

*As Carson catches Misty hand her eyes dart to his eyes. Drawing her in, making her puls race.*

"I guess it would be a shame if you couldent see those now wouldent it be."

*As Carson lets go of Misty's hand and askes about the bag she scans Carson's face for a moment.*

"Your not gonna run away again on me are you?"

*Misty cant help but stick her toung out at Carson and turns to leave heading for Jason's office. Once there she knocks on the door and enters seeing Jason siting at his desk. Clearing her through she spys Carson bag.*

"Jason can I have Carson's clothing? So he can take a shower and have a new par of clothing? Please?"

*Katie smiles at Laura.*

"I'm nervouse as ever about singing. But even if I do bad I dont really mind as long as I have fun and can raise some money for the hospetel. Well I better go say hi to Reese or he will never let me live it down Wyatt too. I'll see ya through out the day and at home."

*Katie turns and heads for Reese office as she knocks on the door and waits.*

*Jamie comes up along the side of Con. Still something was bothering him. Decieding not to ask questions she just leans over and gives him a big hug. Knowing he did in fact have alot on his mind. Jamie just wanted to be there for him as much as she could.*

*Finally arriving to TJY Nate heads for Jason's office entering she says*

"Ok lets see what we got in...."

*But his words trail off as he see Misty standing in the room.*

"Oh hey Misty...Hows it going?"

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