
I'd rather...

Feeling Misty's hand against his face, then run through his hair, Carson closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the tingle that it sent down his spine. Returning the kiss, he slowly brings his arms around her, holding her tight while one hand strokes her back.

But while the passion is returned, Carson is suddenly thrown back to a time that this was normal. Misty had just called this old fashioned. And it was. It was, because this is what he used to be like. He used to be rougher. He used to take more chances. He used to not care about rules and regulations. He'd never crossed the line with Misty, but he'd been careless in more ways than one. What did that mean for now? Wasn't he trying to be a different man? Wasn't he trying to be a new man, no longer associated with those actions?

His sense of right and wrong suddenly seemed blurred as his mind went one way, and his emotions another. He wanted this to last. He wanted to hold her tighter. He wanted to let the fire in his soul out. He wanted to pull away and give her the smart remark that was on the tip of his tongue, that would surely lead to another kiss just as passionate.


That was the old Carson. What about the new Carson? What about all that he'd worked for? Wasn't giving in to those feelings something he shouldn't do anymore? Wouldn't that just lead him back down the path he'd been trying to leave behind? His feelings for Misty ran deep... but did that mean he couldn't be who he was today?

Slowly, slowly, he withdraws, ending the kiss in a strong hug. Holding her for several moments enables him to hide his face, which he knew wouldn't convey what he wanted it to. He didn't want her to feel unwanted, or give her the impression that he didn't enjoy this. He did... but maybe he enjoyed it too much.

Gently, he lets Misty go, turning before his eyes can meet hers again. He'd sensed some hesitance on Misty's part lately, and had wondered about it. He was trying to behave himself, but she hadn't really responded the way he'd thought she would. Had he done something wrong, despite his efforts?

Fooling with the pizza box, the silence is one that he doesn't like, though he tries to pretend that his focus was on the box, not on anything else. Looking up, he finally looks back to Misty, a small smile on his lips. "I hate cold pizza," he muses. "I'll get the plates if you find the movie."

David stands near Angelica, one hand tucked in his pocket, his other busy holding a drink. She'd seemed far away tonight. It had been a while since they'd seen each other, and he'd tried multiple times to have a more serious chat with her since she'd been back, but she'd seemed unwilling. So, respecting her space, he'd settled for surface conversation instead.

"Why thank you," he answers, a smile playing on his lips. "You look fantas..." His words are cut off as her phone rings and she excuses herself.

Looking down at his arm where she'd touched him, he gives a little sigh. Finishing his drink, he glances around the room, shaking someone's hand as they pass, and nodding to another like any good business person should.

As his eyes find Angelica again, his eyebrows raise slightly. Where was she going and...who was this stranger? Frowning a little, he watches for a moment. They seemed awfully friendly. No one should have gotten in without an invitation, but David had never seen this guy before.

Reese's smile widens as Angelica approaches, and he puts his phone away. His cheeks redden slightly, though he retains his composure. Cocking his head, he reaches out to brush the tear from her face with a gentle finger. "Better now," he answers quietly. "Now that... I can apologize for being self-absorbed and too involved in my own little world to realize that maybe there was someone else who needed some company."

He gives a little nod, standing awkwardly for a moment. "I, um... might need a good lawyer now too, after I got let in here on an outdated badge." Humor twinkles in his eyes. "But I'd much rather have you as a..."

"Well hello." David boldly interrupts, his curiosity getting the best of him. He stretches out a hand to Reese. "I'm Angelica's associate, David Croughton."

Reese lifts an eyebrow, a little surprised, but willing to accept the intrusion. He accepts the handshake. "Mike Reese."

"And you're from..." David fishes, trying to figure out where he knew Angelica from.

"Nevada. I work, or, used to work for the Elite."

"Ah. The new branch of law enforcement." David nods knowingly. "Retired?"

Reese doesn't know whether the comment implied he appeared old enough for retirement, or if it was an innocent question. "Uh, no." He forces a smile. "Hopefully I'll be going back shortly after a few things are cleared up. Angelica might even help out with that one."

David studies Reese for a moment, then glances at Angelica, his smile remaining. His eyes stay on her, even though his speech is directed to Reese again. "I've been trying to convince this rogue to come back here full-time again since our two main firms are merging. Wears a person out to manage two unconnected jobs, especially long-distance."

"Well, she's pretty talented," Reese compliments. "We sure have appreciated her with the Elite. Lots of things we couldn't have done with out her."

"Now you know how I feel." David and Reese lock eyes for a strangely tense moment before someone else comes up to get David's attention. He offers a nod to Reese, then a gentle touch to Angelica's shoulder. "Excuse me."

