

*Misty laughs and enjoys the meal, keeping up with the conversation and cracking jokes along with Kyle. It felt nice to converse with them. Misty hadn't seen her own grandparents in so long that it felt nice to see someone alses.

Once the meal is over and Gram starts to clear the table , Misty gets up as well. Taking some of the plates to the sink to help Gram out Misty returns to the table to gather the rest of the dishes. Her eyes go to the way where Kyle disapears Misty smiles replying to Gram.*

"He sure is, he sure is."

*Giving a shake of her head Misty continues to clear the table. The truth was Misty did think Kyle was special. He had helped her out, and had comforted her alot over the last weeks. Misty hadent exspected this at all and the feelings they had grown, and continued to grow and she liked it. Kyle was so differnt, and so full of life, Misty found it nice and refreshing.

As Misty slowly follows Gram into the living room she smiles seeing Kyle asleep. He looks at peace and thats what mattered. Glancing down at her watch Misty notes the time and decieds to let him sleep for a little bit. Misty found it a bit funny, she had alot less sleep than Kyle yet he was the one sleeping. Shaking her head Misty pulls a small medicle book from her purse and starts reading it.*

~*~About an hour later~*~

"Kyle...its time to wake up...Kyle...we have the consert in an hour..come on get up."

*Misty gently shakes Kyle trying to roust him. It was a little have three and they had to meet the other at 4.*

*Katie makes her way down the steps to the basment of TJY where she new Jason would be. Coming down the hall Katie's voice can be hurd.*

"J...A...S...O..*claps* J...A...S...O..*claps* J...A...S...O *claps* and Jason was his name-o."

*Katie jumps into the room and than stops seening Con standing next to Jason. Her face grows a soft shade of red as she raises her hand and gives a wave.*

"Hello Big Brother. How ya doin?"

*Coming over to both of the guys Katie clears the throat and trys to compose herself. Looking two both the men. A small grin surfices on Katie face.*

"Very nice. Ok..so do you have a lay out of this place J?"


Kyle just grins as Misty drives, not giving her any hits, but directing her to the far corner of town to a little residential area. Making several turns that seem to take them everywhere but nowhere, finally Kyle points to a little yellow house. It's a one-story house with a well-kept yard and flowers out front.

Kyle directs Misty to park in the driveway, and he gets out, waiting for Misty to follow. Taking her hand again, he leads her up to the small porch and opens the screen door, knocking loudly on the inside door. He throws Misty another sidelong glance with a wink, remaining silent.

Finally footsteps are heard, and a thin, elderly woman opens the door cautiously. Peeking around the corner, she sees Kyle and her face lights up. Swinging the door open wider, she smiles. "Kyle Hayden, you know good and well you don't have to knock!"

Kyle's grin spreads as he receives an enthusiastic hug. "Hey, Gram."

She steps back and looks at him sternly. "Your brother told me about that voice of yours. You should be eating a hot bowl of soup then going to bed."

Kyle shakes his head, his eyes twinkling with laughter. He then brings Misty closer. "Gram, this is Misty Miller."

The woman's face stays just as warm as she takes Misty's hand in her own. "I'm so glad to finally meet you, Misty. My name's Ellie, but since I'm Kyle's grandma you can just call me Gram like everyone else does." She chuckles and looks between the two. "Have you had lunch after church?"

Kyle shakes his head.

Gram smirks. "Well for pity sake come on in here. I was just getting your grandfather some lunch. Of course, it's just leftover fried chicken from last night."

Kyle steps into the house behind her, bringing Misty with him. He looks over at her and raises his eyebrows, signaling that he knew good and well that's what would be here, and it was well worth the drive.

Getting to the small kitchen, they're greeted again by Kyle's grandfather, who stands up from the table. "Well hi there, Kyle. What brings you around here?"

Kyle shrugs and grins, glancing toward Gram who was getting the food ready.

Gramps laughs and shakes his head. "Always food. And who do we have here with you?"

