
Not Untill

*Lockheart looks at Reese from across the table for a moment. Yes, she new all to well how he felt. Though it was different for her because she lost a brother and he lost someone deeper, they both lost someone they love and it changed there life so much, it caused them to shut down, blocking out the outside world, and not letting much emotion in anymore. The both had forgotten what happiness with someone ales was like. Forcing themselves to think they were really happy the way they were.*

“I think Wyatt is right. He’s a smart boy. Life should start again for you. It’s definitely not to late to go back and maybe find a happy ending. I am sure your wife would you want you be happy again. She knows you loved her, but its time to move on now and start life again.”

*Lockheart drizzles some dressing on her salad, than taking her knife she cuts into the lettus and the tender ray meat. She felt relaxed now having something to talk about with Reese. The tension slowly was dispersing with every word they took. Lockheart was still nervous but not nearly as much as before. Taking a bit of her food she just smile across the table from Reese before continuing what she was saying.*

“Some people never find one love in there life. They go on living being alone searching but never find it. You have the chance to have a second. That’s a rare opportunity.“

*Looking down at her plate to take another bit of her dinner Lockheart realizes just how much she has said and just how out of place she was being. A bit of color cheeps up her neck and to her cheeks.*

“Ha, look at me giving you advice on this. I’m sorry, I was out of line. I don’t normally go on rants like that.”

*Lockheart looks up from her plate to search Reese eyes. Hoping she didn’t rune the evening and he wasn’t to horribly offended by what she said. She wasn’t quite sure what caused her to on so, especially to someone she hardly even new. On top of that, she should be the last person giving love advice when she didn’t even live by what she was saying.*

*Misty sits up in bed with a start hearing the doorbell. SHe wanted sleeping but she wasent exspecting the doorbell to right at 12am eather. Slowly geting out of bed Misty takes caution not know who is at the door at this hour. Grabing her knife from her jacket pocket Misty ambles to the door. Opening it a crack and seeing Carson her face goes pale as she opens the door father revealing the knife, closin it, and sticking it in her pocket.*

"Carson what on earth...get in here."

*Steping outside her door in her bearfeet and her PJ's she slings Carson's arm around her. Helping him inside and to the kitchen moving a bunch of stuff of her stirdy table she orders him to sit. Helping Carson take of his shirt slowly Misty brings a hand to his face, looking at the cuts and bruses. Than moving to his jaw and than examing his sit pressing alittle bit.*

"Well it looks like you are going to have a nice black and blue eye once we get the swelling down. You lucky you eye dident pop out of your head. I am going to need to reset you jaw, and It looks like you have a rib that is cracked in more than one place that I am going to need to bandage up in hope it will heal right and no peaces of the bone broke off and are floting around inside of you where they could puncher your lung or worse your heart."

*Misty steps back away from Carson and grabs a chair. Siting down casuly in it Misty cross her arms, and places one leg over top of the other, not moving much to help him.*

"So Carson Banks, untill you tell me the truth about what on earth is going on. You can sit there, in pain."

*Misty's face was hard showing she ment what she said, but yet behind her eyes there was the look that if one looked close enough it was killing her inside not helping him. She was screaming at herself to moves and mend his wounds, and wrap his broken bones. But Misty dident move at all, she sat across from Carson her arms folded waiting for him to speak again.*

*Mable nods jotting down the order.*

"Ok I'll put the order in and it will be ready in a few."

*Mable turns and leaves the table heading into the backroom to give Herb the order. Poking her head out the pickup window though Mable watches Bret and Charlotte.*

"Herb who do you think that girl is with Bret?"

*Herb rolls his eyes at his wife.*

"Maybe its his wife."

"No, I dont see a ring on eather of there hands."

"Maybe its his girlfriend than. People are aloud to have thouse you know."

"But Herb where is she from? She is kind of exotic looking, and very pretty."

*Herb slaps his spatula down on the grill causing Mable to jump and pull her head back inside.*

"Would you leave them alown. Do you always have to be in everyones busness?"

"What, I was just wondering."

"Well stop and go grab me some mushrooms."

*Mable lets out a sigh and heads into the back cooler.*

"I'm here with my sister. Helping her out alittle with some work. She is heading out for the weekend though to go to a wedding, and she though maybe over the time she was gone I could get settaled here, and see the sights before I got to inthralled with her work and not be able to have any fun. Little does she know though...."

*Charlotte leans into the table and whispers for some dramitc affect as her lips turn up in a curling grin.*

"...I'll have fun anyways when she isent looking."

*Charlotte sits back up with alittle laugh taking a sip of her water.*

"So Bret, what is it you do when you'er not meeting mistery women, wallowing in a bar, or siting at home watching TV? I have to get idea's of what I am going to do on my boring weekend alone. Because if I sit in a bar all weekend long, my sister somehow will find out and WILL kill me."

*Charlotte smiles as she leans back in the booth her eyes meeting Brets and twinkling.*

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