that she had missed.

Her voice small, and almost a bit weak Alice whispers.

"Darn wet sand sticking to me!"