
Your Family

*Once getting to the church and Kyle takes Misty's hand she feels a bit more at ease. It had been a long time since she had stepped foot into a church and she couldn't help but be a little nervouse.

Entering Misty smiles and greet people as they come up to Kyle and herself. Trying her best not to let her nervouseness show.

Taking Kyle's hand again Misty follows him though the church and the soft music his her ears as they find there seat. Seeing Mick and Phil up on the stage Misty's smile grows a little. Leaning over to Kyle she whispers.*

"Well at least they are getting warmed up for tonight."

*Turning her attachen back to the front Misty trys her best to sing along with the songs though she dosent know many of the words she does the best she can.

Keeping her attachen to the front Misty listens. As the service draws on and she listens to the preacher Misty understands what he is say, she had hurd it before, but this time rehearing it seemed to help her understand a little bit more.As the serman comes to an end and the voice rings out Misty looks twords were it was coming from another smile spreading across her face.*

"Your sister voice is amazing. Your whole family is talinted Kyle."

*Misty listens to the song and it send a ping to her heart. It was differnt, and it felt good, it was almost like a blanket on a cold day.

Once exiting the church and following Kyle's direction Misty's mind wonders. Where were they going? If she was to guess it would be normaly Mom and Pop's but this wasent the way there, this was a way she never went before. *

"Where are you taking me Kyle Mitts? I would say your kidnapping me, but I'm the one driving."

*Misty smiles sweetly as she looks at Kyle and than draws her attachen back to the road following Kyle's directions.*

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