

The bunch keeps things lively at Mom and Pop’s and they stay late, though finally know it’s time to call it a night. As everyone stands up, Jason waits for Katie, and Con glances at Nate, then at Laura again.

“Laura, you might as well ride with Jamie and me since you’re coming back anyway.”

Laura lifts her eyebrows a little, knowing the reason for the offer. “Oh, yeah, sure.” She turns to Nate, for some reason, wishing she could apologize. For what exactly, she wasn’t sure, but something wasn’t feeling right. “Um…thanks for the lift over here. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Carson grins a little and stands up. His bag with everything but his weapons and Agency information had been brought in earlier, and he goes for his denim jacket, slipping it on before following Misty. “Alright, no gas stations. But I can’t promise I won’t take off. You might frighten me away.”

As they walk down the hall, Carson’s arm automatically moves to casually sling around Misty’s shoulders. He doesn’t relax though – keeping his eyes out for anyone who might be left in the building to see him.

Once outside, he takes a deep breath of the damp night air. “Now that’s better.” He feels in his pockets, but finding no cigarettes, gives up easily. Maybe that was a battle worth fighting for once.

He aims across the parking lot, heading for the sidewalk.

A million stars dot the night sky, almost as if to trick one into thinking that rain was not going to come.

Let's not

*Nate laughs and Nods puting his hand back to his sides grab a hold of one of the empty tables and sliding it together with the booth. Grabing a chair for Laura he holds it as she sits down pushing it in slightly for her. Than takes his own chair and sits down across from her. Looking at Con for a bref moment he can feel his eyes bearing holds through him. The look on Con's face showed he was non to happy. Puting his head down Nate looks at the menu trying to decied what to eat. Shifting a bit in his chair a suddon feeling of being uncomfortable over coming him.*

*Misty grins at Carson stairing deep into his eyes trying to read his motives. She feel for this trick once before.*

"You not going to take off are you? I remember this conversation from before but it ended not in my favor. My date stood me up. I'm not the kind of gril who takes kindly to that you know."

*Mitys eyes narrow but not being able to help leting a sassy smile slip off her lips.*

"Ok lets go."

*Mitsy grabs her leather jacket and puts her wallet in her pocket.*

"Lets not stop by any gas stations eather this time around eather shall me."

*A smile again playing on Misty's mouth as she starts to head for the door."


A short laugh surfaces, though Laura doesn’t look up to meet Nate’s eyes. “Forget it. You weren’t thinking straight, so I can’t hold that against you.”

She keeps silent the rest of the ride downtown, and follows Nate’s lead into the busy restaurant. As he takes her hand, she can’t help the strange feeling welling deep down somewhere. His hand was rough, but gentle…warm, but not overpowering. A little scared, Laura would have withdrawn her hand, but she didn’t want to embarrass Nate further, let alone in public.

Approaching the others, she’s glad for the extra company.

Con looks up from the table, offering a nod to Nate and a smile to his sister. As the others talk, his eyes zero in on Laura and Nate’s hands, and he shifts his gaze to Laura’s face. Though she wouldn’t have said a word about it, her slight tension is multiplied by ten in Con’s eyes, and he lifts an eyebrow skeptically. “Hey, why don’t you two pull that little table up over here and join us?”

Laura knows her brother too well not to see what he’s doing, and she can’t decide if she’s grateful or not. She slips her hand from Nate’s and forces a smile. “If you guys don’t mind.”

“Of course not,” Jason intervenes with a laugh. “We’ve already stormed each others’ parties already.”

Carson can’t help a wry grin. “Yeah, well, Ty seems to be on my side, so why not? I think he understands the need to let a caged animal out every once in a while.” He fingers the key. “Seems to me we shouldn’t let his efforts be in vain.”

He looks at Misty out of the corner of his eye, giving her a sly glance. “I wouldn’t want you to get jealous if I paid more attention to another friend. How about we get in that moonlit stroll before the rain starts?” His eyes hold a strange look…one that longs to get out of TJY…one that reflects his inner struggles, despite his efforts to simply appear flirtatious. “But this time we stick to going without a car. I wouldn’t want to get too far that someone checks in here in the meantime and you wind up with your own butt in the holding cell.”

Running away

*Katie waves to Mable and Herb as they nod back to the being alittle to busy for the normal chitchat. Seeing Jamie and Con Katie smiles. It was good to see them again.*

"Hey Big Brother, Hey Jamie. I guess I can deal with not having Jason to myself for one night."

*Katie slides into the empty side of the booth.*

"You look like your doing well Jamie. I take it Con is taking good care of you right? So I dont have to kick his butt?"

*Jamie smiles as Katie and Jason walk over.*

" As long as Jason is you so I dont have it kick his!! Its good to see you Katie I havent seen you since..."

*Jamie thinks for a moment going quiet. She hadent seen Katie since before she was taking. Jamie looks differnt now and she new it. Trying to stay positive she trys to smile again.*

"...for a while. You look like your doing good as well."

*The chat stays hearty and light trying to stay off of TJY as much as they can.*

"Your parents place sure is busy tonight."

*Jamie nods*

"Ya its been picking up at night around here. Witch is a good thing. But in the summer time is just seems to get worse. More people dont want to cook themselfs."

*Mable brings over Jason and Katie there drinks saying her hellos and chating for just a few second before Herb has another order ready.*

*Nate smiles as Laura gets into the car.*

"Ok you can pay for yours."

*Pulling away from the cerb Nate can sence Laura's tensness. He guess it was from the kiss. He dident blame her it was a rash movie.*

"Larua I'm sorry I kissed you. I was wrong. I was so lightheaded I probley wouldent have remembered if...."

*Nate thinks about her words and decieds to end what he was saying before he made it worse.*

"Well I am sorry anyways and I hope this dosent rune our friendship."

*After a few moment pass they finally pull up to Mom and Pop's entering Nate spots the rest of the gang.*

"Hey look eveyone alse is here too."

*Without thinking Nate takes Laura's hand in a friendly mannor and leads her over to the table with the two couples.*

"What is this a party and we just crashed it?"

*Nate cant help but smile nodding at Jamie and Con.*

"Its good to see you guys. This place sure is packed tonight."

