
End of the Night

*Misty is taken aback for a moment by Carson's words but recovers quickly feeling his hand on her face.*

"I guess its just in my nature."

*Leaning closer and feeling Carson's lips to hers, the moment of feeling mad and upset with him pass. Basking in the sweetness of his kiss, all alse was lost.*

"I dident know I needed permission to sit in your lap. But seeing as I have it, I'm going to just for the heck of being closer to you."

*Misty leans in close to Carson again, leting her lips linger on his for a long moment beringing her hand gently to his face. Finally pulling away Misty smiles, and the fire in her eyes dances slightly.*

"Let me drive you home please? Your in no shape to drive and your apartment isent far from here. I need a good run and its a nice night out."

*Misty grabs her jacket from the hook on the wall.*

*Charlotte smiles back at Bret as she opens the car door.*

"Its not a dream and you will still relive it tomarrow, we have another date remember. Except this time you get to spend the whole day with me. and thank you as well by the way for saving me form the dulldrums. I'll see you tomarrow morning."

*Charlotte steps out of the car ready to shut the door when she stops. Life to her was about taking chansed. You never new when there might not be a tomarrow. Sliding back into Bret's car she leans over the seat bringing herself closer to him and not hesatating pressing her lips aganst him's for a long moment leting the feeling of the kiss wash over her. Pulling away Charlotte beams, as even in the darkness of the car her eyes still shined. In a soft voice she whispers.*

"I was just curiouse if your kiss and incredibley good looks match up and they do."

*Charletto lets her eyes linger on Bret's for a moment before once again exiting the car a smile glued to her face she makes her way to the Hotel. She dident know if Bret would really show up again, but something told her he would. But if he dident show as least she had some fun while she was here and she would never be left wondering if you misterous man who she met in a small crappy bar and ended up spending and incredable night with was a good kiss. Cuz she now new, he was.*

*Lockheart looks to Reese. Her night had been really good and she fully enjoyed herself. This was her first officel, unofficel date she ever had, and Reese truly had made it one to remember.*

"Thank you for inviting me. I had a really nice time."

*Lockheart opene the car door and starts to get out.*

"I look forward to seeing you again tomarrow. The morning is going to come fast. Have a goodnight sleep....Mike."

*Geting out of the car Lockheart makes her way twords the hotel. And though no one could see she wore for the first time in ages a true, genuin smile on her face.*

Thank you

Carson pauses by the door, hearing Misty’s words. Though they should have made him feel better, they didn’t. He knew why she was saying them. She was saying them because she felt guilty, and she felt guilty because he’d made her feel that way. He hadn’t manipulated someone like that in a long time, and never had it made him feel this lousy.

He turns and eyes Misty again, the dullness returning to his gaze. Reaching out, he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. The corner of his mouth upturns, giving his face a look of irony as his cuts and bruises are a contrast to the slight grin.

“I’m a jerk, Misty…I always was, and I guess I still am. And you…” His hand stops, his thumb running along the side of her mouth and around to her chin. “…You just can’t help but turn me on, can you?”

Leaning in, he plants a soft kiss on her lips. “Of course I still want to have dinner with you. But only if you can keep me out of trouble for one day.” His eyes spark. “And if that means sitting on my lap to keep me from going anywhere, I give you permission.”

The meal at Mom and Pop’s comes to an end all too soon, and before they know it, Bret is pulling up to the curb at the street corner to let Charlotte off.

“I think I owe you a thanks for rescuing me from one boring day.” Bret looks over at her. “And if I wake up in the morning to discover it was all a dream, I hope I’ll have it all over again the next night.”

Reese smiles. He can feel the warmth rising up the back of his neck, but for once, he doesn’t care. He was enjoying himself…with a woman…for the first time in a long time. He wasn’t going to let his embarrassment ruin anything tonight.

He lets the subject fade, recognizing the good stopping point, and not wanting to put Lockheart on the spot anymore. Instead, he chooses a light topic until the meal is over…

“I had a nice time tonight, Angelica.” Reese looks at her from his side of the car as he pulls into the parking lot. “Thanks for staying even though the Brown’s couldn’t join us. I, um…guess I’ll see you bright and early then. By sunup we should be in the air.”

I think

*Carson's words sting, and Misty feels her own guilt build. Second guessing herself, maybe he really did get jumped. Misty feels lower than low for ever doubting him. Walking after him Misty looks into his eyes. Her own pain for not trusting him showing.*

"Carson, I dont need proof from you. I...I trust you and believe you were jumped. I am sorry I doubted you. I guess...I'm just tired or something. I had a rough night and that wasent reason to take it out of you. So if you will accept it I am sorry. I'd still like to do dinner with you tomarrow night like we had planed if you want to."

*Misty gives alittle smile to Carson, hoping he will forgive her. She felt horrable enough knowing she second guessed him, if he dident forgive her she would feel even worse.*

*Charlotte smiles. What started out as being a boring ordany day, turned into a night full of harmless flirting, great conversation and comapny, to having planes all weekend. Bret seemed like an ok guy, and Charlotte felt no worry about being around Bret.*

"Spontaneous sounds good to me. An adventure sounds even better Its a date."

*Charlotte slowly finishes off her meal not wanting the night to end but knowing it must. However there would be a tomarrow with Bret now and the adventure would start all over again.*

*Lockheart looks up at Reese talks, the feeling of stiffness returning it was a defence mecanisum, but she wanted as tense or upright as normal. She was going to try and take this slow. Hearing Reese voice how soft it was braught her comfort, something she never noticed before...and for the first talk Lockheart looks Reese deep in the eye as she stairs back at her a shy smile on her face,*

"I think...I like the sound of that!"


Carson stops and looks down at Misty, showing no surprise at her reaction, though his eyes are full of shame for manipulating the situation in order to get her to have him stay.

