

Jason shakes his head as Misty leaves, muttering to himself. “One of these days, that attitude of hers is going to get her into trouble.” He sighs and turns back to his task, involving Nate. “Not a whole lot of facts we can go on here, but there’s enough here to make things scary. The Agency has been watching everything, and contrary to what Carson says, I think the Agency knows where we are. I’d be willing to bet that Medridge has simply kept them on a leash just to observe instead of take us down. He likes seeing fights too much to take us down completely.”

Jason shows Nate the stack of photos. “They’ve got most of us in here at some point in time around town, out of town, together, alone… I’m telling you, that Agency has eyes everywhere.”

He goes back to rummaging through Carson’s bag. “Wouldn’t be surprised if these guns couldn’t be traced…nice weapons, I’ll give him that. There’s a few odds and ends here…personal items… but the main stuff we’re interested in are these pictures, and these papers.” He holds up a small stack of pages. “These look like reports on the movements of people they’ve been tracking…ones like Jamie…me… the people they’ve gone after. Unfortunately, there aren’t any ones we didn’t already know about… So either they’re not tracking anyone now, or Carson wasn’t privy to new information, which…I find hard to believe.”

After a while of going through the new evidence, Jason finally sets Carson’s bag aside. “I’ve still got a lot of questions for Carson…more specific things like names of people he’s worked with, where they are, where the Agency has posts…stuff we can get a handle on so we can start taking them down.”

Jason shrugs and eases down in his chair. “Misty doesn’t seem to want us talking to Carson yet though, and since Reese has given her free rein, I guess we wait.”

Carson heads into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. After a few minutes, the shower’s running water can be heard, and he calls out. “You do realize grown men don’t normally need someone to stand guard outside the door.” His tone is that of irritation, though is edged with just enough teasing to soften the statement.

It doesn’t take him long to shower and change clothes, tucking in his t-shirt and throwing on a belt. Tossing his ruined clothes into the trash, he finally exits, running his hand through his wet hair. “Alright, doc, fix me up.” He holds out his arms that need to be rebandaged, though they withstood his movements without breaking open again.

Reese gives Katie a brief summary of things that have been happening, skimming over boring details and informing her of things she would need to know. Concluding, he nods to her. “I guess that’s about it…I know you’ve got a lot on your desk, but don’t kill yourself getting it done in a hurry. It’s got time and I don’t want you overdoing it, especially your first day back.”

Con shakes his head, giving Jamie a squeeze. “You’re not a scaredy cat.” He thinks for a minute, then changes the subject. “I got some running around to do today…thought I might drop by the mall…maybe swing by your folks’ restaurant for lunch. Wanna tag along?”

The day drags on a bit, but eventually it comes to a close, people filing out of TJY once more. Jason exits Reese’s office and heads over to Katie’s cubicle. “Hey, Hero of mine…wanna grab some supper somewhere before I take you home?”

Laura gathers up her purse and sighs to herself as she aims for the exit. Con wasn’t answering his phone, Jason was taking Katie, Wyatt had left a while ago, she didn’t have any cash in hand…it looked like she was going to be having a long walk home. At least it was warm out.

She heads out across the parking lot and finds herself walking the sidewalk.

Carson sits up on his bed, his flexible legs crossed Indian style as he leans back against the pillows. His boredom had increased steadily all day long, and now that everyone was going home for the night, it was getting even quieter. No one had questioned him all day…an interesting relief. It didn’t help his boredom any though.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key that Ty had given him, and walks it through his fingers, his mind working overtime.

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