

*Misty slowly puts the IV back into Carson ignoring his eyes of defiance. Unwraping his wrists and puing pressure on them again to stop them from bleeding than wraping them again.*

"Dont play tough guy with me Carson, you need to stay in bed till those are healed or they are gonna keep tearing. If you need water or anything just ask and I will be more than happy to get it for you."

*Misty stands with Carson for a long moment.Thinking, continplating. Carson's eyes showed she was back at squear one again.*

"Carson I know you over hurd what Jason said. And you might think what he said is true, but its not Carson. Its not. You might try and push me away like I know you will but I WONT go away. You have my word and promise on that. Now matter what I wont be pushed away."

*Nate's eyes flutter and than open looking around trying to figure out what was going on. Looking up at Jason stairing at him Nate smiles.*

"I fell asleep looking at an angel and I wake up to you...what a crule crule world. What happend?"

"Anytime guys. I love the company."

*Katie smiles at she watches Kyle the other two guys already out of the house. Katie walks over to Nate and reaches out peting Henry on the head.*

"This little bugger took to me as soon as he first saw me. Laura says he likes me more than her now. He was happy to see I was home."

*Katie looks up at Kyle her consern returning to her.*

"Kyle, if you dont mind me asking. Whats wrong with Jen? You said she wasent feeling good and made it sound like nothing, but your eyes and emotions tell me something differnt. Jen's a close friend to me and I'd like to know what is wrong. If you cant tell me."

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