

Kyle just grins as Misty drives, not giving her any hits, but directing her to the far corner of town to a little residential area. Making several turns that seem to take them everywhere but nowhere, finally Kyle points to a little yellow house. It's a one-story house with a well-kept yard and flowers out front.

Kyle directs Misty to park in the driveway, and he gets out, waiting for Misty to follow. Taking her hand again, he leads her up to the small porch and opens the screen door, knocking loudly on the inside door. He throws Misty another sidelong glance with a wink, remaining silent.

Finally footsteps are heard, and a thin, elderly woman opens the door cautiously. Peeking around the corner, she sees Kyle and her face lights up. Swinging the door open wider, she smiles. "Kyle Hayden, you know good and well you don't have to knock!"

Kyle's grin spreads as he receives an enthusiastic hug. "Hey, Gram."

She steps back and looks at him sternly. "Your brother told me about that voice of yours. You should be eating a hot bowl of soup then going to bed."

Kyle shakes his head, his eyes twinkling with laughter. He then brings Misty closer. "Gram, this is Misty Miller."

The woman's face stays just as warm as she takes Misty's hand in her own. "I'm so glad to finally meet you, Misty. My name's Ellie, but since I'm Kyle's grandma you can just call me Gram like everyone else does." She chuckles and looks between the two. "Have you had lunch after church?"

Kyle shakes his head.

Gram smirks. "Well for pity sake come on in here. I was just getting your grandfather some lunch. Of course, it's just leftover fried chicken from last night."

Kyle steps into the house behind her, bringing Misty with him. He looks over at her and raises his eyebrows, signaling that he knew good and well that's what would be here, and it was well worth the drive.

Getting to the small kitchen, they're greeted again by Kyle's grandfather, who stands up from the table. "Well hi there, Kyle. What brings you around here?"

Kyle shrugs and grins, glancing toward Gram who was getting the food ready.

Gramps laughs and shakes his head. "Always food. And who do we have here with you?"

Kyle's smile widens as he presents Misty. "Gramps, Misty, Misty, Gramps."

Gramps offers a strong handshake, despite his elderly frame. "It's certainly nice to meet you, Misty. Come on here and make yourself at home. Us two lonely folks enjoy a bit of company once in a while." He looks over to Kyle with a teasing wink. "Some people don't come often enough."

Kyle sighs and nods. "I know, I know."

Gram turns around and sets down a plate of hot fried chicken. "Well set yourselves down now. Kyle, what do you want to drink? We have water...iced tea..."

After a prayer for the meal, lunch is kept lively with chatter from the two older people, Kyle intervening with a few words, though mostly gestures and facial expressions that make both his grandparents laugh, and he includes Misty as much as possible. He eats a little bit, knowing that he really didn't feel like it...food really wasn't the reason he came, but he wasn't going to disappoint his grandmother.

As the meal is finished up and the last of the chicken is gone, Gram gets up and starts clearing the table. "Oh, Kyle, since you're here..."

Kyle looks to Misty, a grin twitching his mouth, showing he knew what was coming.

"...there's that lightbulb in the hall that Gramps and I can't reach...you wouldn't mind changing that, would you?"

Kyle finishes his iced tea, ensuring he didn't show how much swallowing hurt right now. Standing up, he knows where to go, heading to a nearby cupboard where the lightbulbs were kept. Drawing a new one out, he twirls it in his hand and slides out of the kitchen with style, again bringing laughter to his grandmother.

Gram shakes her head and starts to clear the dishes. "That boy..." She grins at Misty. "He's something else, isn't he."

Kyle easily switches out the lightbulb, knowing full well that his job was not done. His grandparents could still survive on their own, but there were little things that they just couldn't do anymore. Except for the lightbulb, neither asked Kyle directly to do anything...they didn't want to take advantage of him being there. But a hint was all Kyle needed to step in.

For the next hour it was smoke alarm batteries, squeaky door hinges, a leaky bathroom sink, a shower curtain rod that had fallen down, a stain on the hallway rug, a chest of drawers that needed to be moved, and a tv remote that needed reprogramming.

Not once did Kyle let either of his grandparents see how worn out he was, or even admit to them how sick he'd been just hours before. There were other reasons he'd come today that he wasn't willing to sacrifice.