Kyle's smile widens as he presents Misty. "Gramps, Misty, Misty, Gramps."

Gramps offers a strong handshake, despite his elderly frame. "It's certainly nice to meet you, Misty. Come on here and make yourself at home. Us two lonely folks enjoy a bit of company once in a while." He looks over to Kyle with a teasing wink. "Some people don't come often enough."

Kyle sighs and nods. "I know, I know."

Gram turns around and sets down a plate of hot fried chicken. "Well set yourselves down now. Kyle, what do you want to drink? We have water...iced tea..."

After a prayer for the meal, lunch is kept lively with chatter from the two older people, Kyle intervening with a few words, though mostly gestures and facial expressions that make both his grandparents laugh, and he includes Misty as much as possible. He eats a little bit, knowing that he really didn't feel like it...food really wasn't the reason he came, but he wasn't going to disappoint his grandmother.

As the meal is finished up and the last of the chicken is gone, Gram gets up and starts clearing the table. "Oh, Kyle, since you're here..."

Kyle looks to Misty, a grin twitching his mouth, showing he knew what was coming.

"...there's that lightbulb in the hall that Gramps and I can't reach...you wouldn't mind changing that, would you?"

Kyle finishes his iced tea, ensuring he didn't show how much swallowing hurt right now. Standing up, he knows where to go, heading to a nearby cupboard where the lightbulbs were kept. Drawing a new one out, he twirls it in his hand and slides out of the kitchen with style, again bringing laughter to his grandmother.

Gram shakes her head and starts to clear the dishes. "That boy..." She grins at Misty. "He's something else, isn't he."

Kyle easily switches out the lightbulb, knowing full well that his job was not done. His grandparents could still survive on their own, but there were little things that they just couldn't do anymore. Except for the lightbulb, neither asked Kyle directly to do anything...they didn't want to take advantage of him being there. But a hint was all Kyle needed to step in.

For the next hour it was smoke alarm batteries, squeaky door hinges, a leaky bathroom sink, a shower curtain rod that had fallen down, a stain on the hallway rug, a chest of drawers that needed to be moved, and a tv remote that needed reprogramming.

Not once did Kyle let either of his grandparents see how worn out he was, or even admit to them how sick he'd been just hours before. There were other reasons he'd come today that he wasn't willing to sacrifice.

Finished with the last task though, he sinks down into a living room chair. He's a bit sweaty, his shirt sleeves rolled up, his face a little flushed. His eyes hold almost a glazed look, the exhaustion just too much.

"Kyle, I was just talking with your grandfather, and we'd..." Gram's words trail off as she enters the living room and sees her grandson in the chair.

Kyle's head has shifted down to is own shoulder, his steady breathing showing that he'd just drifted off to sleep, despite his efforts to stay awake.

Gram gets a gentle smile on her lips, and lets her statement go.

"Doesn't he have a thing with the band tonight?" Gramps asks.

"Oh, let him sleep," Gram chides. "That family event isn't until later."

Neither mind a bit that Misty is there, acccepting her as any family member, offering her to make herself at home. By two-thirty, the house is quiet. Gramps had fallen asleep in the den. Gram was reading a book on the screened-in back porch.

Kyle wakes himself up coughing once, but is too groggy to move. Though he was getting a crick in his neck, he didn't even bother shifting positions. Squinting lamely at the clock on the wall, he notes the time, and reminds himself that he can't stay here much longer. But...he was...so...tired...

"Come on, Kyle, where are you?" Phil hangs up his phone for the fifth time, rolling his eyes.

"Still get his voicemail?" Mike asks.

"Yeah." Phil sighs. "I called TJY, Rick said he hadn't seen hide nor hair of Kyle or Misty... I saw them take off from church earlier and figured they'd go out to eat, but they should have been back by now."

Jen thinks for a moment, the three of them in Mike's living room before preparing to leave later that afternoon. "Think he went to Gramp's and Gram's?"

