
Ready for church

Kyle watches Misty, and tries to process everything she's saying, still a bit groggy. Sighing, he gives her a nod. He didn't feel like anything but water at the moment anyway.

As she disappears into the hall, he rolls over onto his back and just lies still for several minutes, clearing his mind, trying to remember all that had happened in the night, and trying to figure out just what was happening today.

Finally Kyle musters up enough energy to sit up and swing out of bed. He felt as if he'd been hit by a truck, and as he stands, his legs want to give out on him. Taking his time, he manages to get his bag and slowly make it to the bathroom.

Working with one hand and against weariness, it takes Kyle longer than usual for him to shower and get dressed, doing his best to clean up and be presentable. He knew he looked a bit pale, and getting his contacts in was a chore this morning, but he manages and finally makes it back to the infirmary.

Dressed for church, he's in black jeans with a white collard shirt tucked in, the top two buttons left undone. His hair is still wet, and the scent of his cologne follows him.

Setting his backpack on the floor again, he glances around and spots Misty by her desk. Moving quietly, he comes up behind her and slings his arms up over her shoulders to cross in front of her as he rests his forehead on her shoulder. Though feeling utterly exhausted, he could tell something was different...he knew instinctively that the poison had been defeated.

"Thank you," he manges hoarsely. Swallowing hard and wincing, he moves one hand to brush her cheek, still keeping his arms around her. "For staying with me."

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