*Misty removes her hands from her head and looks at Carson grinning.*

"Trust me if I was hungry I would of eaten and that key in your hand says that you could get out even if I locked you in. Where did you get that from?"

*Misty thinks for a moment about earlyer when Ty had been in here. Standing her goes over to Carson and checks his wrists to make sure they still arnt bleeding.*

"Ah so Ty is a new friend now too? Well well well as long as he dosent take my place I guess I am ok with that. Well if you run away make sure you take me with you this time ok. I am bored out of my mind from school work and what not."

*The courner of Misty mouth turns up in a grin as she stairs into Carson's blue eyes.*


Con runs his errands and takes his time as Jamie shops as well. By the time they’re finished, they head to Mom and Pop’s right as people are starting to filter in for supper. Their regular booth is still free, and Con heads for it, sliding in across from Jamie. He forces himself to relax and smile, keeping conversation light, and waving to Herb and Mabel.

Jason grins and escorts Katie outside. Once in the night air, he looks up to the darkening sky. “They say we got rain coming. Kyle called me earlier – they say if it rains too much, that the fund raiser is going to be postponed. I hope it doesn’t, but I can smell it…I bet we’re going to get a storm tonight.”

He throws Katie a grin. “We better get supper and get back before we get soaked again. I need to get a car.” He hands Katie her helmet as they get to the bike, and makes sure she’s on and settled before straddling the seat.

Heading downtown, he automatically goes for Mom and Pop’s.

Con looks up from the table after taking a sip of soda pop, and raises his eyebrows as he sees Jason and Katie. “Well, look what the cat dragged in.” He waves them over. “Hey, you two. It’s filling up in here quick. Wanna join us?”

Jason grins and elbows Katie. “As long as Hero doesn’t mind not having me to herself.”

Con chuckles and gets up to switch sides, joining Jamie in her booth. “Sit down. We haven’t even ordered yet.”

Laura stops walking as she sees Nate’s car and received the invitation. She hesitates, trying to decipher his tone. He did seem genuinely concerned…and a couple days ago, Laura wouldn’t have thought anything from accepting a ride from him. It was just…a little…awkward now though. And eating supper with him? “Um…”

She glances down the sidewalk that is becoming dark. She knew it wasn’t safe to walk alone this time of night…

“Alright…I guess.” Laura knows her hesitance is showing more than she would like, and she’d rather Nate didn’t notice, but she can’t help the pink that creeps into her cheeks as she makes her way to the passenger side of the car. Sliding in, she buckles the seatbelt and focuses on a chipped fingernail. “Mom and Pop’s sounds good…as long as I’m buying my own supper.”

Carson looks over to Misty, his head cocking slightly. “It’s always amazed me how the people that chastise others the most for doing to much are the ones that overwork themselves.”

He fingers the key in his palm. “Don’t they ever give you a break? You have to east sometime and I haven’t seen a dinner plate around here. Lock the door on your way out – I couldn’t get out of here if I got paid to.”

Mom and Pop's

*Nate sighs and sits down in a chair across from Jason his head was throbing but took something for it already so it should subside soon. Nate flips through all the pics Jason handed him leting out a long sigh.*

"Wow this is heavy. Every person they did something to is in one pic or another."

*Nate takes the papers Jason handed him as well seting the pictures down. As he starts to read over the differnt information his blood starts to boil all over again. How could anyone do this to people. Nate trys his best to keep himself calm.*

"You probley right about the trace on the guns but maybe they slipped up somewhere we should try and have them traced anyways. Maybe we can give them to Katie to look into since she is back. I know she is good with that kind of stuff. Unless you think we should keep we out of it."

*Nate eyes Jason trying to read how he felt on the matter. As Jason goes on about Misty and Carson Nate trys to understand better the matter.*

"Maybe we are doing more harm by interfearing with her and Carson. We can watch them make sure Misty is ok but maybe we should stay away. We could be doing more harm by coming around and bother them. It seems any time one of us other than Misty gets close to him he closes off and goes back to squair one and Misty had to start over again. For now we SHOULD probley stay away and just hang tight. Misty seems to be ok and showing him no fear in a way elimatates him wanting to hurt her if he did. What the point in hurting someone if they arnt scaired, if they dont scream, or if they dont plead?"

*Misty cant help but laugh and yell back at him.*

"Ya well grown men dont usally run away when out on a date eather."

*Misty's sassy tone showing through. Finally when Carson leaves the bathroom Misty walks back with him to the infermary. Once inside she does what she should normaly do with the iodine and bandages though he dosent need as much as before she puts it on just the same making it look like they broke up again.*

"There ya go good as new."

*Misty slowly walks away from Carson siting down at her desk. Rick hadent be back all day or for the last few days. No one said where he was but it wasent hard to guess he was probley away on a mission where they needed a doc. Misty wasent that good yet. settaling into the chair Misty starts to write and opens a text book.*

*Katie smiles and nods at Reese.*

"Awww...how come I want to meet this charming new intern we have."

*Katie cant help but roll her eyes.*

"Something tells me I am gonna need to stay away from her unless its an emergancy or we are gonna butt heads."

*Katie cant help but laugh as she exits Reese office heading for her desk to start on her work.*

*Jamie smiles up at Con's at the invatation.*

"I'd love to go with you. I want to try and find something for Katie for her new room as well. From what I was told its bigger than her old on and she dosent have much stuff. I guess it can be a welcome home gift from us and I would never give up a chanse to see my parents."

*Jamie beams up at Con pushing herself away from the counter to grab her bag and get ready to go.*

*As the night comes to a close Kate lets out a right right before Jason walks up. She had got almost all the paper work caught up and figured tomarrow she would work on the stacks and stacks that were on Jamies desk to help her out so when she came back to work she wasent behind. Katie couldent help but be tired but she also missed spending the nights with Jason so dosent want to pass this opertunity up.*

"Ya J I think I would like that. It would be nice to spend a night with you. Like old times. I have to be home early though or Henry will get jealouse."