"I wouldn't think so...not with the event tonight and how they can keep someone around for hours." Phil grins, remembering the last time they all had been there. "Besides, if he wasn't feeling the greatest, I doubt he would have gone."

"Well, you said he didn't need to help load up," Jen reminds. "He just needs to meet us there at four."

"I guess. What do you think about him and Misty?"

Jen quirks an eyebrow at her brother. "Is it my business to think anything?"

Phil shrugs. "I was just wondering."

"Why? Something wrong?"

"No..." Phil leans back in the couch, tapping his foot on the floor. "I just...I don't now. I guess it just surprised me was all."

"What, that Kyle could like a girl?"

"Maybe...I mean, he's been around a lot of girls, just never...serioius, I guess."

"Well, do you think he's all that serious about Misty?"

Phil laughs. "Have you looked at him lately? Try teasing him. But be read to get your head bit off."

Jen giggles. "So what's wrong with that? Misty's a great woman...I like her...she's a nice friend."

"Oh, I like her too. I just hope..."

Jen sighs. "Just spit it out, Phil."

"I just hope he's not headed for heartache, that's all."

"Why would he be?"

"I don't know. Forget I said anything." Phil stands up and looks to Mike. "Ready to start packing up?"

"You bet."

"So we've got these here..." Jason gestures to the gun case. "I told Katie what I'd be organizing...Wyatt seemed okay with it...I think Nate will be too."

Con scans the weapons, one eyebrow raised. "When did these come in?"

"Elite issued."

"I see." Con glances around he downstairs room, feeling just a little bit odd. It had been a long time since he'd been down here, let alone been involved in any kind of case or security at all. "Reese care that I was helping out?"

Jason throws him a smirk. "Why should he? You got two good eyes. That's all we need."

"I suppose." Con reaches down to pick up a firearm. For a brief moment, he gets a flashback of the last man he'd killed out of anger, and he inwardly cringes. "So what kind of gig is this tonight anyway?" Hearing nothing, he turns with question to Jason.

Jason had already answered him. "I said it's a family night."


Jason cocks his head. "Hows that ear doing?"

Con shrugs. "Doesn't give me any trouble other than not working."

It was meant to be a silly remark, but Jason doesn't laugh. "You miss being around here?"

"Yeah." Con's response is quick, as he doesn't even have to think about it.

"You know Reese would love to have you back."

"At what? A desk?" Con shakes his head. "Why do you think I got a job with a construcion company? So I could be out doing something. I don't know...would be nice to work around Jamie again though."

Jason lets the subject drop, seeing that his friend was a bit bothered by it all. "Alright, anyway, so now I'm just waiting for Katie to get here to kinda straighten things out with her and then we're off."

Con lifts an eyebrow. "How are you two getting along?"

"Good." Jason nods. "Real good. We're um...well, we're real good friends, Con."

"You two happy with that?"

Jason thinks for a moment, then nods again. "Yeah. She and Scott are doing well, and I like it that she and I can be friends again."

"Straighten out your differences?"

"I think so... it's a little hard sometimes since we can read each other so well, but...yeah...she's a good friend, and I trust her."

Con studies Jason for a moment.

Jason lifts an eyebrow. "What?"

"Just friends?"

Jason throws him a look. "Con...the past is over. Yes...Katie and I are just friends. And I like it that way. Do any more ridiculous hinting and I'll start teasing you about wearing a ball and chain."

"Hey now..." Con defends. "I'd hardly describe Jamie that way."

Jason grins. "Neither would I. Nervous?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "Good. Keeps you on your toes."

Your Family

*Once getting to the church and Kyle takes Misty's hand she feels a bit more at ease. It had been a long time since she had stepped foot into a church and she couldn't help but be a little nervouse.

Entering Misty smiles and greet people as they come up to Kyle and herself. Trying her best not to let her nervouseness show.

Taking Kyle's hand again Misty follows him though the church and the soft music his her ears as they find there seat. Seeing Mick and Phil up on the stage Misty's smile grows a little. Leaning over to Kyle she whispers.*

"Well at least they are getting warmed up for tonight."

