

Carson raises one defiant eyebrow and grabs Misty's hand as she slaps him. "Well I certainly don't want to go blind. Then I wouldn't be able to see those dang spitfire eyes of yours."

He squints at her, still trying to figure out her motives, but finally gives up and lets her hand go. "Do me a favor and go find Jason to see if he went and got that bag of mine. If he did, I've got clothes in there, and I don't care what anybody says, I'm getting out of this bed and taking a shower."

Laura returns Katie's hug with enthusiasm. "You're telling me - it's been so quiet with you gone! I'm hoping to be back soon too. Jamie will be taking off for a little while, so then I won't be needed over there." She shrugs a little. "Oh, I'm doing all right. Had a few weird experiences lately." She scrunches up her nose, remembering her times with Con, and with Nate. "But nothing too horrid." She chuckles. "I hear you're getting ready for that fundraiser. I know I'm coming, and so is Con. He wouldn't miss it for the world."

Con chuckles a little at Jamie. "Of course we'll talk on the phone. That's what phones are for. And don't you worry any about me. You know I'm just fine." He nods at the mention of her snake. "I'll make sure he survives." He gets up from the table before there can be more talk of himself, and empties the rest of his coffee down the sink. He pauses, leaning on the counter for a moment, lost in thought.

Jason hangs up with Nate, and goes ahead to open Carson's bag. Sifting through some clothes, he comes to several hand guns... no wonder he didn't want anyone finding it. There are some papers with information on them...ammunition...a knife...several smaller bags....pictures? Jason reaches in to take out a small bundle of photographs, his eyes widening slightly. Sitting down, he begins to go through them. They were of himself...Con...Katie... Jamie... people he knew...people the Agency had been after. His eyes widen as he finds one picture in particular, but instead of returning it to the stack, he slips it out and into his desk drawer. He continues to look through the pictures as he waits for Nate.

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