
A Song

*Misty's own eyes burn with fire as she stairs back at Jason.*

" I never said this was a game. I guess your just like everyone alse Jason, you dont understand me eather. I know what its like to be mixed up with the Agency one way or another Jason, been there done that and lived to tell the tail."

*Misty shakes her head in discust and turns heading back into the infurmary shutng the door behind her. Here eyes widen as she see Carson out of bed, IVs ripped out and his wrists bleeding again.*

"Carson what are you doing?"

*Misty goes to him trying to help him back into bed. Knowing Carson probley hurd the conversation.*

"Come on Carson, you need to lay back down. I need to get the IV back in you and I need to stop the bleeding in your wrists again. Please for me."

*Misty firy eyes plead with Carson to pay mind to her and go back to the bed.*

*As Laura talks and Nate listens a felling over comes him. What it was he was feeling he wasent sure, his head was dizzy and light. Laura's voice was like an angel to his ears. Was it from being over tired he wasent sure. Geting out of the chair and bending down next to Laura Nate smiles and says.*

"Your even prettyer when you angry you know that!!"

*Before Nate even relizes he leans in closer to Laura giving her a soft kiss on the lips. Drawing away a smile cross his face. The words coming from his lips*

"I wanted to do that for a while now."

*As another wave of dizzyness hit him he topples over rolling on the ground infront of Laura fast asleep.*

*Katie studys Kyles face for along moment. There was an unsaid worry in his eyes. A worry fills Katie herself. Before Kyle left she would pull him aside and ask him about it. Katie trys to replace her worryed look with a smile.*

"Ya I would like the recipy. This would be great to have."

*Katie thinks as Mike asks for a preview. Standing she starts to clear the empty plates.*

"Well I want whatever two songs I pick to be a saprise. but Maybe I could sing the one I use for warm up."

*Katie pushes a button on a raido playing the cd that is in it. A soft music stands at Katie keeps her back to the guys slowly turning. As she sings she walks around them as if really singing about them and there friendship.*

Unforgettable, thats what you are
Unforgettable though near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before has someone been more
Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, thats how youll stay
Thats why, darling, its incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too
Unforgettable in every way
And forever more, thats how youll stay
Thats why, darling, its incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too

*As Katie finishs singing the music softly goes off as she sits down at the table smiling and looking around at the guys faces. Trying to read what they are thinking.*

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