*Katie cant help but laugh as she shuts her computer off and gathers her stuff from her desk.*

*As Nate heads out of TJY and jumps into his car. Pulling out of the parking lot a movement catches his eye. IT was Laura. Her car must be in the shop and everyone alse had left already. There was no way he could let her walk home alone at this time of night. Not with the new info that the agency could be watching and Laura being Con's sister. PUlling the car along side Laura Nate rolls down the window.*

"Hey Laura, I was wondering if you wanted to catch a bit to eat over at Mom's and Pops. I dont wanna eat alone tonight and everyone alse to ask is gone. On top of that I cant help you walk home alone this late at night its not safe."

*Nate gives Laura a friendly smile hoping not to conva he was asking her for another reason.*

*As Misty finishes her her paper she finally closes her text book. She was bored out of her mind this stuff was all the same. All afternoon she had been working on the same thing in her book. Leaning back in her hair and puts her hands over her face and lets out a long sigh.*


Jason shakes his head as Misty leaves, muttering to himself. “One of these days, that attitude of hers is going to get her into trouble.” He sighs and turns back to his task, involving Nate. “Not a whole lot of facts we can go on here, but there’s enough here to make things scary. The Agency has been watching everything, and contrary to what Carson says, I think the Agency knows where we are. I’d be willing to bet that Medridge has simply kept them on a leash just to observe instead of take us down. He likes seeing fights too much to take us down completely.”

Jason shows Nate the stack of photos. “They’ve got most of us in here at some point in time around town, out of town, together, alone… I’m telling you, that Agency has eyes everywhere.”

He goes back to rummaging through Carson’s bag. “Wouldn’t be surprised if these guns couldn’t be traced…nice weapons, I’ll give him that. There’s a few odds and ends here…personal items… but the main stuff we’re interested in are these pictures, and these papers.” He holds up a small stack of pages. “These look like reports on the movements of people they’ve been tracking…ones like Jamie…me… the people they’ve gone after. Unfortunately, there aren’t any ones we didn’t already know about… So either they’re not tracking anyone now, or Carson wasn’t privy to new information, which…I find hard to believe.”

After a while of going through the new evidence, Jason finally sets Carson’s bag aside. “I’ve still got a lot of questions for Carson…more specific things like names of people he’s worked with, where they are, where the Agency has posts…stuff we can get a handle on so we can start taking them down.”

Jason shrugs and eases down in his chair. “Misty doesn’t seem to want us talking to Carson yet though, and since Reese has given her free rein, I guess we wait.”

Carson heads into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. After a few minutes, the shower’s running water can be heard, and he calls out. “You do realize grown men don’t normally need someone to stand guard outside the door.” His tone is that of irritation, though is edged with just enough teasing to soften the statement.

It doesn’t take him long to shower and change clothes, tucking in his t-shirt and throwing on a belt. Tossing his ruined clothes into the trash, he finally exits, running his hand through his wet hair. “Alright, doc, fix me up.” He holds out his arms that need to be rebandaged, though they withstood his movements without breaking open again.

Reese gives Katie a brief summary of things that have been happening, skimming over boring details and informing her of things she would need to know. Concluding, he nods to her. “I guess that’s about it…I know you’ve got a lot on your desk, but don’t kill yourself getting it done in a hurry. It’s got time and I don’t want you overdoing it, especially your first day back.”

Con shakes his head, giving Jamie a squeeze. “You’re not a scaredy cat.” He thinks for a minute, then changes the subject. “I got some running around to do today…thought I might drop by the mall…maybe swing by your folks’ restaurant for lunch. Wanna tag along?”

The day drags on a bit, but eventually it comes to a close, people filing out of TJY once more. Jason exits Reese’s office and heads over to Katie’s cubicle. “Hey, Hero of mine…wanna grab some supper somewhere before I take you home?”

Laura gathers up her purse and sighs to herself as she aims for the exit. Con wasn’t answering his phone, Jason was taking Katie, Wyatt had left a while ago, she didn’t have any cash in hand…it looked like she was going to be having a long walk home. At least it was warm out.

She heads out across the parking lot and finds herself walking the sidewalk.

Carson sits up on his bed, his flexible legs crossed Indian style as he leans back against the pillows. His boredom had increased steadily all day long, and now that everyone was going home for the night, it was getting even quieter. No one had questioned him all day…an interesting relief. It didn’t help his boredom any though.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key that Ty had given him, and walks it through his fingers, his mind working overtime.


*Misty eyes blaze as Jason.*

"The best than can be exspected though his wrists keep ripping witch is causing they to heal slowly. Thx for the clothing. "

*Misty ignors Nate's question heading out of the office and back to Carson. Seeing Ty come from the infermary Misty raises an eyebrow.*

"Hey Ty. Everything ok?"

*Misty pears into the room seeing Carson is ok, Misty still saspish. Entering the room she nods at Carson handing him the cloths*

"Dont move, let me take the IV out RIGHT this time."

*Once Misty is done taking it out she helps Carson to the bathroom standing outside waiting for him.*

*Katie enters the office a smile on her face.*

" Heya its good to be back."

*Walking over to Wyatt she gives him a friendly hug.*

"Thank you guys for prayng, and for the flowers, cards and everything. I'm feeling really good. Ready to start working, kicking the Agency butt. The Whole nine yards."

*Katie smiles leaning on her cane alittle bit. It was gonna rain again her back was telling her so.*

"So who wants to fill me in whats been going on while I have been out? I hurd alot of fun and intresting things have been going on."

*Jamie keeps her arm around Con.*

"Its my joy. Thank YOU for puting up with my scardy cat self too. I'll be better and strong again soon."


Jason looks up quickly, still having been engrossed in what he was looking through. "Oh, um yeah..." He rummages through the bag to pull out a set of clothes, going through it to make sure there's nothing else there, and tosses them to Misty just as Nate walks in. Quirking an eyebrow, he questions Misty in front of Nate. "How's our p.o.w. doing this morning anyway?"

Carson sits up in bed and swings his legs over the side, signing deeply as Misty leaves the room. No, he wasn't going to run away. Where could he go anyway? Not that he could get out of this building without being seen. Suddenly a figure appears tin the doorway and Carson looks up, surprised to see Ty.

Ty cocks his head and slowly approaches, his hands hooked in his pockets. "How ya doing?"

Carson eyes him skeptically. "Alright. And what is it you want?"

