

Kyle grins, a little bit of color coming to his cheeks. He eyes Misty, his gaze telling her quite clearly that he could say the same thing about her. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he brings her into a hug before pulling away.

Going back to his backpack, he pulls out his truck keys, but then hesitates. He really didn’t feel like driving, nor did he think he should this morning with the shape he was in.

Looking to Misty, then back at his keys, he puts them back in his bag, signaling that he was going to let her do the driving.

They’re out of TJY later than planned, and as Kyle directs Misty to his church, he figures they will get there just as the service is starting. It was alright with him though…getting there a little later would help him avoid too many questions about why his hand was bandaged in a brace. He’d opted not to use his sling this morning, but there were enough people that knew him well, that he’d still get plenty of unwanted attention if given the opportunity.

Arriving at the church, the parking lot is full of cars, and it takes a few minutes to find a space. Getting out, Kyle takes Misty’s hand to walk her inside, knowing that she might not feel the most comfortable, but not making a big deal out of it either.

Once inside, they’re greeted with enthusiasm by a couple other people. Kyle does his best with introductions, though most know about his voice and do most of the talking, welcoming Misty with smiles and warm handshakes.

Music filters out of the sanctuary, and Kyle leads the way across the foyer into the larger room. Slipping in through the doors in the back, he scans for a place for him and Misty to sit. The worship time has already begun.

The Lord reigns on high,
Forever and ever.
His kingdom shall reign,
Over all the earth.
The Lord shall return,
To save all His children.
His kingdom shall reign,
Over all the earth.

Singing filled the room, echoing off the walls. Everyone was on their feet as the praises were sung.

Kyle’s hand still in Misty’s, he leads the way closer to the front over to one side where there are several empty seats. Sliding in, he brings Misty with him. The man standing next to them smiles and shakes both their hands, greeting them as the service moves on around them.

The worship team leads the songs, backed up by several guitars, a keyboard and drums. Mike is positioned behind the set this morning, and Phil is part of this week’s team too, playing the bass as normal. His own eyes roam the room, and catching sight of his brother and Misty, a smile forms, his worry dispersing. Normally Kyle would be up there with them, but the team leaders already knew he’d be out for a while.

Thank you, Father,
Thank you, Jesus,
You lift me up on high.
Thank you Father,
Thank you, Jesus,
I want to be your child.
Your glory shines through all the earth,
Throughout eternity.

Seated in the sanctuary, one could count about a hundred and fifty people gathered this morning. The quietness while listening to the sermon was a contrast to the enthusiastic singing, though all eyes were focused ahead to the pastor.

Kyle does his best to make Misty as comfortable as possible, the atmosphere here casual and warm...

“…so this father has a choice.” The pastor continues his story. “He sees his little boy, and he sees this crowd of people that are going to die. He can run and save his boy from death, or, he can allow his son to die, and save the larger number. What would you do?”

The pastor shakes his head slowly. “Most of you know I’ve got three children of my own. Caleb is only five, Timmy is seven and Hannah just started third grade. Now you tell me if I’d give one of them up to save a bunch of strangers who didn’t even deserve to live in the first place. Not only that, but had actually ridiculed me personally.”

He purses his lips in thought, silence reigning the room for several seconds. “I’m just glad I never had to make that choice. But God did. He had a son just like me. Only this was his only son…his one and only, beloved, Jesus. It was bad enough that the plan was to send Jesus out of Heaven to live on earth as a man, but then to watch him die…. Watch him be beaten…spit on…put on that cross and have those nails driven right through his hands and feet. And why?”

The passion shows through the pastor’s voice as gestures accompany his words, his eyes reflecting how heavy this was on his heart…his burden to share this truth. “Why did he let his son die like that? Because of you. That’s right…you. You, you, you…” He points to random people. “And why? Because his love is so great…so awesome…so powerful…that he so badly wanted a way for sin to be destroyed. God wanted you to be a part of His family, and in order to do that, innocent blood had to be spilled. So it was his perfect Son. That Son that not only died and suffered a brutal death…but rose again three days later, fulfilling the prophecy and bringing about the entire circle that would form a way for us to meet God.”

A smile spreads. “You can’t get much more awesome than that. God’s love…do you know it? Have you tasted it? Have you found that very hope within you that can only be driven by the very power of God’s love itself?”

As the sermon draws to an end, the pastor exits the stage, soft music beginning to play. After a short intro, a sweet female voice rings out. Only those looking for the singer would have seen the young woman in the wheelchair back in the corner out of the spotlight.

I would have been a wayward soul,
Lost in the open sea.
I would have been a wounded soldier,
Cast upon the fields.
I would have been a captured slave,
To die a lonely death.
But someone came,
To pick me up,
And save me from these chains.

It was Him,
Who gave me love to save me.
It was Him,
Who showed me peace and joy.
It was Him,
Who showed me just what mercy meant.
And grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

I would have been a lonely heart,
Sent to darkened roads.
I would have been a broken spirit,
Lost along the way.
I would have been an orphaned child,
Alone eternally.
But someone came,
To lift me up,
And save me from these chains.

It was Him,
Who gave me love to save me.
It was Him,
Who showed me peace and joy.
It was Him,
Who showed me just what mercy meant.
And grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

It was Him,
Who gave His Son to save me.
It was Him,
Who offered me true love.
It was Him,
Who looked beyond my sin and shame.
And grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

Yes grace fell down,
To cover me,
And I was whole again.

Kyle’s head is bowed, his eyes closed as he takes in the words to the song. He knew them by heart – he had written them himself, but that gave them no less meaning. Emotion is etched on his face as he reflects on his own life…how close to death he’d felt just hours…and the Shelter that he’d known for so long. He was blessed to be alive, and even more so to actually be up and walking.

The service continues with communion and a short offering, ending with more singing where everyone could join in. The excitement and energy fill the room as shouts of praise rang out, the music inspiring the soul.

All too soon, the music is fading, and people are starting to filter out of the large room. Kyle is on his feet and turns to Misty, a peaceful smile on his lips. He cocks his head, his eyes gazing on hers, just watching…studying.

As the people grow less and less, once again Kyle takes Misty’s hand, leading her back outside, more people greeting them along the way, including Phil who is able to find them, saying that he’ll see them later.

Back into Misty’s car, Kyle tries to hide his exhaustion behind his smile. He didn’t know what Misty thought of this morning…but he hoped she’d enjoyed herself, and he was glad that he’d had the opportunity to bring her today. He wouldn't ask her any questions unless she brought the subject up herself.

Pointing towards the street, he grins. “I got somewhere special to go for lunch,” he mentions quietly. “Hang a right out of here.”

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