

*Finishing up in the bathroom Misty heads back twords the infermary. Not many people were at TJY being sunday but some were. As Misty passed them she new there were looking at her. Not many people had even seen Misty in a dress, and she liked it that way. Misty hated wairing them but today was special and Misty new it. She wanted to look nice for Kyle. Her black dress came to just above the knee and had a white ribbon around the waist, the front giving a little bit of a dip but not to far. The straps on her shoulder were on the thickerside but still offered the coolness for the warmth of the day. Her flat black dress shows made a soft clicking sound on the tile floor. Misty's hair was done up nicly in a brade that had a white and black ribbon running through it and hung down the back of the open dress. The sweet smell of Misty's body spray lingering where ever she walked.

Entering the infermary Misty looking around for Kyle. Seeing he has not returned yet Misty heads over to her desk and stands looking down at some paper work getting completely lost.

Feeling Kyle's arm around her in an instint Misty is jolted from her work she was looking at and a grin spreads across her lips. Bring her one had up to his arm and leaning her head back Misty just listens to Kyle for a moment.*

"It was my pleasure."

*Keeping Kyle's arm around her Misty turns so she can face him her eyes giving him a once over and than her grin growing even more.*

"You smell amazing, and your looks go along great with it. You look fantastic."

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