Ty shrugs. "I don't know. I guess I just maybe don't agree with what the guys are doing, that's all." He think about finding Carson in the cell and shudders just a little, the rare compassion surfacing. "I know how it feels to get down...." He sighs deeply, and comes even closer, his batch of keys within Carson's reach. "I know if I were in your shoes I'd give just about anything to get a breath of fresh night air..." He shrugs again. "I know you're on our side, Carson...I guess I trust you even if Jason and Nate don't..." He recalls Misty's actions. "Sometimes having more than one friend is even better...and blue keys are often a way to get that fresh air without anyone knowing."

Carson spies the blue key ring on Ty's belt, and knows exactly what the young man is doing. He couldn't be more grateful. In the blink of an eye, the key is in his own hand being slipped into his pocket.

Ty slowly turns around and ambles to the door. "You might see me cleaning tonight," he calls over his shoulder. "And by the way, I wouldn't recommend sneaking around without Misty unless you want a hornet on your hands."

Reese and Wyatt's voice can be heard through Reese's office door, but the conversation stops as Katie knocks. "Come in."

Reese is seated behind his desk, Wyatt standing. He turns, and seeing Katie, offers a wide smile. "Hero. Good to see you back."

"It certainly is." Reese nods. "Welcome back, Katie."

Con shifts his weight to wrap an arm around Jamie's shoulders. "Thanks for putting up with me."


*As Carson catches Misty hand her eyes dart to his eyes. Drawing her in, making her puls race.*

"I guess it would be a shame if you couldent see those now wouldent it be."

*As Carson lets go of Misty's hand and askes about the bag she scans Carson's face for a moment.*

"Your not gonna run away again on me are you?"

*Misty cant help but stick her toung out at Carson and turns to leave heading for Jason's office. Once there she knocks on the door and enters seeing Jason siting at his desk. Clearing her through she spys Carson bag.*

"Jason can I have Carson's clothing? So he can take a shower and have a new par of clothing? Please?"

*Katie smiles at Laura.*

"I'm nervouse as ever about singing. But even if I do bad I dont really mind as long as I have fun and can raise some money for the hospetel. Well I better go say hi to Reese or he will never let me live it down Wyatt too. I'll see ya through out the day and at home."

*Katie turns and heads for Reese office as she knocks on the door and waits.*

*Jamie comes up along the side of Con. Still something was bothering him. Decieding not to ask questions she just leans over and gives him a big hug. Knowing he did in fact have alot on his mind. Jamie just wanted to be there for him as much as she could.*

*Finally arriving to TJY Nate heads for Jason's office entering she says*

"Ok lets see what we got in...."

*But his words trail off as he see Misty standing in the room.*

"Oh hey Misty...Hows it going?"


Carson raises one defiant eyebrow and grabs Misty's hand as she slaps him. "Well I certainly don't want to go blind. Then I wouldn't be able to see those dang spitfire eyes of yours."

He squints at her, still trying to figure out her motives, but finally gives up and lets her hand go. "Do me a favor and go find Jason to see if he went and got that bag of mine. If he did, I've got clothes in there, and I don't care what anybody says, I'm getting out of this bed and taking a shower."

Laura returns Katie's hug with enthusiasm. "You're telling me - it's been so quiet with you gone! I'm hoping to be back soon too. Jamie will be taking off for a little while, so then I won't be needed over there." She shrugs a little. "Oh, I'm doing all right. Had a few weird experiences lately." She scrunches up her nose, remembering her times with Con, and with Nate. "But nothing too horrid." She chuckles. "I hear you're getting ready for that fundraiser. I know I'm coming, and so is Con. He wouldn't miss it for the world."

Con chuckles a little at Jamie. "Of course we'll talk on the phone. That's what phones are for. And don't you worry any about me. You know I'm just fine." He nods at the mention of her snake. "I'll make sure he survives." He gets up from the table before there can be more talk of himself, and empties the rest of his coffee down the sink. He pauses, leaning on the counter for a moment, lost in thought.

Jason hangs up with Nate, and goes ahead to open Carson's bag. Sifting through some clothes, he comes to several hand guns... no wonder he didn't want anyone finding it. There are some papers with information on them...ammunition...a knife...several smaller bags....pictures? Jason reaches in to take out a small bundle of photographs, his eyes widening slightly. Sitting down, he begins to go through them. They were of himself...Con...Katie... Jamie... people he knew...people the Agency had been after. His eyes widen as he finds one picture in particular, but instead of returning it to the stack, he slips it out and into his desk drawer. He continues to look through the pictures as he waits for Nate.


*Misty studys Carson carfely as she speaks once again. Her own eyes staying filled with life showing Carson she does care.*

“ Cuz Carson you are worth defending. To me your VERY much worth it. I don’t feed my friends or the people I care for to the dogs. That’s just not how I am. As for you and that holding cell you don’t deserve that. Ya you’ve done some stuff your not proud of but that dosent mean you need to be caged like an animal. Sine you have been here you haven’t hurt anyone. You arnt a thret. And no Carson you don’t belong with the Agency. I’ve seen the boy, the fool inside who is not so much of a fool after all. That’s how I know you don’t belong there.”

*Misty see Carson picking at his bandage and playfully slaps his hand.*

“Stop picking at that or you will go blinde.”

*Misty cant help but her a quirky grin on her face.*

*Katie smiles as she enters onto the floor smiling back at Jason and nodding. Once he walks away to his office Katie makes her way to her own groaning at the pile oh paper work waiting for her. Than spoting the flowers and card she smiles. It was nice to be back at work. She really had missed being at work. Siting down at her desk she decides its probley best if she gets some of this paperwork done. Katie wasent sure how many people new she was back but she would make her rounds once she got a few things done. Katie also made a mental not she needed to see f Rick was in today as well about doing a therapy program at TJY instead of the hospital. It might be easyer for her to do it there. As Katie goes to see the greeting start and she cant help but stands back up waving and smiling.*

“Hey Susanne, Scott good to see you both again.”

*Katie eyes Laura and walks over to her smiling giving her a hug. She hadent seen Laura for a while since she had been staying with Jamie for alittle bit.*

“Its lonely without you at home. But its good to be back. How are you?”

