

*Misty studys Carson carfely as she speaks once again. Her own eyes staying filled with life showing Carson she does care.*

“ Cuz Carson you are worth defending. To me your VERY much worth it. I don’t feed my friends or the people I care for to the dogs. That’s just not how I am. As for you and that holding cell you don’t deserve that. Ya you’ve done some stuff your not proud of but that dosent mean you need to be caged like an animal. Sine you have been here you haven’t hurt anyone. You arnt a thret. And no Carson you don’t belong with the Agency. I’ve seen the boy, the fool inside who is not so much of a fool after all. That’s how I know you don’t belong there.”

*Misty see Carson picking at his bandage and playfully slaps his hand.*

“Stop picking at that or you will go blinde.”

*Misty cant help but her a quirky grin on her face.*

*Katie smiles as she enters onto the floor smiling back at Jason and nodding. Once he walks away to his office Katie makes her way to her own groaning at the pile oh paper work waiting for her. Than spoting the flowers and card she smiles. It was nice to be back at work. She really had missed being at work. Siting down at her desk she decides its probley best if she gets some of this paperwork done. Katie wasent sure how many people new she was back but she would make her rounds once she got a few things done. Katie also made a mental not she needed to see f Rick was in today as well about doing a therapy program at TJY instead of the hospital. It might be easyer for her to do it there. As Katie goes to see the greeting start and she cant help but stands back up waving and smiling.*

“Hey Susanne, Scott good to see you both again.”

*Katie eyes Laura and walks over to her smiling giving her a hug. She hadent seen Laura for a while since she had been staying with Jamie for alittle bit.*

“Its lonely without you at home. But its good to be back. How are you?”

*Jamie smiles and nods at Con thankful for being understanding. If deffintly made everything a bit easyer.*

“Mmmm…think you can watch Ed for me while I am gone? Other than that I cant think of anything. Cept call me from time to time to know you ok. I worry about ya Con. I care to much not too.”

*As Nate's phone rings He stops reading to Maggie for a moment. Picking up his phone.*

"Yello? Hey Hotshot, Carson's bag huh? Alright. Ya give me about 15 or 20 min ok. Alright see ya than."

*Nate hangs up the phone and lets out a cough looking down at his sister her big brown eyes stairing back at him.*

"Hey Mags sorry but I have go into work soon. You forgive your poor bother for bailing on you again?"

*Maggie looks up at Nate her round eyes smile.*

"Its ok Nathan I understand those people need you too."

*Nate scoots off the bed and give his sister a kiss on the head.*

"I'm so lucky to have an understanding sister like you. If you need anything Janit is still home ok?"

*Nate hurrys around the house geting everything set and calling to let Janit know he was heading back to work and Maggie would need to be checked on from time to time. After about 10 min Nate is on his way back to TJY, feeling a tad better.*

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