He moves back to the table and gingerly sits again, a strange hurt showing in his eyes. Was he more hurt by the lack of trust, or by something outside of what he would discuss?

He remains quiet as Misty starts to work, cringing at the pain it brings, but uttering no complaints. Whether it made him feel out of control or not, he was at her mercy right now.

When Misty is finished and he’s cleaned and bandaged, he slowly slips his shirt back on, standing up. Sighing a little, he looks to Misty, gazing her square in the eye. “Misty…I guess I don’t deserve your trust after what’s happened in the past. But I at least hoped you’d believe me now. Maybe I haven’t handled this thing the best way…” He searches her eyes, his own reflecting a strange look. “…but I would have at least expected I wouldn’t need proof that I’d been jumped at the supermarket. You want it, I’ll get it, but if you make me, I see no reason to expect your trust in the future.”

An odd sadness passes in his eye…but it’s hard to determine whether it was directed toward not being trusted, or towards his own actions. He turns to leave again. “I’ll drive myself back to my apartment. Thanks for your help.”

Bret can’t help his smile as he eats, unable to help but enjoy the flirtatious conversation. He hadn’t had a date like this in a long time, and Charlotte’s company felt like a breath of fresh air. “Well then…I guess tomorrow morning I’ll be picking you up on the street corner so WE can start the day right. No plans no maps…”

He eyes Charlotte’s face, his pleasure showing through his soft grin. “Adventures are better if they’re spontaneous.”

Reese finishes the rest of his food and is quiet for several moments. Lifting his eyes, he can sense that Lockheart has just laid her heart on the table. He felt badly for her, but honored at the same time, that she would choose to share these things with him. “Well…” His tone becomes gentle. “Maybe this is a chance for both of us to learn how to live again.”


*Misty stays planted in her chair as Carson stands and starts to leave. She could tell him was still lying. The little words he said, they way me movied it said it all. Watching him leave a battle rages inside her between helping the one she hold so close and doing what is right. Her heart acked, her body pleaded to help him, but her mind stayed ferm. Giving a sigh Misty stands walks twords Carson. Giving in once again even though she new what he said was a lie.*

"I dont think you got jumped behind a supermarket Carson, because I can read you better than you know, but I dont want you trying to get to Rick and geting in a accident eather. Thats all I need right now, and a dead boyfriend wont do me any good. So come back in the kitchen and let .... me fix you up."

*Misty's eyes hold a strange look. She was disapointed in herself for giving in. It was always like this with Carson. Like he had some power over her. Was this was really caring for someone did. Made you over look someones fault and down falls. To the point where you couldent say no? Misty gives alittle scoff at herself as she grabs some sapplys she would need. Someday the time would come when she would take no more and she new it. Misty could only hope though that Carson would learn his lesson and straten out long before that.*

*Charlotte grins back at Bret before turning to her meal. It smelled so good, and she was pretty hungry. Listing to Bret and seeing the challange in his eyes Charlotte felt her adrenilen rush. Just something about Bret's eyes was almost hypnotizing, and the deepth was yerning, dearing someone to step in.*

"All that stuff sounds pretty fun."

*Charlotte pauses for a long moment, enjoying her meal. Leting the quiet rain over them. Soaking in the silence, the small noises around that made this atmisphere nice. Taking a sip of her water and puting another peace of chicken in her mouth, chewing it before speaking again. Charlotte's grin curled even more, her eyes playing in the light that shown from them revealing she had something whitty to say.*

"My predictions is Bret, that YOU..."

*Charlotte points her fork in Bret's direction before going back to her food, her smile, her grin growing by the moment.*

"... will be going on more dates this weekend, and everything you just listed YOU...."

*Charlotte tilts her head alittle as she says the last part, her voice becoming soft, her smile showing through her words. Providing proof that the thought was nice if Bret really did want another date.*

"...will be doing. And neather of US will feel alone this weekend."

*Charlotte looks back to her food her smile remaining, something that couldent be whiped away. Her aura of boldness, and love for adventure shown through. Mixing with Bret's own, loving his classy forwardness Charlotte new this weekend would prove to be intresting indeed.*

*Lockheart goes stiff for a moment as the question of her own life is braught up. She dident talk to hardly anyone about Angeal and most of the time when the subject was braught up she tryed to duck around it, or cut whoever off from talking about it. Just the thought now made her stomach churn. Trying to relax again Lockheart looks down at her plate. She had the strange urg she wanted to tell Reese but where to start.*

"I guess I should start at the begining..."

*And thats exacly where she started. Telling Reese about he life, her family, when father who passed away back in Porta Rico and how her family movied. How close they were like most hispanic family's were and slowly Lockheart worked her way into her brother...telling the story about him.*

"...I was fairly young still but old enough to understand, I was in highschool at the time when I brother was arrested. Wrong place wrong time and this gang needed someone to blame, to fram and get the law off there back. My brother was there trying to save a man's life, but he couldent. When the police showed up my brother was coved in the mans blood, and he was dead. He was a Hispanic man on the wrong end of town he new woulent they were thinking and new he was done for. "

*Lockheart goes into a bit more deapth about her brother arrest and in Cali the 2 swides of town. The rich side, and than the poor side. How when one crossed the other everything when up in smoke.*

"...So my brother got a trial and unfortunly his laywer was not on his side and one the side of the gang. He dident defent my brother he helped bury my brother. Angeal was sentinced to death."

