
Days in motion

Carson remains quiet the rest of the evening, numbly accepting being taken care of, and not responding to much. He hardly touches any supper and winds up falling asleep, or at least appearing asleep as night falls. By morning, he is awake but still and quiet, having withdrawn even more during the night to avoid the darkness that taunted him.

Laura sighs and picks up her things, ready to leave for the night. She'd noticed Nate hadn't come back - that was probably a good thing, though a part of her was just a little worried. He had been acting very peculiar.
Finally leaving TJY, she heads to Jamie's to spend the evening with Jamie and Con before sacking out in the spare bed, Con remaining on the couch.

Jason flops down on the couch at Con's, staring up at the dark ceiling. It felt strange not to be at the hospital with Katie tonight. He'd stopped by her place just briefly on his way back from band practice to make sure everything was okay, then had come over here. Habits were hard to break...he missed being able to see Katie and know she was alright.

It was late, and it doesn't take Jason long to fall asleep, though he's restless.


"See you later." Con watches from the kitchen table as his sister leaves for the day, and takes another sip of his coffee. It was strange knowing Laura was on her way back to work, and he still hadn't wanted to return to TJY yet.

He turns to Jamie and cocks his head, remembering what he'd been meaning to ask her. "Hey, that fundraiser for the hospital is tomorrow...I'm gonna go to see Kat and see that band Jason's in. You want to go?"

"Yo, Katie!" Jason pounds on the front door, a teasing smile on his lips, the extra helmet tucked under his arm. "Taxi's here!" He hadn't told her he'd be there this morning, but knew she liked the motorcycle, and being her first day back to work, he wanted to make it as enjoyable as possible.

Laura sets down the vase of flowers and the card that everyone had signed on Katie's desk, smiling. It would be so nice to have Katie back again. It just hadn't been the same without her, and everyone had missed her.

She sighs and aims for her own desk, not being able to help but glance in the direction of Nate's desk. Her instincts kicked in and she wanted to call him to make sure he was alright this morning...but properness held her back. If he didn't come in in a few hours, she'd have Jason call him instead. It was only right, and she didn't want to give Nate the wrong impression.

Carson opens one eye and sweeps the room with a glance, stopping at the clock on the wall. Finally, it was morning. He must have fallen asleep at some point. Though he wasn't sure that having another day was something to be glad about. He rolls over on his side and tucks his hands under his pillow, feeling just about as miserable as he did the day before, only worse now that his wrists were so sore. His eyes drift shut again, even though his sleep is over. He knows if he's physically capable, that he'll be put back in the cell today. Even if he talked more, they'd put him there...not that there was anywhere else to go, but it was an unpleasant thought nonetheless.

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