*Turning her attachen back to the front Misty trys her best to sing along with the songs though she dosent know many of the words she does the best she can.

Keeping her attachen to the front Misty listens. As the service draws on and she listens to the preacher Misty understands what he is say, she had hurd it before, but this time rehearing it seemed to help her understand a little bit more.As the serman comes to an end and the voice rings out Misty looks twords were it was coming from another smile spreading across her face.*

"Your sister voice is amazing. Your whole family is talinted Kyle."

*Misty listens to the song and it send a ping to her heart. It was differnt, and it felt good, it was almost like a blanket on a cold day.

Once exiting the church and following Kyle's direction Misty's mind wonders. Where were they going? If she was to guess it would be normaly Mom and Pop's but this wasent the way there, this was a way she never went before. *

"Where are you taking me Kyle Mitts? I would say your kidnapping me, but I'm the one driving."

*Misty smiles sweetly as she looks at Kyle and than draws her attachen back to the road following Kyle's directions.*


Kyle grins, a little bit of color coming to his cheeks. He eyes Misty, his gaze telling her quite clearly that he could say the same thing about her. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he brings her into a hug before pulling away.

Going back to his backpack, he pulls out his truck keys, but then hesitates. He really didn’t feel like driving, nor did he think he should this morning with the shape he was in.

Looking to Misty, then back at his keys, he puts them back in his bag, signaling that he was going to let her do the driving.

They’re out of TJY later than planned, and as Kyle directs Misty to his church, he figures they will get there just as the service is starting. It was alright with him though…getting there a little later would help him avoid too many questions about why his hand was bandaged in a brace. He’d opted not to use his sling this morning, but there were enough people that knew him well, that he’d still get plenty of unwanted attention if given the opportunity.

Arriving at the church, the parking lot is full of cars, and it takes a few minutes to find a space. Getting out, Kyle takes Misty’s hand to walk her inside, knowing that she might not feel the most comfortable, but not making a big deal out of it either.

Once inside, they’re greeted with enthusiasm by a couple other people. Kyle does his best with introductions, though most know about his voice and do most of the talking, welcoming Misty with smiles and warm handshakes.

Music filters out of the sanctuary, and Kyle leads the way across the foyer into the larger room. Slipping in through the doors in the back, he scans for a place for him and Misty to sit. The worship time has already begun.

The Lord reigns on high,
Forever and ever.
His kingdom shall reign,
Over all the earth.
The Lord shall return,
To save all His children.
His kingdom shall reign,
Over all the earth.

Singing filled the room, echoing off the walls. Everyone was on their feet as the praises were sung.

Kyle’s hand still in Misty’s, he leads the way closer to the front over to one side where there are several empty seats. Sliding in, he brings Misty with him. The man standing next to them smiles and shakes both their hands, greeting them as the service moves on around them.

The worship team leads the songs, backed up by several guitars, a keyboard and drums. Mike is positioned behind the set this morning, and Phil is part of this week’s team too, playing the bass as normal. His own eyes roam the room, and catching sight of his brother and Misty, a smile forms, his worry dispersing. Normally Kyle would be up there with them, but the team leaders already knew he’d be out for a while.

Thank you, Father,
Thank you, Jesus,
You lift me up on high.
Thank you Father,
Thank you, Jesus,
I want to be your child.
Your glory shines through all the earth,
Throughout eternity.

Seated in the sanctuary, one could count about a hundred and fifty people gathered this morning. The quietness while listening to the sermon was a contrast to the enthusiastic singing, though all eyes were focused ahead to the pastor.

Kyle does his best to make Misty as comfortable as possible, the atmosphere here casual and warm...

“…so this father has a choice.” The pastor continues his story. “He sees his little boy, and he sees this crowd of people that are going to die. He can run and save his boy from death, or, he can allow his son to die, and save the larger number. What would you do?”

