

*Misty's sassy eyes smile her fire still flaming as a grain forms on her lips.*

"Trouble is my middle name and I am ready for it. If I get hurt its nothing I havent felt with before. Leting it go let alone you...NEVER. Sorry but when I set my eyes on something I want, I'll get it and I'll keep it forever no matter the consaquences. I do look out for myself thats why I'm not leting you go. I want you for myself."

*Misty eyes cant help but laugh and dance more, her emotions the words she was speaking at this moment were so strong. Where was this coming from. Misty was diging up words and feeling from the bottom of her soul words she never would of though about spreaking in the past.*

"Jason IS wrong Carson, and thats the bottom line. Dont bother arguing with me it wont do you any good. Just accept that I am right."

*Nate cringes for a moment as he takes a sip of the water and stands slowly.*

"Does that mean I really did kiss her?"

*Nate brings a hand to his head.*

"Con is going to kill me. I'm going home before I do anything alse stupid. Call me if you need me and I'll be back in a few hours."

*Nate exits the office and heads across the floor his face red trying his best not to look in the direction of Laura. Disapreaing into the elavator Nate heads for his car and than home.*

*Katie puts an arm around Kyle seeing his emotions for his sister. Katie's heart acks.*

"Well I'd like to bring alittle bit of happyness to Jen on this rough day. "

*Katie reaches into her pocket and pulls out something that resembles a silver coin. Taking Kyles hand in her she places the item. Its a coin about the size of a half dollar. On one side are 2 hands praying and on the other it says "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot changes, Ciurage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the differnce."*

"My mom gave the to me when she was sick in the hospetal along time ago. Many times it braught me comfort. Feeling it in my pocket. I remembered happy time and it helped me through. Now I would like to pass it on to Jen and the only request I have that when she no longer needs it she will pass it on to someone who does. Please if you guys need anything let me know."

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