*Jamie smiles and nods at Con thankful for being understanding. If deffintly made everything a bit easyer.*

“Mmmm…think you can watch Ed for me while I am gone? Other than that I cant think of anything. Cept call me from time to time to know you ok. I worry about ya Con. I care to much not too.”

*As Nate's phone rings He stops reading to Maggie for a moment. Picking up his phone.*

"Yello? Hey Hotshot, Carson's bag huh? Alright. Ya give me about 15 or 20 min ok. Alright see ya than."

*Nate hangs up the phone and lets out a cough looking down at his sister her big brown eyes stairing back at him.*

"Hey Mags sorry but I have go into work soon. You forgive your poor bother for bailing on you again?"

*Maggie looks up at Nate her round eyes smile.*

"Its ok Nathan I understand those people need you too."

*Nate scoots off the bed and give his sister a kiss on the head.*

"I'm so lucky to have an understanding sister like you. If you need anything Janit is still home ok?"

*Nate hurrys around the house geting everything set and calling to let Janit know he was heading back to work and Maggie would need to be checked on from time to time. After about 10 min Nate is on his way back to TJY, feeling a tad better.*


Carson rolls over onto his back, finally looking up at Misty. It was breakfasttime, but he wasn't hungry, and her words continued to confuse him.

"You are so different..." His eyes narrow as he studies her face, seeking for answers. "I just don't understand you. Why do you care so much? Everyone I've ever known has had no problems feeding me to the dogs, yet you stand there and defend me as if I'm something worth defending. You stand up for me when I don't deserve it. You go to the lengths of being on the verge of deceitful, just to keep me out of that holding cell."

He shakes his head slowly. "And it will never work. You may have tangled with the Agency once before, but me...I've hurt people who are here in this very building. Even if I give these blokes all the information they want, I'll still be an enemy."

Carson unconsciously picks at the bandage on his wrist. "I should have just high tailed it back to where I belong, like I started out to do." His eyes reflect a hardness that has returned overnight, though his reasoning for coming back is still unvoiced.

Jason lays a hand on Katie's shoulder as the elevator comes to a stop on the main floor. "Good to have you back, Hero." He throws her a wink and lets her walk ahead of him. "I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Once to his desk, he picks up the phone and dials, while fingering the black duffel bag on his chair that had been brought in. "Yo, Nate. Feel like coming in today? We got Carson's bag - Hal brought it in last night."

"Katie!" Scott waves enthusiastically as he walks down the row of cubicles. "Long time no see!"

"Hey, Hero!" Susanne calls and waves from a short ways away, and Laura smiles her greeting from several cubicles down as well.

"Hi, Katie."

Con cradles his coffee mug in his hand and nods to Jamie. "I think it'll be good for you to get away too." He gives a little sigh, feeling badly that he didn't want to go. It wasn't anything to do with Jamie...he just didn't want to be around the hub of the Agency case right now. It had hit too close to home and he was tired of thinking about it. "I know you'll be just fine, and they do need to know about that kid."

He pauses, his mind wandering back to the letter he'd received days before. "Anything you want me to do while you're gone?"

A new day

*As Morning comes Misty exits the room for a quick moment while Carson still sleeps and grabs a shower and new clothing. Coming back into the room she see Carson had changed positions so that ment he was awake. Going over to him Misty looks over his turn shoulder into his face.*

"You wrists are healing Nicly Carson. They should be better in no time, But you and I are gonna be the only one who knows that. I promised I wouldent let you go back to that cell yet. I intending on keep that promise. "

*Misty heart goes out to Carson once again he was withdrawning more and it worryed her. She dident like this feeling of sadness. It pained her inside more than anything that she couldent controll.*

*Jamie smiles at Con. It was so nice having him around. Happy and safe when he was near.*

"Yes I'd love to go with you Con. I think it would be fun."

*Jamie leans back in her chair for a moment thinking about the weeks to come and when she would be leaving for Texas. She hadent talked to Con about it yet. Maybe now we the best time as ever.*

"Hey Con, I know you have been watching over me alot you and Laura and I think you so much for the both of you. But I think its time I try and move past the fear. I think one of the first steps should be going to Texas and talking with the gang there about what happend and about Sam. I'd love for you to come along but I understand why you dont want to. And maybe doing this on my own will help. I will keep my phone on me always so if I need anything I will call you and you can call me. I wont be there long and I will come home to you. Your to important to me to leave forever. I think I will be leaving next tuesday."

*As Jason yells to Katie she pops her head out of the front door.*

"You know what time it is right your gonna wake everyone in there known brother up."

*Katie cant help but smile big anyways. She really dident care who was woken up by Jason she was happy her was there and happy to ride on his bike again. This was going to be the start to a wonderful day.

Within no time Jason and Katie are pulling up to TJY. For a moment Katie stands still at the door. It felt stange being back at work. She hadent been there for quite sometime and it just felt strange. Katie turns her head to look at Jason and smiles taking a deep breath.*

"Ok lets do this."

*Katie steps onto the elavator with Jason to make the decent to TJY. *

*Nate tossed and turned in bed as his deams over to take mind. Nate sits up quickly as he feels tugging on his feet. As Nate squints ajusting to the dim light that shown in the window He can make out his sister at his feet.*

"Maggie what are you doing?"

*Maggie looks up her her brother a big smile on his face as she keeps tugging at his shoes.*

"I'm trying to take your....your shoes off. You fell asleep with them on Nathan."

*Nate swings his feet around to help his sister takes them, he cant help but smile at her sweet innocent kindness. *

"So would you like to play a game or something Maggie?"

*Maggie thinks for a long moment.*

"Can you read me more of my book?"

*Nate smiles at his sister and brings a hand to her face smiling.*

"Sure you go grab the book and I will."

*Maggie disaprears from the room only to be back a few moments later. Proping up pillows behind Nate and herself they lean agasnt them. Nate opens the door and starts to read*

"...We must go see Aslan, he will surely know what to do..."

Days in motion

Carson remains quiet the rest of the evening, numbly accepting being taken care of, and not responding to much. He hardly touches any supper and winds up falling asleep, or at least appearing asleep as night falls. By morning, he is awake but still and quiet, having withdrawn even more during the night to avoid the darkness that taunted him.