The pastor shakes his head slowly. “Most of you know I’ve got three children of my own. Caleb is only five, Timmy is seven and Hannah just started third grade. Now you tell me if I’d give one of them up to save a bunch of strangers who didn’t even deserve to live in the first place. Not only that, but had actually ridiculed me personally.”

He purses his lips in thought, silence reigning the room for several seconds. “I’m just glad I never had to make that choice. But God did. He had a son just like me. Only this was his only son…his one and only, beloved, Jesus. It was bad enough that the plan was to send Jesus out of Heaven to live on earth as a man, but then to watch him die…. Watch him be beaten…spit on…put on that cross and have those nails driven right through his hands and feet. And why?”

The passion shows through the pastor’s voice as gestures accompany his words, his eyes reflecting how heavy this was on his heart…his burden to share this truth. “Why did he let his son die like that? Because of you. That’s right…you. You, you, you…” He points to random people. “And why? Because his love is so great…so awesome…so powerful…that he so badly wanted a way for sin to be destroyed. God wanted you to be a part of His family, and in order to do that, innocent blood had to be spilled. So it was his perfect Son. That Son that not only died and suffered a brutal death…but rose again three days later, fulfilling the prophecy and bringing about the entire circle that would form a way for us to meet God.”

A smile spreads. “You can’t get much more awesome than that. God’s love…do you know it? Have you tasted it? Have you found that very hope within you that can only be driven by the very power of God’s love itself?”

As the sermon draws to an end, the pastor exits the stage, soft music beginning to play. After a short intro, a sweet female voice rings out. Only those looking for the singer would have seen the young woman in the wheelchair back in the corner out of the spotlight.

I would have been a wayward soul,
Lost in the open sea.
I would have been a wounded soldier,
Cast upon the fields.
I would have been a captured slave,
To die a lonely death.
But someone came,
To pick me up,
And save me from these chains.

It was Him,
Who gave me love to save me.
It was Him,
Who showed me peace and joy.
It was Him,
Who showed me just what mercy meant.
And grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

I would have been a lonely heart,
Sent to darkened roads.
I would have been a broken spirit,
Lost along the way.
I would have been an orphaned child,
Alone eternally.
But someone came,
To lift me up,
And save me from these chains.

It was Him,
Who gave me love to save me.
It was Him,
Who showed me peace and joy.
It was Him,
Who showed me just what mercy meant.
And grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

It was Him,
Who gave His Son to save me.
It was Him,
Who offered me true love.
It was Him,
Who looked beyond my sin and shame.
And grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

Yes grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

Kyle’s head is bowed, his eyes closed as he takes in the words to the song. He knew them by heart – he had written them himself, but that gave them no less meaning. Emotion is etched on his face as he reflects on his own life…how close to death he’d felt just hours…and the Shelter that he’d known for so long. He was blessed to be alive, and even more so to actually be up and walking.

The service continues with communion and a short offering, ending with more singing where everyone could join in. The excitement and energy fill the room as shouts of praise rang out, the music inspiring the soul.

All too soon, the music is fading, and people are starting to filter out of the large room. Kyle is on his feet and turns to Misty, a peaceful smile on his lips. He cocks his head, his eyes gazing on hers, just watching…studying.

As the people grow less and less, once again Kyle takes Misty’s hand, leading her back outside, more people greeting them along the way, including Phil who is able to find them, saying that he’ll see them later.

Back into Misty’s car, Kyle tries to hide his exhaustion behind his smile. He didn’t know what Misty thought of this morning…but he hoped she’d enjoyed herself, and he was glad that he’d had the opportunity to bring her today. He wouldn't ask her any questions unless she brought the subject up herself.

Pointing towards the street, he grins. “I got somewhere special to go for lunch,” he mentions quietly. “Hang a right out of here.”


