
Start of the night

*As Misty sits quietly in the infermary at TJY her eyes glued to a micrascope a suddon wave of fear pass over her. Looking up from the scope Misty walks to the door. Steping outside she scans the main floor. Mosty everyone was gone at this hour. Only Hal was around. Even Ty was gone seeing as the wedding was tomarrow. Making her way to the breakroom Misty grabs some water than heads back to the infermary. Siting back down at her desk the wave comes over her again this time Carson's name poping into her head. Taking out her phone she dials his number. Not even receving a ring it goes right to voice mail.*

"Carson, its Misty. I know your busy, I just...I dont know I was siting here working late and I got a funny feeling that passed over me. I intinly though of you and the worry increased. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I'll talk to you later. Miss you."

*Hanging up the phone Misty twirls it in her hand for a long moment before Dialing on her phone again.*

"Hey Wyatt, Its Misty. What did you find out about that body today? Anything intresting?"

*Lockheart scans the menu trying to decied what to order when the sound of Reese phone breaks the silence and causes her to give alittle jump as well. Once Reese informs her the the other wouldent be coming her nerves rise again. She wasent sure how to act, what to say this was insain. At least with someone alse with them she wouldent have to try and keep the conversation up by herself. Now she would have to think of something. and as ordered by Charlotte she needed to stay away from the topic of work.

Continuing to look at the menu for a long moment she finally decieds on geting the Stingray salad with chickpeas. Once giving the waiter the order Lockheart looks up at Reese and gives a small smile.*

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Even if Sheriff Brown and his wife couldent make it, it was nice of you."

*Taking a sip of her water Lockheart fishes around in her head for something to talk about. It was easy to talk about work, or a case, to make up please, and speaches she always new what to say but now that she was called on it she really dident know much about Reese. Once again her eyes meet Reese like they had before. He looked sharp tonight much differnt from his normal work atire. He looked Nice.*

"Siting here I relized I dont know to much about you. What are you like outside of work?"

*Lockheart couldent help but beat herself up inside her head once the words were from her mouth what a stupid question to ask.*

*As Bret pulls up Charlotte raises an eye bow. He certinly had a nice car. Nicer than she exspected. Geting in she gives a smile to Bret.*

"Good Evening."

*Charlotte greets in return. Charlottes cheeks show a bit of color again at Bret's comment.*

"You dont look so bad youself tonight. Something tells me though you always look pretty good."

*Charlotte grins as the small talk it kept up untill they get to the restront. Charlotte follows Bret into the small restront looking around.

As Mable hears the bell on the door ring she looks up and smile at Bret. It was always good to see him. Mable gives a small wave and nods at Charlotte.*

"How are ya tonight Bret? You can take the booth in the far courner if you want. What can I get you guys to drink?"

*Charlotte looks at Mable and smiles.*

"Do you have any wine?"

"Sorry dear all out drinks are non alcholic."

*Charlotte gives a nod though she was a bit disapointed.*

"I'll just have some ice water than please."

*Mable gives a nod and turns to Bret.*

"What can I get you Bret?"

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