*Lockheart stops for a moment and closes her eyes. Speaking these words outloud still hurt. The memories were still so fresh in her mind. Opening her eyes she continue. Telling Reese about how closes she was with her brother, and how much she looked up to him. Her brother was everything to her. About how untill he was put to death she would go see him, and how no matter what he always had a smile. Lockheart also go into how because of this she became a laywer, she couldent save her brother so now, she always faught to save everyone alse and thats why she worked so hard with Jason.*

"....so...like you I wrap myself in work so I am not alone. I save other people's lives and make them happy so I dont have to worry about mind. As for leting people close to me..I have a hard time trusting so i try not to get involved, and I keep myself closed off. I dont let myself smile, because than I know what I am missing. I dont go out places because than I will know how much fun I am not having. I dont let myself slow down from work because than I relize how lonly I really am. Your the first person beside my family I have ever let see me this close."

*Lockheart turns her gaze away from Reese and back to her food taking another bite.*


Carson looks at Misty for several moments, his eyes growing dim. “You know what…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

He shakes his head and slides off the table, picking up his shirt. His jaw is starting to swell and he speaks with difficulty. “Next time I get jumped behind the supermarket by Terry’s goon and wake up several hours later, I’ll call the law instead.” He stops with sarcasm. “Oh, wait, I forgot. I am the law. Guess even we have trouble sometimes too.”

Wincing as he starts to walk, he puts a hand to his ribs. “I thought with you my reputation wouldn’t precede me, especially after our conversation earlier today. But I guess I was wrong.” Carson gives a little shrug. “I suppose I can’t blame you…I wouldn’t want to get dragged into this by helping me either. So go ahead and go back to bed and pretend I was never here. I’ll go see Rick instead.” He aims for the door, intent on leaving.

Reese cocks his head slightly as he listens to Lockheart. The words she was saying weren’t new…he’d heard them before. If not from Wyatt, from someone else. But when Lockheart said them…they just seemed…more…within reach. As if finding love again really was a true possibility. Was it just her smoothness as a lawyer, or did she really mean what she was saying?

At her apology, Reese chuckles and shakes his head. “Don’t apologize. Sometimes guys like me need to be reminded of those things every once in a while.”

He takes a sip of his water. “But what about you? You speak as someone who’s been there, Angelica. What’s behind those eyes that you haven’t let anyone see?”

“Mm…the best kind of fun is always done behind someone’s back, isn’t it?” Bret grins at Charlotte’s apparent love for getting out and doing things without her sister knowing about it.

He chuckles at her question. “Ooh, that’s a tough one. What I do other than that list on my own is entirely different that what I would do if I were not on my own.” His eyes meet Charlotte’s, a daring challenge in them. “If I weren’t by myself, I might head across the county line and aim for the lakeside beach. Or I might actually go to a movie. Sharing ice cream with someone is always fun. And then there’s the several clubs around town where loud music and dancing is a must, but once again, kinda boring to dance with yourself.”

Bret leans back a little as their food is brought and they dig in. “So what are you predictions, Miss Charlotte? Do you think I’m going to go at it alone this weekend? Or do you see another date in my near future?”

Not Untill

*Lockheart looks at Reese from across the table for a moment. Yes, she new all to well how he felt. Though it was different for her because she lost a brother and he lost someone deeper, they both lost someone they love and it changed there life so much, it caused them to shut down, blocking out the outside world, and not letting much emotion in anymore. The both had forgotten what happiness with someone ales was like. Forcing themselves to think they were really happy the way they were.*

“I think Wyatt is right. He’s a smart boy. Life should start again for you. It’s definitely not to late to go back and maybe find a happy ending. I am sure your wife would you want you be happy again. She knows you loved her, but its time to move on now and start life again.”

*Lockheart drizzles some dressing on her salad, than taking her knife she cuts into the lettus and the tender ray meat. She felt relaxed now having something to talk about with Reese. The tension slowly was dispersing with every word they took. Lockheart was still nervous but not nearly as much as before. Taking a bit of her food she just smile across the table from Reese before continuing what she was saying.*

“Some people never find one love in there life. They go on living being alone searching but never find it. You have the chance to have a second. That’s a rare opportunity.“

*Looking down at her plate to take another bit of her dinner Lockheart realizes just how much she has said and just how out of place she was being. A bit of color cheeps up her neck and to her cheeks.*

“Ha, look at me giving you advice on this. I’m sorry, I was out of line. I don’t normally go on rants like that.”

*Lockheart looks up from her plate to search Reese eyes. Hoping she didn’t rune the evening and he wasn’t to horribly offended by what she said. She wasn’t quite sure what caused her to on so, especially to someone she hardly even new. On top of that, she should be the last person giving love advice when she didn’t even live by what she was saying.*

*Misty sits up in bed with a start hearing the doorbell. SHe wanted sleeping but she wasent exspecting the doorbell to right at 12am eather. Slowly geting out of bed Misty takes caution not know who is at the door at this hour. Grabing her knife from her jacket pocket Misty ambles to the door. Opening it a crack and seeing Carson her face goes pale as she opens the door father revealing the knife, closin it, and sticking it in her pocket.*

"Carson what on earth...get in here."

*Steping outside her door in her bearfeet and her PJ's she slings Carson's arm around her. Helping him inside and to the kitchen moving a bunch of stuff of her stirdy table she orders him to sit. Helping Carson take of his shirt slowly Misty brings a hand to his face, looking at the cuts and bruses. Than moving to his jaw and than examing his sit pressing alittle bit.*

"Well it looks like you are going to have a nice black and blue eye once we get the swelling down. You lucky you eye dident pop out of your head. I am going to need to reset you jaw, and It looks like you have a rib that is cracked in more than one place that I am going to need to bandage up in hope it will heal right and no peaces of the bone broke off and are floting around inside of you where they could puncher your lung or worse your heart."

*Misty steps back away from Carson and grabs a chair. Siting down casuly in it Misty cross her arms, and places one leg over top of the other, not moving much to help him.*

"So Carson Banks, untill you tell me the truth about what on earth is going on. You can sit there, in pain."

