

*Misty stays planted in her chair as Carson stands and starts to leave. She could tell him was still lying. The little words he said, they way me movied it said it all. Watching him leave a battle rages inside her between helping the one she hold so close and doing what is right. Her heart acked, her body pleaded to help him, but her mind stayed ferm. Giving a sigh Misty stands walks twords Carson. Giving in once again even though she new what he said was a lie.*

"I dont think you got jumped behind a supermarket Carson, because I can read you better than you know, but I dont want you trying to get to Rick and geting in a accident eather. Thats all I need right now, and a dead boyfriend wont do me any good. So come back in the kitchen and let .... me fix you up."

*Misty's eyes hold a strange look. She was disapointed in herself for giving in. It was always like this with Carson. Like he had some power over her. Was this was really caring for someone did. Made you over look someones fault and down falls. To the point where you couldent say no? Misty gives alittle scoff at herself as she grabs some sapplys she would need. Someday the time would come when she would take no more and she new it. Misty could only hope though that Carson would learn his lesson and straten out long before that.*

*Charlotte grins back at Bret before turning to her meal. It smelled so good, and she was pretty hungry. Listing to Bret and seeing the challange in his eyes Charlotte felt her adrenilen rush. Just something about Bret's eyes was almost hypnotizing, and the deepth was yerning, dearing someone to step in.*

"All that stuff sounds pretty fun."

*Charlotte pauses for a long moment, enjoying her meal. Leting the quiet rain over them. Soaking in the silence, the small noises around that made this atmisphere nice. Taking a sip of her water and puting another peace of chicken in her mouth, chewing it before speaking again. Charlotte's grin curled even more, her eyes playing in the light that shown from them revealing she had something whitty to say.*

"My predictions is Bret, that YOU..."

*Charlotte points her fork in Bret's direction before going back to her food, her smile, her grin growing by the moment.*

"... will be going on more dates this weekend, and everything you just listed YOU...."

*Charlotte tilts her head alittle as she says the last part, her voice becoming soft, her smile showing through her words. Providing proof that the thought was nice if Bret really did want another date.*

"...will be doing. And neather of US will feel alone this weekend."

*Charlotte looks back to her food her smile remaining, something that couldent be whiped away. Her aura of boldness, and love for adventure shown through. Mixing with Bret's own, loving his classy forwardness Charlotte new this weekend would prove to be intresting indeed.*

*Lockheart goes stiff for a moment as the question of her own life is braught up. She dident talk to hardly anyone about Angeal and most of the time when the subject was braught up she tryed to duck around it, or cut whoever off from talking about it. Just the thought now made her stomach churn. Trying to relax again Lockheart looks down at her plate. She had the strange urg she wanted to tell Reese but where to start.*

"I guess I should start at the begining..."

*And thats exacly where she started. Telling Reese about he life, her family, when father who passed away back in Porta Rico and how her family movied. How close they were like most hispanic family's were and slowly Lockheart worked her way into her brother...telling the story about him.*

"...I was fairly young still but old enough to understand, I was in highschool at the time when I brother was arrested. Wrong place wrong time and this gang needed someone to blame, to fram and get the law off there back. My brother was there trying to save a man's life, but he couldent. When the police showed up my brother was coved in the mans blood, and he was dead. He was a Hispanic man on the wrong end of town he new woulent they were thinking and new he was done for. "

*Lockheart goes into a bit more deapth about her brother arrest and in Cali the 2 swides of town. The rich side, and than the poor side. How when one crossed the other everything when up in smoke.*

"...So my brother got a trial and unfortunly his laywer was not on his side and one the side of the gang. He dident defent my brother he helped bury my brother. Angeal was sentinced to death."

*Lockheart stops for a moment and closes her eyes. Speaking these words outloud still hurt. The memories were still so fresh in her mind. Opening her eyes she continue. Telling Reese about how closes she was with her brother, and how much she looked up to him. Her brother was everything to her. About how untill he was put to death she would go see him, and how no matter what he always had a smile. Lockheart also go into how because of this she became a laywer, she couldent save her brother so now, she always faught to save everyone alse and thats why she worked so hard with Jason.*

"....so...like you I wrap myself in work so I am not alone. I save other people's lives and make them happy so I dont have to worry about mind. As for leting people close to me..I have a hard time trusting so i try not to get involved, and I keep myself closed off. I dont let myself smile, because than I know what I am missing. I dont go out places because than I will know how much fun I am not having. I dont let myself slow down from work because than I relize how lonly I really am. Your the first person beside my family I have ever let see me this close."

*Lockheart turns her gaze away from Reese and back to her food taking another bite.*

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