Laura sighs and picks up her things, ready to leave for the night. She'd noticed Nate hadn't come back - that was probably a good thing, though a part of her was just a little worried. He had been acting very peculiar.
Finally leaving TJY, she heads to Jamie's to spend the evening with Jamie and Con before sacking out in the spare bed, Con remaining on the couch.

Jason flops down on the couch at Con's, staring up at the dark ceiling. It felt strange not to be at the hospital with Katie tonight. He'd stopped by her place just briefly on his way back from band practice to make sure everything was okay, then had come over here. Habits were hard to break...he missed being able to see Katie and know she was alright.

It was late, and it doesn't take Jason long to fall asleep, though he's restless.


"See you later." Con watches from the kitchen table as his sister leaves for the day, and takes another sip of his coffee. It was strange knowing Laura was on her way back to work, and he still hadn't wanted to return to TJY yet.

He turns to Jamie and cocks his head, remembering what he'd been meaning to ask her. "Hey, that fundraiser for the hospital is tomorrow...I'm gonna go to see Kat and see that band Jason's in. You want to go?"

"Yo, Katie!" Jason pounds on the front door, a teasing smile on his lips, the extra helmet tucked under his arm. "Taxi's here!" He hadn't told her he'd be there this morning, but knew she liked the motorcycle, and being her first day back to work, he wanted to make it as enjoyable as possible.

Laura sets down the vase of flowers and the card that everyone had signed on Katie's desk, smiling. It would be so nice to have Katie back again. It just hadn't been the same without her, and everyone had missed her.

She sighs and aims for her own desk, not being able to help but glance in the direction of Nate's desk. Her instincts kicked in and she wanted to call him to make sure he was alright this morning...but properness held her back. If he didn't come in in a few hours, she'd have Jason call him instead. It was only right, and she didn't want to give Nate the wrong impression.

Carson opens one eye and sweeps the room with a glance, stopping at the clock on the wall. Finally, it was morning. He must have fallen asleep at some point. Though he wasn't sure that having another day was something to be glad about. He rolls over on his side and tucks his hands under his pillow, feeling just about as miserable as he did the day before, only worse now that his wrists were so sore. His eyes drift shut again, even though his sleep is over. He knows if he's physically capable, that he'll be put back in the cell today. Even if he talked more, they'd put him there...not that there was anywhere else to go, but it was an unpleasant thought nonetheless.


*Katie gives Kyle a hug back grinning at yet another Nickname.*

"Will do. You let Jen know after I make a fool of myself onstage I'll be joining her to watch you guy."

*Katie waves as the guys pull away a smile on her face. As Henry rubs aganst her legs purring.*

"Well you hynis I am glad you like them too."

*Katie giggles as she beds down to pet Henry disapering into her room to watch some TV.*

*Once Nate gets home he heads inside. Looking around he cant find Maggie. She must be out with Janet witch dident seem odd it was the middle of the day. Leaving a note on the counter it reads.*

"Dear Maggie,
I left work early wasent feeling to week. When you get home can you come up and check on me and wake me up. I want to spend some time with my sweet sister before I head back. I love you lots.

*Nate makes his way up the steps starting to feel dizzy again. Finally making it to his bed room he dosent even bother to take his cloths or shoes off. As soon as his head hits the pillow he is out like a light.*

*Misty shakes her head and rolls her eyes a bit. Going over to a locked she pulls out her keys and opens it. Pulling out a backage and relocks the cubard and gets a paper cup filling it with water. Than returns to Carson's side.*

"Here ya go take this. It will probley make you a bit tired but thats ok. You need your rest. Dont worry I'll watch over and protect you while you sleep."

*Misty smiles softly down at Carson pulling the blanket over him.*


Kyle takes the coin, a grin at the corner of his mouth. In a surprising move, he gives Katie a hug. “Thanks, KT. Jen will appreciate this.” He pulls away, offering a small smile. “See you soon. And tell that boyfriend of yours to get his butt in gear to practice before he makes a fool out of himself on stage.” He throws her a wink and turns to join the other two on their way outside.

Jason shakes his head as he watches Nate leave, and sinks down behind his desk. That had been…interesting. Nate really must be out of it. He had half a mind not to let him go home by himself, but he knew it wasn’t worth the fight.

Laura looks up from her desk just in time to see Nate leaving. She was a little worried about him…he really must not have been feeling well at all. Hopefully he’d go home and get some sleep…maybe he wouldn’t even remember this little episode… Laura turns her gaze back to her computer, trying to concentrate, a strange feeling in her stomach.

Carson just can’t believe what Misty is saying. He pulled, he pushed, he complained, he insulted, and she didn’t leave. He simply didn’t know how to respond anymore. He was too irritated to agree, and too tired to fight back.

He lets his one leg slide down and turns his head the other direction. “Got any pain killers around here?”


*Misty's sassy eyes smile her fire still flaming as a grain forms on her lips.*

"Trouble is my middle name and I am ready for it. If I get hurt its nothing I havent felt with before. Leting it go let alone you...NEVER. Sorry but when I set my eyes on something I want, I'll get it and I'll keep it forever no matter the consaquences. I do look out for myself thats why I'm not leting you go. I want you for myself."

*Misty eyes cant help but laugh and dance more, her emotions the words she was speaking at this moment were so strong. Where was this coming from. Misty was diging up words and feeling from the bottom of her soul words she never would of though about spreaking in the past.*

"Jason IS wrong Carson, and thats the bottom line. Dont bother arguing with me it wont do you any good. Just accept that I am right."

*Nate cringes for a moment as he takes a sip of the water and stands slowly.*

"Does that mean I really did kiss her?"

*Nate brings a hand to his head.*

"Con is going to kill me. I'm going home before I do anything alse stupid. Call me if you need me and I'll be back in a few hours."

*Nate exits the office and heads across the floor his face red trying his best not to look in the direction of Laura. Disapreaing into the elavator Nate heads for his car and than home.*

*Katie puts an arm around Kyle seeing his emotions for his sister. Katie's heart acks.*

"Well I'd like to bring alittle bit of happyness to Jen on this rough day. "

*Katie reaches into her pocket and pulls out something that resembles a silver coin. Taking Kyles hand in her she places the item. Its a coin about the size of a half dollar. On one side are 2 hands praying and on the other it says "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot changes, Ciurage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the differnce."*

"My mom gave the to me when she was sick in the hospetal along time ago. Many times it braught me comfort. Feeling it in my pocket. I remembered happy time and it helped me through. Now I would like to pass it on to Jen and the only request I have that when she no longer needs it she will pass it on to someone who does. Please if you guys need anything let me know."