*Misty's face was hard showing she ment what she said, but yet behind her eyes there was the look that if one looked close enough it was killing her inside not helping him. She was screaming at herself to moves and mend his wounds, and wrap his broken bones. But Misty dident move at all, she sat across from Carson her arms folded waiting for him to speak again.*

*Mable nods jotting down the order.*

"Ok I'll put the order in and it will be ready in a few."

*Mable turns and leaves the table heading into the backroom to give Herb the order. Poking her head out the pickup window though Mable watches Bret and Charlotte.*

"Herb who do you think that girl is with Bret?"

*Herb rolls his eyes at his wife.*

"Maybe its his wife."

"No, I dont see a ring on eather of there hands."

"Maybe its his girlfriend than. People are aloud to have thouse you know."

"But Herb where is she from? She is kind of exotic looking, and very pretty."

*Herb slaps his spatula down on the grill causing Mable to jump and pull her head back inside.*

"Would you leave them alown. Do you always have to be in everyones busness?"

"What, I was just wondering."

"Well stop and go grab me some mushrooms."

*Mable lets out a sigh and heads into the back cooler.*

"I'm here with my sister. Helping her out alittle with some work. She is heading out for the weekend though to go to a wedding, and she though maybe over the time she was gone I could get settaled here, and see the sights before I got to inthralled with her work and not be able to have any fun. Little does she know though...."

*Charlotte leans into the table and whispers for some dramitc affect as her lips turn up in a curling grin.*

"...I'll have fun anyways when she isent looking."

*Charlotte sits back up with alittle laugh taking a sip of her water.*

"So Bret, what is it you do when you'er not meeting mistery women, wallowing in a bar, or siting at home watching TV? I have to get idea's of what I am going to do on my boring weekend alone. Because if I sit in a bar all weekend long, my sister somehow will find out and WILL kill me."

*Charlotte smiles as she leans back in the booth her eyes meeting Brets and twinkling.*

Midnight caller

Reese feels himself relaxing more as he and Lockheart share small talk. Cutting into his steak, he pauses a moment at her question. He didn't often talk about this...come to think of it, the only person he had talked to about it was Wyatt.

"Well...I suppose...when a man loses his better half, it kinda takes the wind out of his sails. Not too much fun going out with the same friends anymore - you're suddenly the odd man out, the only one without a date. And doing anything else, you normally wind up alone, so it's not much fun. So..." Reese gives a little shrug and chews his food. "I guess the only thing left is work...it became my only passion so that's what I focus on." He gives a little grin, not wanting the subject to stay this deep. "Of course, Wyatt keeps warning me that that's no way to live and I need to get out more..." He cocks his head as he looks across the table. "Maybe he was right."

Carson ducks another blow from Torch, stepping back and kicking at the larger man’s midsection, hitting it as if it were a brick wall.

The thunderous shouting and stomping shake the lower level, going ignored by the two fighters.

Torch’s fist meets Carson’s mouth, sending him stumbling backward, blood and sweat flying. As he’s rammed into the cage, his mind reels. The last few guys he’d been up against had been his own size, but Terry had stepped it up, and he was really going to work for this one. The thought crossed his mind that he was going to have to be pretty quick on his feet to be able to come up with an excuse for his injuries after this one. The others had been easy…this was different, and he wished he would have argued with Terry about setting him up with someone from his own league. But it was too late now, and if he wanted to live, he had to fight.

He ducks another blow as the fight persists. They’d been at it now for twice as long as expected and both were growing weary, but neither ready to give up this war. There was too much money at stake.

As the brawl continues, Carson finally slips in behind Torch to jump on his back, wrapping his arms around his neck and a vice-like chokehold. Torch swings from side to side, trying to get Carson off his back as he would a pesky fly. He growls threats and trash talk, finally hurling himself backward.

As Carson is slammed into the corner of the cage, he can hear a sickening snap to his ribcage and pain shoots through his side. His eyes automatically water with pain, though he grits his teeth, still not letting go of his adversary. This was his only chance. If he didn’t bring him down now, it was over.

Torch continues to bash Carson back against the cage, but the more energy he spent, the more out of breath he became. Finally, he’s brought to his knees. Carson applies more pressure and a couple jerks, cutting off Torch’s air supply. Eventually he feels the giant go limp, and lets go, throwing him face first onto the ring floor.

The crowd gets louder and Carson stand panting, holding his side and not caring about whether or not the onlookers liked him. Taking a step toward the exit, his world spins a little and he staggers. Before he knows it, two other large men have come alongside him to help him out and through the crowd to the back room.

Sitting down on the hard bench, Carson winces.

“Yo, man, you took a nice hit,” Dane comments, tilting up Carson’s face.

“Yeah.” Carson can already feel his left eye starting to swell, and his jaw felt like he’d been walloped by a two-by-four.

Cyrus grins. “But you made it, Eagle. Nice work. Terry will put you on the schedule for sure, now. After a win like that? That was a real upset.”

Carson manages a short laugh, though that movement alone hurts. “If I can walk.”

“That bad?”

“Ain’t great.” Carson manages to slip back on his socks and shoes, grabbing what few things had been in his pockets.

“That’s the business, man,” Cyrus reminds. “You can’t make it next week, Terry won’t let you back in, you know that.”

“I know, I know.”

Just then, the door opens again, the roar of the mob getting louder for just a moment as another match has already started. Terry gives Carson a nod. “Nice work, Eagle. Didn’t think you had it in you. Torch and you…rematch…three days.”

“Three days?” Carson rolls his eyes. “Give me Cutter first.”

“No, it’s Torch.”

“Cutter.” Carson glares up at Terry. “Or I walk. You know you’ll make good money watching me and Torch again – we just got the crowd hyped. So I know you don’t want me to walk out of here yet. Give me Cutter first.”

