
Running away

*Katie waves to Mable and Herb as they nod back to the being alittle to busy for the normal chitchat. Seeing Jamie and Con Katie smiles. It was good to see them again.*

"Hey Big Brother, Hey Jamie. I guess I can deal with not having Jason to myself for one night."

*Katie slides into the empty side of the booth.*

"You look like your doing well Jamie. I take it Con is taking good care of you right? So I dont have to kick his butt?"

*Jamie smiles as Katie and Jason walk over.*

" As long as Jason is you so I dont have it kick his!! Its good to see you Katie I havent seen you since..."

*Jamie thinks for a moment going quiet. She hadent seen Katie since before she was taking. Jamie looks differnt now and she new it. Trying to stay positive she trys to smile again.*

"...for a while. You look like your doing good as well."

*The chat stays hearty and light trying to stay off of TJY as much as they can.*

"Your parents place sure is busy tonight."

*Jamie nods*

"Ya its been picking up at night around here. Witch is a good thing. But in the summer time is just seems to get worse. More people dont want to cook themselfs."

*Mable brings over Jason and Katie there drinks saying her hellos and chating for just a few second before Herb has another order ready.*

*Nate smiles as Laura gets into the car.*

"Ok you can pay for yours."

*Pulling away from the cerb Nate can sence Laura's tensness. He guess it was from the kiss. He dident blame her it was a rash movie.*

"Larua I'm sorry I kissed you. I was wrong. I was so lightheaded I probley wouldent have remembered if...."

*Nate thinks about her words and decieds to end what he was saying before he made it worse.*

"Well I am sorry anyways and I hope this dosent rune our friendship."

*After a few moment pass they finally pull up to Mom and Pop's entering Nate spots the rest of the gang.*

"Hey look eveyone alse is here too."

*Without thinking Nate takes Laura's hand in a friendly mannor and leads her over to the table with the two couples.*

"What is this a party and we just crashed it?"

*Nate cant help but smile nodding at Jamie and Con.*

"Its good to see you guys. This place sure is packed tonight."

*Misty removes her hands from her head and looks at Carson grinning.*

"Trust me if I was hungry I would of eaten and that key in your hand says that you could get out even if I locked you in. Where did you get that from?"

*Misty thinks for a moment about earlyer when Ty had been in here. Standing her goes over to Carson and checks his wrists to make sure they still arnt bleeding.*

"Ah so Ty is a new friend now too? Well well well as long as he dosent take my place I guess I am ok with that. Well if you run away make sure you take me with you this time ok. I am bored out of my mind from school work and what not."

*The courner of Misty mouth turns up in a grin as she stairs into Carson's blue eyes.*

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