
Its Habbit

* Misty lets out a sigh as she listens to Wyatt.*

"No reason I guess. Sometimes stairing at paper work all day, its cool to hear about the action.*

*Misty is silent for a moment more weaghing on her mind as the continue feeling of worry makes itself known. Misty and Wyatt had grown closer over the last few months but she dident want to bother him with her worry let alone not knowing the whole truth herself.*

"Ok, well sorry for bothering you. I'll see you tomarrow. Nite."

*Hanging up the phone Misty sets it down and leans back in her chair for a moment spinning it around and looking out the window.*

"Where ever you are Carson...I hope your safe."

*Misty gives a shake at a cold chill that runs down her spine as she turns back to her desk standing and puting away the stuff she was working on before heading out of TJY, to the store for some dinner and than home.*

"Fishing, I've never done that before. At least you have one thing in comman with you son that you can do."

*Lockheart gives a small genuine smile. Lockheart wouldent addmite it but inside she understood what Reese ment about work and doing nothing alse. She liked wrapping her own self in work all the time.

Lockheart listens intently to everything alse Reese says, trying to look through his layers. It was hard for her not to she was a lawyer after all and there always more to what made a person act they way they did. For a moment she felt bold, a bit of curage, and yurning to find out more. Maybe it was the face that she couldent read Reese like most people. Something about him wanted her to ask, insted of pealing back the layer without asking if it was ok.*

"So why do you wrap yourself in work so much? How come you dont go out, and find new stuff to do and try?"

*Lockheart takes a peace of bread from the basket thats on the table and puts it on her plate. Unwraping her silverware she places her napkin in her lap and gently take her knife to butter her bread.*

*Charlotte slides into the booth across from Bret. Taking the menu she scans it over trying to decied what she wanted. Giving alittle grin to Bret's questions she glances over the menu.*

"Well I was born in Puerto Rico, but moved when I was really small still. Now my Madre, Hermana, Abuela and myself live in California."

*After speaking her sentince she relized she listed off her family member in spanish. Feeling silly and not wanting to inslat Bret she explains.*

"Sorry, its habbit to just call my family there spanish names. When I ment to say was my Mother, Sister, and Grandmother. My brother also came to Cali with us but, he passed away a while after we moved here."

*Charlotte is silent for a moment, but her smile never leave her face as she looks down at her menu again before closing it and puting it down looking back at Bret.*

"So what about you? Have you always lived in Nevada?"

*As if on que with Charlotte's placment of the menu Mable makes her way over to the table giving Charlotte her water and Bret his Coke.*

"What can I get you guys tonight?"

*Charlotte looks up at Mable and smiles.*

"I'll have the Chicken Marsala please. With a side salad and ranch dressing."

*Mable quickly jots down Charlotte's order and turns to Bret.*

"What can I get you Bret? The normal or are you going to spice it up tonight?"

*Mable looks to Charlotte and than back to Bret giving a grin. She new good and well he was on a date and it only made it more fun to harass him.*

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