Terry crosses his arms and thinks for a moment. “Alright. You got it.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a roll of bills. “This is for tonight. Beat Cutter, and beat Torch again, and that’ll double.”

Carson takes the money that’s passed to him, and stuffs it into his own pocket. Standing up, he keeps an arm wrapped around himself to hold his ribs. “You’ll be seeing me again.”

“Of that I have no doubt.”

Carson is able to make his own way back outside, fighting the crowd and heading back up to ground level. The cool night air felt good, but not good enough to relieve any physical pain. Getting into his car, he finally doubles over, trying to recover. He hadn’t been willing to show how much pain he was in inside the building, but now alone, he just wanted to go curl up in some corner and sleep it away.

Finally he starts his car and pulls away, noting the late hour. It was almost midnight. He manages to get himself to his apartment, but parking in the lot, he stops to think. This was ridiculous, but he had to keep this whole thing under wraps. He simply didn’t have a choice. But how on earth was he supposed to get around this one? He needed something…some alibi…he had to come up with something good, and hopefully, after this he’d take fewer hits and it would be easier. It hadn’t been bad when he’d had easier opponents…he just had to keep this going a little longer until he had enough money.

As he moves to get out of his car, he stops, the pain shooting through his ribcage. He knew he’d broken a rib…and if he didn’t get it wrapped, it would only make things worse. But he couldn’t do it on his own.

Contemplating a moment, he shuts his door again and pulls out of the lot….

…Carson makes his way slowly up the walk and knocks on Misty’s door. He knew it was late, but knew if she was already in bed, she’d get up. Waiting for her to answer, he looks up as she appears. Swallowing hard, he looks her in the eye. “Sorry, babe…but I need your help.”

Bret smirks a little at Mabel, though his eyes twinkle with amusement. “You know I can’t handle anything too spicy.” He throws Charlotte a sidelong glance, then looks back to Mabel. “Yes, I’ll stick to my regular spaghetti and meatballs, thank you.”

As Mabel leaves, Bret focuses back on Charlotte, reverting the conversation back to where they’d left off. “Me…oh…I was born up in Colorado…but been living here for quite a while. Got a brother and sister…” He shrugs. “My life doesn’t have a whole lot of exciting twists and turns, other than meeting mystery women who appear from California.” He grins a little. “So I don’t think you ever said what brought you here.”

Its Habbit

* Misty lets out a sigh as she listens to Wyatt.*

"No reason I guess. Sometimes stairing at paper work all day, its cool to hear about the action.*

*Misty is silent for a moment more weaghing on her mind as the continue feeling of worry makes itself known. Misty and Wyatt had grown closer over the last few months but she dident want to bother him with her worry let alone not knowing the whole truth herself.*

"Ok, well sorry for bothering you. I'll see you tomarrow. Nite."

*Hanging up the phone Misty sets it down and leans back in her chair for a moment spinning it around and looking out the window.*

"Where ever you are Carson...I hope your safe."

*Misty gives a shake at a cold chill that runs down her spine as she turns back to her desk standing and puting away the stuff she was working on before heading out of TJY, to the store for some dinner and than home.*

"Fishing, I've never done that before. At least you have one thing in comman with you son that you can do."

*Lockheart gives a small genuine smile. Lockheart wouldent addmite it but inside she understood what Reese ment about work and doing nothing alse. She liked wrapping her own self in work all the time.

Lockheart listens intently to everything alse Reese says, trying to look through his layers. It was hard for her not to she was a lawyer after all and there always more to what made a person act they way they did. For a moment she felt bold, a bit of curage, and yurning to find out more. Maybe it was the face that she couldent read Reese like most people. Something about him wanted her to ask, insted of pealing back the layer without asking if it was ok.*

"So why do you wrap yourself in work so much? How come you dont go out, and find new stuff to do and try?"

*Lockheart takes a peace of bread from the basket thats on the table and puts it on her plate. Unwraping her silverware she places her napkin in her lap and gently take her knife to butter her bread.*

*Charlotte slides into the booth across from Bret. Taking the menu she scans it over trying to decied what she wanted. Giving alittle grin to Bret's questions she glances over the menu.*

"Well I was born in Puerto Rico, but moved when I was really small still. Now my Madre, Hermana, Abuela and myself live in California."

*After speaking her sentince she relized she listed off her family member in spanish. Feeling silly and not wanting to inslat Bret she explains.*

"Sorry, its habbit to just call my family there spanish names. When I ment to say was my Mother, Sister, and Grandmother. My brother also came to Cali with us but, he passed away a while after we moved here."

*Charlotte is silent for a moment, but her smile never leave her face as she looks down at her menu again before closing it and puting it down looking back at Bret.*

"So what about you? Have you always lived in Nevada?"

*As if on que with Charlotte's placment of the menu Mable makes her way over to the table giving Charlotte her water and Bret his Coke.*

"What can I get you guys tonight?"

*Charlotte looks up at Mable and smiles.*

"I'll have the Chicken Marsala please. With a side salad and ranch dressing."

*Mable quickly jots down Charlotte's order and turns to Bret.*

"What can I get you Bret? The normal or are you going to spice it up tonight?"

*Mable looks to Charlotte and than back to Bret giving a grin. She new good and well he was on a date and it only made it more fun to harass him.*

Hand to hand

Wyatt is just driving from the murder scene when Misty calls. He answers, keeping his eyes on the road. “Hey, Cous. No…nothing too interesting, other than the fact that there’s no doubt it was a murder. Brown was concerned it was Agency connected, but I don’t think it was. This guy had a lot of enemies, so it could be a number of things. Why?”

Reese ends up ordering a steak, and concentrates on different parts of the room…people…tables…lights…

As Lockheart speaks to him, he finally looks back at her, and a smile finally breaks forth as he chuckles at her question. He gestures to himself. “Not like this.”

