

Scott remains quiet for just another moment, almost embarrassed that he’d said anything. At Hope's question of whether or not it was a good thing though, for a split second, his wall is removed. Numbers he could always talk about. A faint but unmistakable chuckle surfaces. “Yeah, it's a good thing.... I see numbers,” he admits timidly, “…in everything. Even people.”

He traces the threads in his jeans with a finger, contemplating whether he should really elaborate or not. “The first number one… is because you see people as individuals.” He keeps his eyes lowered. “You treat them for who they are and not for who they’re with. Then… the seven… it can’t be divided evenly. You’re…”

He pauses, looking at his fingers to count, even though he's hesitant to voice his thoughts. “…compassionate… perceptive… intelligent, peaceful… thoughtful… inspirational and… determined. It shows you have many sides… but you can’t take away any of them, lest you take away a part of yourself.”

Scott shifts his weight, still refusing to look Hope in the eye. “And… you’re alone. That’s the point one. It’s a decimal, which means… it doesn’t have a great bearing on your life, but just enough to be visible. Whether it’s intentional or not, doesn’t make or break the number."

Another pause follows until he eventually looks up at Hope again, almost scared to think he might have just revealed an oddity about himself that might make her think twice about his sanity.

Axel grabs the phone as it rings, just having gone into the office to fill out some paperwork. Hearing Jess' apology, a wry grin forms. "Not even weathermen can tell when or where a storm will hit. And a rainbow's efforts to predict the storm is for naught, because it can only greet the dark clouds after the rain has passed - not before."

He lets a light laugh escape. "Don't worry about it, Jess. I wasn't even sure if it was a plan anyway."

Absentmindedly, he sifts through paperwork while talking. Her question if dinner makes him stop though, as if he's thrown for a loop. "Um... dinner? I... well..." He glances over his shoulder as he hears a noise in the shop. "Um. How about breakfast instead? Unless you have to be at work too early."

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