A face like mine

Carson’s jaw muscles show his tension as Misty speaks, his eyes dark and lonely. “Why don’t you just accept the fact he’s right, Misty? I mean come on. You know good and well I deserve worse than that cell.” He pauses, giving a slight sigh of disgust. “Just let it go. Anyone concerned with me is gonna get hurt in the long run, and you need to look out for yourself for once instead of defending me. All you’re gonna do is get yourself in trouble, and I’m not worth it.”

Jason smirks at Nate and gives him a light slap upside the head. “I don’t know where your brain is. You passed out in front of that so-called angel of yours. It would have been rather amusing had you not looked like death warmed over.”

He hands Nate the glass of water. “I’ve already taken care of talking to Misty, and Laura went running down the hall screaming, so my advice to you is go home and get some sleep before you make a fool out of yourself again. Unless you like waking up to a face like mine.”

Kyle strokes under Henry’s chin and chuckles. He ignores Katie’s question for just a moment, but finally answers her. “Jen’s alright. She just had a rough day is all.” He sighs and turns Henry over to let him back down to the floor. “She said to tell you that she hated not being able to come, but that she’d see you at the fundraiser.”


*Misty slowly puts the IV back into Carson ignoring his eyes of defiance. Unwraping his wrists and puing pressure on them again to stop them from bleeding than wraping them again.*

"Dont play tough guy with me Carson, you need to stay in bed till those are healed or they are gonna keep tearing. If you need water or anything just ask and I will be more than happy to get it for you."

*Misty stands with Carson for a long moment.Thinking, continplating. Carson's eyes showed she was back at squear one again.*

"Carson I know you over hurd what Jason said. And you might think what he said is true, but its not Carson. Its not. You might try and push me away like I know you will but I WONT go away. You have my word and promise on that. Now matter what I wont be pushed away."

*Nate's eyes flutter and than open looking around trying to figure out what was going on. Looking up at Jason stairing at him Nate smiles.*

"I fell asleep looking at an angel and I wake up to you...what a crule crule world. What happend?"

"Anytime guys. I love the company."

*Katie smiles at she watches Kyle the other two guys already out of the house. Katie walks over to Nate and reaches out peting Henry on the head.*

"This little bugger took to me as soon as he first saw me. Laura says he likes me more than her now. He was happy to see I was home."

*Katie looks up at Kyle her consern returning to her.*

"Kyle, if you dont mind me asking. Whats wrong with Jen? You said she wasent feeling good and made it sound like nothing, but your eyes and emotions tell me something differnt. Jen's a close friend to me and I'd like to know what is wrong. If you cant tell me."

Tough guy

Jason rolls his eyes as Misty goes back into the infirmary. Why did things have to be so difficult? All they needed was a little bit of cooperation...

Signing, he turns to go.

Carson looks to Misty, his eyes threatening, don’t tell me what to do. For a moment, he refuses to move. Something in her tone though, persuades him to obey, and he grudgingly turns to go sit back to the bed.

He sits with one leg stretched out on the bed, the other knee tucked up near his chest, lamely allowing Misty to work on him, as he says nothing.

Not even having time to react, Laura’s eyes widen, her cheeks immediately turning crimson as Nate’s lips touch hers. She stares at him in shock at his words, her mouth open in astonishment. She tries to say something, but her voice seems to have fled.

Before she can even recover, she jumps as Nate passes out in front of her. “Good heavens, Nate! You are an idiot!”

Spying Jason down the hall she calls out to him. “Jason! Get over here and help me, would you?”

Jason looks at he and Nate with surprise, hurrying his route. “What on earth happened.”

“Oh, he passed out,” Laura replies in annoyance. “He said he was fine, and then…” Her face grows hot and she decides not to tell all. “Well, he just keeled over. Personally I think he’s just plain tired and doesn’t know when to quit.”

Jason furrows his brow with concern. “I hope that’s all it is. Misty’s got her hands full a the moment and Rick is still gone, so let’s take him to my office. Get a glass of water, will ya?”

Jason hefts Nate’s limp form up off the floor, slinging an arm across his shoulders to half drag him to the office. He gets Nate set down in a chair and Laura is right behind him with the water.

Jason puts some to Nate’s lips, and gives his face a little jolt. “Yo, bud, come on. Back to reality.” He looks up to hand the water back to Laura, but she’s suddenly disappeared.

Laura goes back down the hall, trying to concentrate on cleaning up the files that were still on the floor. Her fingers tremble slightly and she chides herself for being so clumsy. Despite her efforts not to replay Nate’s actions, she can’t help it, and can feel her cheeks growing warm again. He was obviously sick. He had been on the verge of passing out. Who knew what state of mind he had been in? This whole thing was just silly.

Getting up off the floor, she heads to her desk, careful not to drop anything this time.

As Katie sits back down, all three guys exchanges grins. Phil cocks his head. “I do believe someone in this room knows how to sing.”

“Encore!” Kyle claps his hands enthusiastically. “That was great!”

Mike nods his agreement. “I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about, missy.” His eyes smile. “I look forward to hearing you at the fundraiser.”

After more chatter and talk of the fundraiser, the three guys finally rise from the table, helping clean up. Phil yawns and stretches. “I hate to break this up, but we gotta get going.”

Mike grimaces. “Yeah, I know it.” He turns to Katie, grinning. “Thanks for letting us invade your time.”

The three start for the door, but Kyle stops, cornering Henry by the couch. “Aha! Now I’ve got you!” In a quick movement, he reaches down to scoop the cat up, cradling him like a baby.

Henry squirms at first, but then settles in and starts to purr. Kyle laughs. “I knew you weren’t such a tough guy.”

A Song

*Misty's own eyes burn with fire as she stairs back at Jason.*

" I never said this was a game. I guess your just like everyone alse Jason, you dont understand me eather. I know what its like to be mixed up with the Agency one way or another Jason, been there done that and lived to tell the tail."