Trying to relax, he shakes his head. “Apart from work? I’m afraid there really isn’t much to me away from TJY. It’s my life…it’s why I spend more hours there than at home, and when I do end up at home, it’s to fall asleep in front of the television set.”

He grins, catching Lockheart’s eye. “Wyatt can’t stand it that when I’m out all I can talk about is work, but I fear there just isn’t too much else for me to talk about. I guess that’s why he and I get along so well when we go fishing…we have to just stay quiet if we’re going to catch anything.”

Bret aims for the booth in the back and thinks. “Uh…just get me a pepsi, thanks, Mabel.” Reaching the booth, he slides in the far side, not needing to pick up a menu. He knew what he wanted already.

“So, Charlotte…” He cocks his head, questions sparking in his eyes. “Where does a beauty like you come from anyway?”

Heading into the building it’s still quiet, appearing to be deserted. Only at the very far corner is one dim light, leading the way for those who know where to go.

Through the dingy door and down the dark concrete steps, the noise starts to build. As the door at the bottom swings open the jeering shouts and cheers is one massive wave of noise hitting Carson’s ears.

The room is crowded beyond capacity with people lining all four walls in undefined rows – a mob watching the center ring.

Shoving his way through the crowd, Carson holds his chin high, defying anyone who stares at him. He aims for the back room, spying the man he’s looking for.

A tall man with black skin eyes Carson and gives him a sneering grin, his gold tooth glinting in the dim lights. “Well, if it isn’t the Eagle himself. Wasn’t sure we’d see you again after last night.”

Carson glares at him. “I told you I wanted a rematch.”

Terry shakes his head in amusement. “Against Cutter? He’s out tonight – though that would have been good.”

Carson crosses his arms. “Then set me up with someone else.”

“We got Torch. But I think he’s a bit out of your league.”

“Good. Then the pay will be good.”

Terry lifts an eyebrow in thought. He’s distracted by a moment by the shift in cheering, and glances over the crowd to the ring where only one fighter is still standing. “Alright…you beat Torch I’ll up the pay and we’ll knock you to the next level. Lose and you’re back to square one.” He holds out his hand.

Carson shakes it. “Deal. What time?”

“In two fights. Get ready. And Eagle…watch yourself. Torch killed the last guy from ground level that challenged him.”

Carson shrugs off the warning. “You just worry about your cash flow.”

Within minutes, Torch vs. Eagle is added to the board at one end of the room, the interest rising in the crowd as bets are made quicker than any one person can keep track of…

…Carson paces in the back room, his hands wrapped, but without gloves. These kinds of fights were intended to be brutal and without protection, they were. Carson had gotten away so far without hard hits – last night had been his worst, with a loss after getting knocked out cold. Tonight was either showing bravery or stupidity and he wasn’t sure which. But if he could pull it off, he’d have enough money to run on for another week.

Taking his phone out of his jeans, he flips it open, noting he had a voicemail. Listening to it, he sighs and shuts the phone again. If he got out of here early enough, he’d call her. Excuses were already forming in his mind. This racket down here was illegal, and if he let it slip, he was through.

“Yo, Eagle. You’re on.”

Carson sighs and steps out the door into the thunderous mob once more to make his way to the ring. As usual, he was in his bare feet and jeans, his lack of shirt showing off his tattoo which had born his handle. A red bandana served as a headband to catch his sweat and he marched to the ring, entering the cage.

Gritting his teeth, he paces, waiting for his opponent and trying to ignore the shouts of the crowd.

As the almost-seven-footer enters the ring on the other side, Carson sees just how outmatched he is by this hulk of a man. He was going to have to be quick to compensate if he had any hope at all.

Torch glares at him, the flames on his pants making him recognizable by fans in the back. Smacking a fist into his palm, he gives a nod in Carson’s direction, threatening him.

Carson waits for the sound of the buzzer, then makes his move.

Start of the night

*As Misty sits quietly in the infermary at TJY her eyes glued to a micrascope a suddon wave of fear pass over her. Looking up from the scope Misty walks to the door. Steping outside she scans the main floor. Mosty everyone was gone at this hour. Only Hal was around. Even Ty was gone seeing as the wedding was tomarrow. Making her way to the breakroom Misty grabs some water than heads back to the infermary. Siting back down at her desk the wave comes over her again this time Carson's name poping into her head. Taking out her phone she dials his number. Not even receving a ring it goes right to voice mail.*

"Carson, its Misty. I know your busy, I just...I dont know I was siting here working late and I got a funny feeling that passed over me. I intinly though of you and the worry increased. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I'll talk to you later. Miss you."

*Hanging up the phone Misty twirls it in her hand for a long moment before Dialing on her phone again.*

"Hey Wyatt, Its Misty. What did you find out about that body today? Anything intresting?"

*Lockheart scans the menu trying to decied what to order when the sound of Reese phone breaks the silence and causes her to give alittle jump as well. Once Reese informs her the the other wouldent be coming her nerves rise again. She wasent sure how to act, what to say this was insain. At least with someone alse with them she wouldent have to try and keep the conversation up by herself. Now she would have to think of something. and as ordered by Charlotte she needed to stay away from the topic of work.

Continuing to look at the menu for a long moment she finally decieds on geting the Stingray salad with chickpeas. Once giving the waiter the order Lockheart looks up at Reese and gives a small smile.*

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Even if Sheriff Brown and his wife couldent make it, it was nice of you."

*Taking a sip of her water Lockheart fishes around in her head for something to talk about. It was easy to talk about work, or a case, to make up please, and speaches she always new what to say but now that she was called on it she really dident know much about Reese. Once again her eyes meet Reese like they had before. He looked sharp tonight much differnt from his normal work atire. He looked Nice.*

"Siting here I relized I dont know to much about you. What are you like outside of work?"

