

Con runs his errands and takes his time as Jamie shops as well. By the time they’re finished, they head to Mom and Pop’s right as people are starting to filter in for supper. Their regular booth is still free, and Con heads for it, sliding in across from Jamie. He forces himself to relax and smile, keeping conversation light, and waving to Herb and Mabel.

Jason grins and escorts Katie outside. Once in the night air, he looks up to the darkening sky. “They say we got rain coming. Kyle called me earlier – they say if it rains too much, that the fund raiser is going to be postponed. I hope it doesn’t, but I can smell it…I bet we’re going to get a storm tonight.”

He throws Katie a grin. “We better get supper and get back before we get soaked again. I need to get a car.” He hands Katie her helmet as they get to the bike, and makes sure she’s on and settled before straddling the seat.

Heading downtown, he automatically goes for Mom and Pop’s.

Con looks up from the table after taking a sip of soda pop, and raises his eyebrows as he sees Jason and Katie. “Well, look what the cat dragged in.” He waves them over. “Hey, you two. It’s filling up in here quick. Wanna join us?”

Jason grins and elbows Katie. “As long as Hero doesn’t mind not having me to herself.”

Con chuckles and gets up to switch sides, joining Jamie in her booth. “Sit down. We haven’t even ordered yet.”

Laura stops walking as she sees Nate’s car and received the invitation. She hesitates, trying to decipher his tone. He did seem genuinely concerned…and a couple days ago, Laura wouldn’t have thought anything from accepting a ride from him. It was just…a little…awkward now though. And eating supper with him? “Um…”

She glances down the sidewalk that is becoming dark. She knew it wasn’t safe to walk alone this time of night…

“Alright…I guess.” Laura knows her hesitance is showing more than she would like, and she’d rather Nate didn’t notice, but she can’t help the pink that creeps into her cheeks as she makes her way to the passenger side of the car. Sliding in, she buckles the seatbelt and focuses on a chipped fingernail. “Mom and Pop’s sounds good…as long as I’m buying my own supper.”

Carson looks over to Misty, his head cocking slightly. “It’s always amazed me how the people that chastise others the most for doing to much are the ones that overwork themselves.”

He fingers the key in his palm. “Don’t they ever give you a break? You have to east sometime and I haven’t seen a dinner plate around here. Lock the door on your way out – I couldn’t get out of here if I got paid to.”

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