
A new day

*As Morning comes Misty exits the room for a quick moment while Carson still sleeps and grabs a shower and new clothing. Coming back into the room she see Carson had changed positions so that ment he was awake. Going over to him Misty looks over his turn shoulder into his face.*

"You wrists are healing Nicly Carson. They should be better in no time, But you and I are gonna be the only one who knows that. I promised I wouldent let you go back to that cell yet. I intending on keep that promise. "

*Misty heart goes out to Carson once again he was withdrawning more and it worryed her. She dident like this feeling of sadness. It pained her inside more than anything that she couldent controll.*

*Jamie smiles at Con. It was so nice having him around. Happy and safe when he was near.*

"Yes I'd love to go with you Con. I think it would be fun."

*Jamie leans back in her chair for a moment thinking about the weeks to come and when she would be leaving for Texas. She hadent talked to Con about it yet. Maybe now we the best time as ever.*

"Hey Con, I know you have been watching over me alot you and Laura and I think you so much for the both of you. But I think its time I try and move past the fear. I think one of the first steps should be going to Texas and talking with the gang there about what happend and about Sam. I'd love for you to come along but I understand why you dont want to. And maybe doing this on my own will help. I will keep my phone on me always so if I need anything I will call you and you can call me. I wont be there long and I will come home to you. Your to important to me to leave forever. I think I will be leaving next tuesday."

*As Jason yells to Katie she pops her head out of the front door.*

"You know what time it is right your gonna wake everyone in there known brother up."

*Katie cant help but smile big anyways. She really dident care who was woken up by Jason she was happy her was there and happy to ride on his bike again. This was going to be the start to a wonderful day.

Within no time Jason and Katie are pulling up to TJY. For a moment Katie stands still at the door. It felt stange being back at work. She hadent been there for quite sometime and it just felt strange. Katie turns her head to look at Jason and smiles taking a deep breath.*

"Ok lets do this."

*Katie steps onto the elavator with Jason to make the decent to TJY. *

*Nate tossed and turned in bed as his deams over to take mind. Nate sits up quickly as he feels tugging on his feet. As Nate squints ajusting to the dim light that shown in the window He can make out his sister at his feet.*

"Maggie what are you doing?"

*Maggie looks up her her brother a big smile on his face as she keeps tugging at his shoes.*

"I'm trying to take your....your shoes off. You fell asleep with them on Nathan."

*Nate swings his feet around to help his sister takes them, he cant help but smile at her sweet innocent kindness. *

"So would you like to play a game or something Maggie?"

*Maggie thinks for a long moment.*

"Can you read me more of my book?"

*Nate smiles at his sister and brings a hand to her face smiling.*

"Sure you go grab the book and I will."

*Maggie disaprears from the room only to be back a few moments later. Proping up pillows behind Nate and herself they lean agasnt them. Nate opens the door and starts to read*

"...We must go see Aslan, he will surely know what to do..."

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