*Finishing up in the bathroom Misty heads back twords the infermary. Not many people were at TJY being sunday but some were. As Misty passed them she new there were looking at her. Not many people had even seen Misty in a dress, and she liked it that way. Misty hated wairing them but today was special and Misty new it. She wanted to look nice for Kyle. Her black dress came to just above the knee and had a white ribbon around the waist, the front giving a little bit of a dip but not to far. The straps on her shoulder were on the thickerside but still offered the coolness for the warmth of the day. Her flat black dress shows made a soft clicking sound on the tile floor. Misty's hair was done up nicly in a brade that had a white and black ribbon running through it and hung down the back of the open dress. The sweet smell of Misty's body spray lingering where ever she walked.

Entering the infermary Misty looking around for Kyle. Seeing he has not returned yet Misty heads over to her desk and stands looking down at some paper work getting completely lost.

Feeling Kyle's arm around her in an instint Misty is jolted from her work she was looking at and a grin spreads across her lips. Bring her one had up to his arm and leaning her head back Misty just listens to Kyle for a moment.*

"It was my pleasure."

*Keeping Kyle's arm around her Misty turns so she can face him her eyes giving him a once over and than her grin growing even more.*

"You smell amazing, and your looks go along great with it. You look fantastic."

Ready for church

Kyle watches Misty, and tries to process everything she's saying, still a bit groggy. Sighing, he gives her a nod. He didn't feel like anything but water at the moment anyway.

As she disappears into the hall, he rolls over onto his back and just lies still for several minutes, clearing his mind, trying to remember all that had happened in the night, and trying to figure out just what was happening today.

Finally Kyle musters up enough energy to sit up and swing out of bed. He felt as if he'd been hit by a truck, and as he stands, his legs want to give out on him. Taking his time, he manages to get his bag and slowly make it to the bathroom.

Working with one hand and against weariness, it takes Kyle longer than usual for him to shower and get dressed, doing his best to clean up and be presentable. He knew he looked a bit pale, and getting his contacts in was a chore this morning, but he manages and finally makes it back to the infirmary.

Dressed for church, he's in black jeans with a white collard shirt tucked in, the top two buttons left undone. His hair is still wet, and the scent of his cologne follows him.

Setting his backpack on the floor again, he glances around and spots Misty by her desk. Moving quietly, he comes up behind her and slings his arms up over her shoulders to cross in front of her as he rests his forehead on her shoulder. Though feeling utterly exhausted, he could tell something was different...he knew instinctively that the poison had been defeated.

"Thank you," he manges hoarsely. Swallowing hard and wincing, he moves one hand to brush her cheek, still keeping his arms around her. "For staying with me."

Be ok

*Only felling like she had just fell asleep Misty is awaken but the soft fingers that ran across her face. Slowly opening her eyes Misty looks up at Kyle and gives a smile as she burrys her head in the pillow. Her eyes not leaving Kyle's face for a moment. How tired she felt, how she wanted to sleep more, but remembering what day it was and the promise she made she finally sits up and stretches. Slidding off the bed Misty heads over to where her bag was set and picks it up before turning to Kyel.*

"If you want take a right out of here and there is a bathroom and shower so you can get ready. I will be down to the left."

*Misty heads for the door and than stops turning and looking at Kyle again a smile on her face.*

"Oh get yourself some water as well. I wouldn't sugest anything alse because it will hurt pretty bad. You tore you throut up pretty bad lastnight but your going to be ok now."

*With that Misty turns again and exits the infermary heading down the hall to get ready to leave with Kyle.*


Kyle’s eyes fly open. He stares directly at Misty who is still lying next to him. Not having move, he lets his hand slide from her face, and he swallows hard. His mouth felt like cotton, his throat feeling as though it were full of needles. But something was…different.

Moving around slightly, he finds a clock and sees that it’s seven. He had to….get up…to get ready…to go.

Even his mind was acting lethargic. Kyle takes a deep breath to yawn, and gives a short cough, but nothing compared to several hours earlier. Opening his mouth, he wants to say something, but he decides not to try. Instead, his hand goes back to Misty’s face, his fingers going softly and gently.

He was tired…but he wanted to get up. He didn’t want to miss this morning’s opportunities, no matter how tired he felt.