*Lockheart couldent help but beat herself up inside her head once the words were from her mouth what a stupid question to ask.*

*As Bret pulls up Charlotte raises an eye bow. He certinly had a nice car. Nicer than she exspected. Geting in she gives a smile to Bret.*

"Good Evening."

*Charlotte greets in return. Charlottes cheeks show a bit of color again at Bret's comment.*

"You dont look so bad youself tonight. Something tells me though you always look pretty good."

*Charlotte grins as the small talk it kept up untill they get to the restront. Charlotte follows Bret into the small restront looking around.

As Mable hears the bell on the door ring she looks up and smile at Bret. It was always good to see him. Mable gives a small wave and nods at Charlotte.*

"How are ya tonight Bret? You can take the booth in the far courner if you want. What can I get you guys to drink?"

*Charlotte looks at Mable and smiles.*

"Do you have any wine?"

"Sorry dear all out drinks are non alcholic."

*Charlotte gives a nod though she was a bit disapointed.*

"I'll just have some ice water than please."

*Mable gives a nod and turns to Bret.*

"What can I get you Bret?"

Good condition

Looking at the clock, Reese lets out a groan. “Susanne! Why didn’t you tell me the time?!”

Susanne appears in Reese’s office doorway. “I didn’t know I was supposed to.”

Reese stands up from his desk and grabs his car keys. “I’m leaving. I’ll probably be back late to check on things before heading home, so if you need anything for while I’m gone, leave a note, or call me.”

Heading out in a hurry, he gets into his car and drives home, having barely enough time to shower and change into his pants and collard shirt.

Driving to pick up Lockheart, he doesn’t have to wait, as she’s right on time as he knew she would be. As she gets into the car, he tries not to stare…Lockheart was an attractive woman, but he’d never seen her quite like this before, and it brought a smile to his face.

Pulling out of the hotel parking lot, he heads toward the restaurant. “You look nice,” he comments casually. She smelled nice too, but he wasn’t about to verbalize that one.

Making it to the restaurant, Reese gets out and goes around to open Lockheart’s door for her, then walks her inside. It was a nice restaurant with the lights dimmed just as little for atmosphere, round tables filling the floor with soft tablecloths. The scent of spices wafted through the air, making anyone’s mouth water who walked through the door.

Being taken to a table by the waiter, Reese tells him that they’re waiting for two more, and the young man says he’ll be back for orders later.

Sitting alone with Lockheart, Reese fidgets with the glass of water, trying to think of small talk but coming up completely blank. He finally reverts to the menu. “I’ve been here a time or two and their food is great. The fish is excellent, and so is their steak.”

Suddenly his cell phone rings and he jumps, almost throwing the menu onto the floor. “Sorry,” he apologizes. Answering the phone, he speaks quietly. “Hello?...Oh? I see..no, no… that’s quite alright. I understand completely. No, really, that’s fine. Yes. We’ll um…just do it another time. Sure. Thanks.”

Reese shuts his phone and hesitates, finally daring to look up at Lockheart. “Well….that was Sheriff Brown’s wife. Apparently..” He clears his throat. “He got caught up in an unexpected case and won’t be able to make it tonight, so…” Reese glances down again, then back up. “I guess it’s just you and me.”

Bret slaps on some cologne and heads out the door in his good blue jeans, leaving his collard shirt untucked, his hair still wet from his shower, and grabbing his wallet and keys on the way. For once, it was nice to get out of the house in the evening. This time he had more to look forward to than a smoky bar. There was doubt that Charlotte would even show, but he had a hunch she’d be there…he’d sensed her adventurous nature and would bet that she’d be waiting for him.

Reaching the designated street corner, he grins. There she was, and looking extremely sharp in her eye-catching outfit. Pulling his black corvette up to the curb, he gestures for her to get in.

“Good evening, Miss Charlotte,” he greets. Checking his mirror, he pulls away and turns around the block to head downtown. “I see you made it back alright without any thugs jumping you…” He glances in her direction. “…and in quite good condition, if I may say so.”

Reaching the little restaurant, Bret parks in the lot. “Isn’t much to look at from the outside, but the food and service is great.” Mom and Pop’s wasn’t a place he went all that often, but when he did, it was always nice to be welcomed, especially after Herb and Mabel had come to realize he was an acquaintance of their daughter and Con.

Getting out of the car, Bret leads the way inside, the bell on the door jingling to announce their arrival. Seeing Mabel behind the counter, he gives a little wave. “Hey, Mabel. Where’ll you have us sit?”

Carson sits in his car for a long time in front of the building. It was getting dark…he knew what time it was, and knew what was going on inside. He had just as much of a choice as he had every other night for this past week. And he knew good and well that he was going to choose the same thing.

Looking down, he picks up his cell phone. He’d just briefly talked to Misty before leaving work earlier in the evening to tell her they were on for supper tomorrow night. She shouldn’t be calling him…no one should…but he’d rather be safe than sorry. He wasn't out doing laundry or shopping for that matter, and it would be just as well that no one find out.

Shutting off the phone, he slips it back in his pocket and gets out of his car. The street was quiet, but cars lined the curb, all here for the same thing, and all here good at keeping the secret.

Girl Talk

*Misty lets out a sigh before turning to leave.*

"Ok, hit me up before you leave so I know about dinner tomarrow."

*Exiting Carson's cubicle she heads for the infermary to start her days work. They were days Carson confused her, and days she just dident understand. Sometimes she even wondered why she kept trying. But than she remembered the good times with Carson and how much they our weaghed the bad and it gave her hope that oneday Carson would come around.*

*Charlotte watches as Bret leaves and shakes her head. Finishing off her drink she pays for them and heads out herself. Geting outside the Bar Charlotte takes not to the time and heads down the street looking in differnt shop windows. She dident know why but she felt like buying something new for her date tonight. She hadent been on one in a while, and just felt like making herself feel pretty. She already had a nice top back at the hotel she new she could wait, but needed some pants to go with it. She was going to buy a par anyway so it really wasent like she was buying them for JUST this occation. Finally finishing and handing the cashier her card she exits the store and heads back to the store. Alittle bit of exciment settaling in.

