

Scott remains quiet for just another moment, almost embarrassed that he’d said anything. At Hope's question of whether or not it was a good thing though, for a split second, his wall is removed. Numbers he could always talk about. A faint but unmistakable chuckle surfaces. “Yeah, it's a good thing.... I see numbers,” he admits timidly, “…in everything. Even people.”

He traces the threads in his jeans with a finger, contemplating whether he should really elaborate or not. “The first number one… is because you see people as individuals.” He keeps his eyes lowered. “You treat them for who they are and not for who they’re with. Then… the seven… it can’t be divided evenly. You’re…”

He pauses, looking at his fingers to count, even though he's hesitant to voice his thoughts. “…compassionate… perceptive… intelligent, peaceful… thoughtful… inspirational and… determined. It shows you have many sides… but you can’t take away any of them, lest you take away a part of yourself.”

Scott shifts his weight, still refusing to look Hope in the eye. “And… you’re alone. That’s the point one. It’s a decimal, which means… it doesn’t have a great bearing on your life, but just enough to be visible. Whether it’s intentional or not, doesn’t make or break the number."

Another pause follows until he eventually looks up at Hope again, almost scared to think he might have just revealed an oddity about himself that might make her think twice about his sanity.

Axel grabs the phone as it rings, just having gone into the office to fill out some paperwork. Hearing Jess' apology, a wry grin forms. "Not even weathermen can tell when or where a storm will hit. And a rainbow's efforts to predict the storm is for naught, because it can only greet the dark clouds after the rain has passed - not before."

He lets a light laugh escape. "Don't worry about it, Jess. I wasn't even sure if it was a plan anyway."

Absentmindedly, he sifts through paperwork while talking. Her question if dinner makes him stop though, as if he's thrown for a loop. "Um... dinner? I... well..." He glances over his shoulder as he hears a noise in the shop. "Um. How about breakfast instead? Unless you have to be at work too early."

Even storms

Smiling and still confused Hope looks up at Scott watching as the wheels in his mind turned.

"Mmmm...well I am not sure what that number means, so what does it mean and is it a good thing?"

Hope continues to watch Scott enjoying this interaction with him. It was nice to see Scott out of his bubble. And though on the outside he looks the same, in his eyes Hope could see a small light.

Continuing to drive down the road Jess rings to one of the songs on the radio. Glancing out her side window Jess pass a pizza joint. Chinese food had been good today but maybe tomarrow she would get some pizza. The company of a rainbow might be nice too.

As if slapped in the face Jess eyes go wide for a moment. Crap...she had forgotten that she had told Axel she would meet him to lunch today and now she stood him up. How horrable she felt.
Pulling out her phone Jess dials the shop number and waits for someone to answer. Hearing Axel's voice on the other end Jess apoligses.

"I guess even Storms can make mistakes in the wind. I'm sorry I forgot about lunch today Axel. I could still use the company of a rainbow if you would like to do dinner?"


"You're back early."

Axel rolls his eyes at Leo. "I'm late."

"Not if you were on a date."

"I wasn't on a date!" Axel throws his friend a warning glance. "Now cut it out."

Leo backs up a step. "Whoa, alright, alright. Chill."

Axel smirks at him, the glare dispersing. "If you'd pay as much attention to the cars as you do other people's businesses, you'd be a star mechanic."

Leo gives a cheesy grin. "Maybe I should be a journalist instead."

"Then let me be the first to say..." Axel lowers his voice to a whisper. "It's none of your business who I was with for lunch."

Leo laughs and shakes his head, getting back to work. "Alright, be that way. While you're at it, bring that old beater in here - she's yours to work on today."

Scott hesitates a moment and gives a little shrug, finally looking up at Hope to reply to her question. "Because... you're that number and... people like you are rare."

Added memorie

Enjoying the mean and Rocky Jess is content. The chatter continues between them as smiles and laughs are thrown around.

Though the time was fun like always it passed to quickly and before you new it, it was an hour past. As Rocky gets up in a hurt is makes Jess jump just a little untill she herself slides from the booth.

"Thank you for lunch Rocky. I had a good time."

Walking with Rocky outside Jess takes in a deep breath of fresh air before turning to Rocky one last time.

"I am sure you will be seeing me around. You might see Jemmm Ferchin too."

Chuckling Jess gets into her car and gives a wave to Rocky before driving off into the way they came.

The smile on Hope's face is a plesent one. Though Scott still did not talk to much about what happend to him she could see he was in face opening up more and becoming more comfortable around her. That in itself made her feel good.

"Well I dont care what others think, I know what I think and I would like that picture."

Looking at at the picture of Rosetta and Mick a smile pass over Hope's lips a little bigger thing time.

"Your a friend of my friends, I'd like to add your picture to my memories."

Giving a small nod as Scott says he much go Hope is about to say something though stops as he looks down at the pictures again. A bit saprised and confused about the number he just mention Hope decieds she would questions it.

"And why is it such a rare number?"