*Misty shakes her head in discust and turns heading back into the infurmary shutng the door behind her. Here eyes widen as she see Carson out of bed, IVs ripped out and his wrists bleeding again.*

"Carson what are you doing?"

*Misty goes to him trying to help him back into bed. Knowing Carson probley hurd the conversation.*

"Come on Carson, you need to lay back down. I need to get the IV back in you and I need to stop the bleeding in your wrists again. Please for me."

*Misty firy eyes plead with Carson to pay mind to her and go back to the bed.*

*As Laura talks and Nate listens a felling over comes him. What it was he was feeling he wasent sure, his head was dizzy and light. Laura's voice was like an angel to his ears. Was it from being over tired he wasent sure. Geting out of the chair and bending down next to Laura Nate smiles and says.*

"Your even prettyer when you angry you know that!!"

*Before Nate even relizes he leans in closer to Laura giving her a soft kiss on the lips. Drawing away a smile cross his face. The words coming from his lips*

"I wanted to do that for a while now."

*As another wave of dizzyness hit him he topples over rolling on the ground infront of Laura fast asleep.*

*Katie studys Kyles face for along moment. There was an unsaid worry in his eyes. A worry fills Katie herself. Before Kyle left she would pull him aside and ask him about it. Katie trys to replace her worryed look with a smile.*

"Ya I would like the recipy. This would be great to have."

*Katie thinks as Mike asks for a preview. Standing she starts to clear the empty plates.*

"Well I want whatever two songs I pick to be a saprise. but Maybe I could sing the one I use for warm up."

*Katie pushes a button on a raido playing the cd that is in it. A soft music stands at Katie keeps her back to the guys slowly turning. As she sings she walks around them as if really singing about them and there friendship.*

Unforgettable, thats what you are
Unforgettable though near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more
Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, thats how youll stay
Thats why, darling, its incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too
Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, thats how youll stay
Thats why, darling, its incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too

*As Katie finishs singing the music softly goes off as she sits down at the table smiling and looking around at the guys faces. Trying to read what they are thinking.*


Jason’s eyes get wide as Misty talks, a bit of irritation surfacing. He stares down at her, using his height to his advantage. “Look, Misty, I’m sorry you think we’re all being bullies or something, but how long will it take you to realize this isn’t some game? I wish it could all be sunshine and roses where everyone could be best of friends, but it just doesn’t work that way.”

He shakes his head, trying to keep his tone from rising too much. “Now I’m glad you think Carson’s on the up and up, and contrary to your belief, I do care. I know good and well he’s human and he deserves a chance. But he’s also the guy who smashed in my knee with a sledge hammer and who tortured Jamie to the point that she’s terrified of just seeing him. Whether he’s at the bottom of the barrel or not, he’s too capable of too many things just to let him loose and trust him.”

He takes a deep breath. “Like it or not, when he’s physically capable, he’s going back in his cell until we can be dang well sure which side he’s on. If you want to stay friends or whatever with him when this is over, be my guest. I’m not asking you to drop him. All I’m asking you to do is be yourself because apparently he likes that. We need to have answers for the safety of many people, Misty…like it or not, Carson got himself into this mess when he tangled with the Agency. Sometimes ya gotta take the heat. If you don’t want to do this, just say so, but I doubt you’d like any other route we’d choose.”

Carson stands behind the door out of sight, taking in the loud conversation in the hall. Misty’s words send him hurling back into an emotional corner once again. How on earth could she care that much? It was obvious that she was being truthful about the way she felt… it was just so foreign to him. The women he’d ever been around…he’d had his own motives, and they’d certainly never cared about him like this…

How could Misty see his pain? How could she see what even he himself didn’t dare to look for? That past…that hurt…it had been buried so deeply, that he never wanted to dig it up again. But Misty had seen it. That much was apparent, and it made Carson wonder just what it was about her that caused her to be so caring.

And yet, he could feel an irritation starting to boil. Misty shouldn’t be caring about someone like him. She was too nice to be tangled up in a life like his, no matter how many times she said she didn’t care about his past, or him leaning on her. Jason was right. He couldn’t be trusted, and he was reaping what he had sowed. Though some might view Jason’s words as harsh, Carson heard them as true.

He crumples up the now-empty paper cup and tosses it in the waste basket. His brow furrows, his eyes becoming cold. He was being stupid to let Misty so close to him…she deserved better…and he deserved to be put back in that cell.

Carson leans his hands on the counter, ignoring the pain it causes to his wrists. Looking up, he sees his eyes staring back at him in a mirror. Who was he? Who had he become? Was he destined to remain chained to this misery?

Laura frowns and shakes her head at Nate. “You men are all alike. You’d rather be macho than take a rest when you need one. But if that’s what you want, go ahead and sit there trying to make yourself feel better. When you pass out, don’t come crying for help ‘cause I’ll just remind you that you’re fine and that there’s too much work to be done for you to be sprawled on the floor.”

She shakes her head and kneels back down to pick up her papers, muttering under her breath. “I’m tired of everyone treating me like I don’t know any better.” She grits her teeth as she thinks of Con. “They all think I’m too naïve to see when something is wrong. Well fine. They can just keep on thinking it.”

As Katie’s prayer comes to an end, Kyle is the last to raise his eyes from the table, emotion filling his face. Swallowing hard though, he musters up a crooked grin as he takes a bite of chicken. “We may be able to stuff our faces with her good cooking, but Jen keeps us busy enough that we just work it right back off again.”

Phil laughs. “I feel sorry for the guy who marries her – he’s gonna have a “honey-do” list every day!”

Kyle shakes his head in amusement. “Naw, honestly, I don’t know how we stay in shape. I’m sure she’d love to give you the recipe.”

Mike nods at Katie’s question. “I think we’ve got the songs we want. Got a new one Kyle wrote.”

“Oh yeah.” Kyle rolls his eyes. “It’s a classic.”

Phil throws him a teasing glance. “They’re gonna love it.”

“So you can’t decide on your own stuff, huh?” Mike questions Katie. He throws her a grin. “I don’t supposed you’d give us a preview so we could help you out.”