
Good condition

Looking at the clock, Reese lets out a groan. “Susanne! Why didn’t you tell me the time?!”

Susanne appears in Reese’s office doorway. “I didn’t know I was supposed to.”

Reese stands up from his desk and grabs his car keys. “I’m leaving. I’ll probably be back late to check on things before heading home, so if you need anything for while I’m gone, leave a note, or call me.”

Heading out in a hurry, he gets into his car and drives home, having barely enough time to shower and change into his pants and collard shirt.

Driving to pick up Lockheart, he doesn’t have to wait, as she’s right on time as he knew she would be. As she gets into the car, he tries not to stare…Lockheart was an attractive woman, but he’d never seen her quite like this before, and it brought a smile to his face.

Pulling out of the hotel parking lot, he heads toward the restaurant. “You look nice,” he comments casually. She smelled nice too, but he wasn’t about to verbalize that one.

Making it to the restaurant, Reese gets out and goes around to open Lockheart’s door for her, then walks her inside. It was a nice restaurant with the lights dimmed just as little for atmosphere, round tables filling the floor with soft tablecloths. The scent of spices wafted through the air, making anyone’s mouth water who walked through the door.

Being taken to a table by the waiter, Reese tells him that they’re waiting for two more, and the young man says he’ll be back for orders later.

Sitting alone with Lockheart, Reese fidgets with the glass of water, trying to think of small talk but coming up completely blank. He finally reverts to the menu. “I’ve been here a time or two and their food is great. The fish is excellent, and so is their steak.”

Suddenly his cell phone rings and he jumps, almost throwing the menu onto the floor. “Sorry,” he apologizes. Answering the phone, he speaks quietly. “Hello?...Oh? I see..no, no… that’s quite alright. I understand completely. No, really, that’s fine. Yes. We’ll um…just do it another time. Sure. Thanks.”

Reese shuts his phone and hesitates, finally daring to look up at Lockheart. “Well….that was Sheriff Brown’s wife. Apparently..” He clears his throat. “He got caught up in an unexpected case and won’t be able to make it tonight, so…” Reese glances down again, then back up. “I guess it’s just you and me.”

Bret slaps on some cologne and heads out the door in his good blue jeans, leaving his collard shirt untucked, his hair still wet from his shower, and grabbing his wallet and keys on the way. For once, it was nice to get out of the house in the evening. This time he had more to look forward to than a smoky bar. There was doubt that Charlotte would even show, but he had a hunch she’d be there…he’d sensed her adventurous nature and would bet that she’d be waiting for him.

Reaching the designated street corner, he grins. There she was, and looking extremely sharp in her eye-catching outfit. Pulling his black corvette up to the curb, he gestures for her to get in.

“Good evening, Miss Charlotte,” he greets. Checking his mirror, he pulls away and turns around the block to head downtown. “I see you made it back alright without any thugs jumping you…” He glances in her direction. “…and in quite good condition, if I may say so.”

Reaching the little restaurant, Bret parks in the lot. “Isn’t much to look at from the outside, but the food and service is great.” Mom and Pop’s wasn’t a place he went all that often, but when he did, it was always nice to be welcomed, especially after Herb and Mabel had come to realize he was an acquaintance of their daughter and Con.

Getting out of the car, Bret leads the way inside, the bell on the door jingling to announce their arrival. Seeing Mabel behind the counter, he gives a little wave. “Hey, Mabel. Where’ll you have us sit?”

Carson sits in his car for a long time in front of the building. It was getting dark…he knew what time it was, and knew what was going on inside. He had just as much of a choice as he had every other night for this past week. And he knew good and well that he was going to choose the same thing.

Looking down, he picks up his cell phone. He’d just briefly talked to Misty before leaving work earlier in the evening to tell her they were on for supper tomorrow night. She shouldn’t be calling him…no one should…but he’d rather be safe than sorry. He wasn't out doing laundry or shopping for that matter, and it would be just as well that no one find out.

Shutting off the phone, he slips it back in his pocket and gets out of his car. The street was quiet, but cars lined the curb, all here for the same thing, and all here good at keeping the secret.

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