
Girl Talk

*Misty lets out a sigh before turning to leave.*

"Ok, hit me up before you leave so I know about dinner tomarrow."

*Exiting Carson's cubicle she heads for the infermary to start her days work. They were days Carson confused her, and days she just dident understand. Sometimes she even wondered why she kept trying. But than she remembered the good times with Carson and how much they our weaghed the bad and it gave her hope that oneday Carson would come around.*

*Charlotte watches as Bret leaves and shakes her head. Finishing off her drink she pays for them and heads out herself. Geting outside the Bar Charlotte takes not to the time and heads down the street looking in differnt shop windows. She dident know why but she felt like buying something new for her date tonight. She hadent been on one in a while, and just felt like making herself feel pretty. She already had a nice top back at the hotel she new she could wait, but needed some pants to go with it. She was going to buy a par anyway so it really wasent like she was buying them for JUST this occation. Finally finishing and handing the cashier her card she exits the store and heads back to the store. Alittle bit of exciment settaling in.

As Charlotte enters the hotel room her sister is running around the room. Raising an eyes brow she inquires.*

"Hermana, what are you doing?"

*Lockheart looks up at her sisters voice. She had just gotten out of the shower and was rushing around looking for clothing when her sister returned back to the room.*

"I am trying to find something to wair to dinner tonight."

"Ohhh...your going on a date?"

"Its not a date!"

"Than why are you worryed about what you have on?"

*Lockheart looks up meeting her sisters eyes."

"You were at a bar drinking wernt you?"

"Don't try and change the subject."

"I'm not I am just stating a fact. I wish you dident drink its no good for you, and you know."

"Hermana, you know I dont drink that much anymore. Now back to you. Its a date just addmit it. That guy....Mick, Mac,...."


"Yes Mike asked you to dinner so its a date."

"He was just meeting some people for dinner and dident want to go alone."

"So he asked you to go as a date."

*Lockheart rolls her eyes.*

"Fine its a date are you happy?"

*Charlotte gives a nod of satisfaction and she puts her packages down. On the bed and going over to her sisters suit case to help her pick out something. Finally choosing a black skirt that came right above her knee, and a burnt orange shirt she smiled.*

"I even braught my black boots you can barrow for tonight."

*Lockheart looks at her sister alittle leery about what she wanted her to wair. Her sister was younger than her and she wasent all to sure if when she wanted her to wait was apropreate for someone her age.*

"Charlotte, I dont think I can wair this."

"Oh stop you will be fine, and you will look nice. I'll even do you hair."

*Lockheart shakes her head and gives a sigh. She was happy her sister wanted to help but she wasent totally sure she was ready for all her. She was growing more and more nervouse by the minute. Trying to switch things off of her she looks to her sisters bed where her packages where and raises an eyebrow.*

"It dident take you long before you wanted to go shopping."

*Charlotte gives alittle laugh as she heads into the bathroom and sets up the curling iron.*

"Well what do you exspect I was stuck here all day.l I had to find something to do."

*Lockheart smiles. Charlotte was always on the go trying to keep herself busy. Lockheart was so much differnt from her sister. She wraped herself up in work and Charlotte wraped herself in life. Sometimes Lockheart even envied her sister but offten dident dewll on it.*

"So do you have planes tonight Charlotte?"

*Charlotte pokes her head out of the bathroom smiling.*

"Maybe, but I am not telling because you will just be a worry wort."

*Lockheart smiles as she stands. Going over to her sister she takes a hold of her and looks her in the eye. Her sister new her all to well. Giving her a quick hug she states.*

"Just be safe ok, I dont want you geting into another mess like you did with Todd ok?"

*Charlotte nods and hugs her sister back.*

"I know hermana. Thank you for looking out for me. Now come here and let me do her hair."

*Lockheart laughs as her sister pulls her into the bathroom, a bit of excitment shown through the nervousness.*

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