As Charlotte enters the hotel room her sister is running around the room. Raising an eyes brow she inquires.*

"Hermana, what are you doing?"

*Lockheart looks up at her sisters voice. She had just gotten out of the shower and was rushing around looking for clothing when her sister returned back to the room.*

"I am trying to find something to wair to dinner tonight."

"Ohhh...your going on a date?"

"Its not a date!"

"Than why are you worryed about what you have on?"

*Lockheart looks up meeting her sisters eyes."

"You were at a bar drinking wernt you?"

"Don't try and change the subject."

"I'm not I am just stating a fact. I wish you dident drink its no good for you, and you know."

"Hermana, you know I dont drink that much anymore. Now back to you. Its a date just addmit it. That guy....Mick, Mac,...."


"Yes Mike asked you to dinner so its a date."

"He was just meeting some people for dinner and dident want to go alone."

"So he asked you to go as a date."

*Lockheart rolls her eyes.*

"Fine its a date are you happy?"

*Charlotte gives a nod of satisfaction and she puts her packages down. On the bed and going over to her sisters suit case to help her pick out something. Finally choosing a black skirt that came right above her knee, and a burnt orange shirt she smiled.*

"I even braught my black boots you can barrow for tonight."

*Lockheart looks at her sister alittle leery about what she wanted her to wair. Her sister was younger than her and she wasent all to sure if when she wanted her to wait was apropreate for someone her age.*

"Charlotte, I dont think I can wair this."

"Oh stop you will be fine, and you will look nice. I'll even do you hair."

*Lockheart shakes her head and gives a sigh. She was happy her sister wanted to help but she wasent totally sure she was ready for all her. She was growing more and more nervouse by the minute. Trying to switch things off of her she looks to her sisters bed where her packages where and raises an eyebrow.*

"It dident take you long before you wanted to go shopping."

*Charlotte gives alittle laugh as she heads into the bathroom and sets up the curling iron.*

"Well what do you exspect I was stuck here all day.l I had to find something to do."

*Lockheart smiles. Charlotte was always on the go trying to keep herself busy. Lockheart was so much differnt from her sister. She wraped herself up in work and Charlotte wraped herself in life. Sometimes Lockheart even envied her sister but offten dident dewll on it.*

"So do you have planes tonight Charlotte?"

*Charlotte pokes her head out of the bathroom smiling.*

"Maybe, but I am not telling because you will just be a worry wort."

*Lockheart smiles as she stands. Going over to her sister she takes a hold of her and looks her in the eye. Her sister new her all to well. Giving her a quick hug she states.*

"Just be safe ok, I dont want you geting into another mess like you did with Todd ok?"

*Charlotte nods and hugs her sister back.*

"I know hermana. Thank you for looking out for me. Now come here and let me do her hair."

*Lockheart laughs as her sister pulls her into the bathroom, a bit of excitment shown through the nervousness.*

I guess

Carson sits down in his chair and throws Misty a glare before turning on his computer. “You think it’s so important, you go volunteer. I said no…Wyat will do just as good a job as me. I got enough to keep me busy, and I don’t want to get caught up in some mystery murder.”

He grits his teeth and turns his attention back to his desk to scan some papers, while hiding his eyes at the same time. “Reese can get another guinea pig for this one.”

Bret is almost surprised by Charlotte’s forward response, but had quickly caught on to her demeanor and grins instead.

He looks down, studying his own left hand for a moment. “This finger has been void of a ring for four years.” He looks back up to Charlotte. “So I guess someone was the stupid one and a judge earned a buck in divorce court.”

Bret slides back off the stool, glancing at his watch. “Six o’clock on the street corner. Don’t be late and set your mouth for Italian.” Reaching the door, he turns one last time to study Charlotte, but says no more, and disappears outside.

Her loss my gain

*Misty smile at Carson as he stands up. Though the hair on the back of her neck stands on end as he brushs off dinner till tomarrow. She has hurd that excuse before and cant help but feel caution. Trying to push it away Misty gives a nod walking into TJY under Carson's arm.*

"Ya, tomarrow sounds good."

*Walk in and passing Reese Misty stays under Carson's arm. Misty's eyes go back and forth between Reese as she listens to Reese almost beg Carson to do the job only to get shot down by Carson one excuse after another. Watching Carson walk away Misty gives a shake of her head to her Uncle and hurrys after Carson. Once he is in his cubicle Misty enters behind him. Keeping her voice low, and even not trying to toss blame Misty speaks.*

"Hun, you shopping and laundry can wait. What Reese is asking you to do wont take long and since we arnt going to dinner tonight you can do that stuff later. Unless you have another reason for not going I dont know about."

*Misty face dosent sure much of an exprestion differnt from the one she had before. Keep her voice even and steady. She dident want to jump to conclutions, or assume. She wanted to give Carson the benafit of the doubt.*

*Charlotte runs her finger around the rim of her glass before taking a drink. Thinking for a moment before she replys.*

"You ended up married huh?"

*Charlotte scan's Bret's hand and than looks up at him in the eyes once again.*

"Well I dont see a ring, so eather your one of those guys who pretends not to be married and ask girls out, or your not married anymore. If thats the case your ex is stupider than crap, and I would love to gain from her loss. So yes, a date would be nice."

*A smile spreads across Charlotte's face giving proof that she wasent scaired to speak her mind. Her eyes give alittle twinkle as a bit of color makes its way to her cheeks. So far her time in Nevada had proven to be intresting maybe she was glad to come with her sister after all.*