
Her loss my gain

*Misty smile at Carson as he stands up. Though the hair on the back of her neck stands on end as he brushs off dinner till tomarrow. She has hurd that excuse before and cant help but feel caution. Trying to push it away Misty gives a nod walking into TJY under Carson's arm.*

"Ya, tomarrow sounds good."

*Walk in and passing Reese Misty stays under Carson's arm. Misty's eyes go back and forth between Reese as she listens to Reese almost beg Carson to do the job only to get shot down by Carson one excuse after another. Watching Carson walk away Misty gives a shake of her head to her Uncle and hurrys after Carson. Once he is in his cubicle Misty enters behind him. Keeping her voice low, and even not trying to toss blame Misty speaks.*

"Hun, you shopping and laundry can wait. What Reese is asking you to do wont take long and since we arnt going to dinner tonight you can do that stuff later. Unless you have another reason for not going I dont know about."

*Misty face dosent sure much of an exprestion differnt from the one she had before. Keep her voice even and steady. She dident want to jump to conclutions, or assume. She wanted to give Carson the benafit of the doubt.*

*Charlotte runs her finger around the rim of her glass before taking a drink. Thinking for a moment before she replys.*

"You ended up married huh?"

*Charlotte scan's Bret's hand and than looks up at him in the eyes once again.*

"Well I dont see a ring, so eather your one of those guys who pretends not to be married and ask girls out, or your not married anymore. If thats the case your ex is stupider than crap, and I would love to gain from her loss. So yes, a date would be nice."

*A smile spreads across Charlotte's face giving proof that she wasent scaired to speak her mind. Her eyes give alittle twinkle as a bit of color makes its way to her cheeks. So far her time in Nevada had proven to be intresting maybe she was glad to come with her sister after all.*

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