

*Katie gives Kyle a hug back grinning at yet another Nickname.*

"Will do. You let Jen know after I make a fool of myself onstage I'll be joining her to watch you guy."

*Katie waves as the guys pull away a smile on her face. As Henry rubs aganst her legs purring.*

"Well you hynis I am glad you like them too."

*Katie giggles as she beds down to pet Henry disapering into her room to watch some TV.*

*Once Nate gets home he heads inside. Looking around he cant find Maggie. She must be out with Janet witch dident seem odd it was the middle of the day. Leaving a note on the counter it reads.*

"Dear Maggie,
I left work early wasent feeling to week. When you get home can you come up and check on me and wake me up. I want to spend some time with my sweet sister before I head back. I love you lots.

*Nate makes his way up the steps starting to feel dizzy again. Finally making it to his bed room he dosent even bother to take his cloths or shoes off. As soon as his head hits the pillow he is out like a light.*

*Misty shakes her head and rolls her eyes a bit. Going over to a locked she pulls out her keys and opens it. Pulling out a backage and relocks the cubard and gets a paper cup filling it with water. Than returns to Carson's side.*

"Here ya go take this. It will probley make you a bit tired but thats ok. You need your rest. Dont worry I'll watch over and protect you while you sleep."

*Misty smiles softly down at Carson pulling the blanket over him.*

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