Reese watches him leave, then turns his attention back to Angelica, a new look in his eye. It didn't portray that he was upset, but maybe just a little bit confused. Perhaps coming here hadn't been the great idea he'd thought it was. "Nice guy." He glances to the door, then back to her. "I, um... didn't want to crash the party or anything. I got a hotel in town if you want to meet tomorrow or something." He shrugs, not really knowing why he was suggesting that. He wanted to stay. He'd come to see her here because she'd invited him, and it was here that she'd originally wanted him. But suddenly he felt out of place. Maybe now she really would prefer if they met some other time. His original statement that had been interrupted went forgotten.

Mick wanders from the barn to the house, just having finished everything up for the night. Most people were already in for the evening, all work completed. It was dark, and stars dotted the sky.

Pausing at the porch, he takes in a deep breath of the chilled air, and looks up to gaze at the dark expanse. And like he did every night, he thanked God for where he was, and for his family.

Just as he's about to go inside, his attention is diverted by the sound of one of the ranch trucks being started. Curious, he watches, to see Clint heading out the driveway and towards town. It would have been more strange had he not suspected the same routine for the last week. Mick had asked Jim about it, but no one seemed to know anything. No one had asked Clint about it though, as he'd seemed pretty offish lately. He was often exhausted to breakfast, then would simply trudge to the shop to work for the day with Wes.

Tonight, Mick had seen Clint bid Wendy goodnight, then head to his own bunk. He'd assumed his nephew was turning in. But apparently not. Interesting.

Giving a little sigh, Mick finally finishes his route, entering the cozy house. BJ had been tucked in an hour ago, so all that was left was a warm spot on the couch in front of the television with the one he loved. He was tired, but he wouldn't head to bed just yet.


Jess watches Axel walks back into the garage for a moment softly whispering to herself.

"You made perfect sence Axel. Perfect sence. You dared to dance around the fire."

Letting out a soft sigh Jess finally pulls away. The afternoon had been nice, lunch had been nice, meeting new people had been ok and tomarrow. What was tomorrow at the concert going to hold? Jess didnt know, and it kind of worryed her, but maybe...just maybe it was her turn to dance.

Time dosnt stop and the hands on the clock tick by till finally the events of the night come into play. Though the day was long, and many were tired still more things had to be done. And so the night continues and the people drag themself on for a few more hours.

Opens the door Misty's grin grows as she lets Carson in with the food. She was hungry and waiting all day to see Carson. Now she had two things she loved most. Receveing the flowers Misty's heart leaps. This was the first time Carson had ever givving her flowers and he did a good job picking them out. Thought there were a few mixed feeling attachen Misty did like them.

"I love them Carson. They are so very nice."

As Carson gives the soft kiss to the lips and than draws away Mitys only wishes for more. Setting the flowers on the table Misty turns to Carson again a sassy smile plays on her lips as she moves twords Carson once again.

"The movie picking and food can wait. I havent had a good old fahson Carson kiss in a long time and I think its over dew."

Drawing even closer Misty brings her one hand to Carson's face and than slids it to the back of his head pulling him a little closer to her. Bringing her lips to his the exchange starts and Misty lets her pent up passion run free. Drawing her other hand around Carson and resting it on his back.

Standing at one of the tables Angelica chats with a few other people she new from the ferm. Turning to her left a little Angelica's long red strapless dress moves swiftly with her and the dimont necklace glissons around her neck. Her hair moving ever so softly around her neck as the curles hang. Giving a wave to a tall man over to one side Angelica walks over to him a smile place on the face that had tears only hours before.

"Your looking in good sorts tonight David. Its good to see you."

As Angelica goes to say more her phone goes off once again. Reaching into her hand bag for a moment she looks at the number seeing its Reese. She hadnt answered her phone all day and she new she probley should. Something could be wrong and she would feel horrbable if she never new.

Giving a smile she lays a gentil hand on David arm.

"Excuse me a moment David."

Leaving the small group Angelica makes her way to a quiet spot. Opening her phone and bringing it to her ear.


No more needed to be said as Reese makes his comment. Throwing Angelica off a little bit she is silent for a moment just letting it sink in.

"Mike...how do you know...."

As Angelica makes her statment she turns around as a group of noisy people enter. Looking up her eyes catch sigh of Reese standing in the crowd of people.

"...what...I look like."

An instint smile spreads on Angelica's face as the shock starts to fade and the relization of Reese being there for real hits her. Slowly walking over her to him Angelica holds her dress in one hand till she reaches him and lets it go. Not being able to help but give him a once over her smile still remains as a small happy tear rolls from her eye.

"You..look pretty good yourself. What...are you doing here?"