Finished with the last task though, he sinks down into a living room chair. He's a bit sweaty, his shirt sleeves rolled up, his face a little flushed. His eyes hold almost a glazed look, the exhaustion just too much.

"Kyle, I was just talking with your grandfather, and we'd..." Gram's words trail off as she enters the living room and sees her grandson in the chair.

Kyle's head has shifted down to is own shoulder, his steady breathing showing that he'd just drifted off to sleep, despite his efforts to stay awake.

Gram gets a gentle smile on her lips, and lets her statement go.

"Doesn't he have a thing with the band tonight?" Gramps asks.

"Oh, let him sleep," Gram chides. "That family event isn't until later."

Neither mind a bit that Misty is there, acccepting her as any family member, offering her to make herself at home. By two-thirty, the house is quiet. Gramps had fallen asleep in the den. Gram was reading a book on the screened-in back porch.

Kyle wakes himself up coughing once, but is too groggy to move. Though he was getting a crick in his neck, he didn't even bother shifting positions. Squinting lamely at the clock on the wall, he notes the time, and reminds himself that he can't stay here much longer. But...he was...so...tired...

"Come on, Kyle, where are you?" Phil hangs up his phone for the fifth time, rolling his eyes.

"Still get his voicemail?" Mike asks.

"Yeah." Phil sighs. "I called TJY, Rick said he hadn't seen hide nor hair of Kyle or Misty... I saw them take off from church earlier and figured they'd go out to eat, but they should have been back by now."

Jen thinks for a moment, the three of them in Mike's living room before preparing to leave later that afternoon. "Think he went to Gramp's and Gram's?"

"I wouldn't think so...not with the event tonight and how they can keep someone around for hours." Phil grins, remembering the last time they all had been there. "Besides, if he wasn't feeling the greatest, I doubt he would have gone."

"Well, you said he didn't need to help load up," Jen reminds. "He just needs to meet us there at four."

"I guess. What do you think about him and Misty?"

Jen quirks an eyebrow at her brother. "Is it my business to think anything?"

Phil shrugs. "I was just wondering."

"Why? Something wrong?"

"No..." Phil leans back in the couch, tapping his foot on the floor. "I just...I don't now. I guess it just surprised me was all."

"What, that Kyle could like a girl?"

"Maybe...I mean, he's been around a lot of girls, just never...serioius, I guess."

"Well, do you think he's all that serious about Misty?"

Phil laughs. "Have you looked at him lately? Try teasing him. But be read to get your head bit off."

Jen giggles. "So what's wrong with that? Misty's a great woman...I like her...she's a nice friend."

"Oh, I like her too. I just hope..."

Jen sighs. "Just spit it out, Phil."

"I just hope he's not headed for heartache, that's all."

"Why would he be?"

"I don't know. Forget I said anything." Phil stands up and looks to Mike. "Ready to start packing up?"

"You bet."

"So we've got these here..." Jason gestures to the gun case. "I told Katie what I'd be organizing...Wyatt seemed okay with it...I think Nate will be too."

Con scans the weapons, one eyebrow raised. "When did these come in?"

"Elite issued."

"I see." Con glances around he downstairs room, feeling just a little bit odd. It had been a long time since he'd been down here, let alone been involved in any kind of case or security at all. "Reese care that I was helping out?"

Jason throws him a smirk. "Why should he? You got two good eyes. That's all we need."

"I suppose." Con reaches down to pick up a firearm. For a brief moment, he gets a flashback of the last man he'd killed out of anger, and he inwardly cringes. "So what kind of gig is this tonight anyway?" Hearing nothing, he turns with question to Jason.

Jason had already answered him. "I said it's a family night."


Jason cocks his head. "Hows that ear doing?"

Con shrugs. "Doesn't give me any trouble other than not working."

It was meant to be a silly remark, but Jason doesn't laugh. "You miss being around here?"

"Yeah." Con's response is quick, as he doesn't even have to think about it.

"You know Reese would love to have you back."

"At what? A desk?" Con shakes his head. "Why do you think I got a job with a construcion company? So I could be out doing something. I don't know...would be nice to work around Jamie again though."

Jason lets the subject drop, seeing that his friend was a bit bothered by it all. "Alright, anyway, so now I'm just waiting for Katie to get here to kinda straighten things out with her and then we're off."

Con lifts an eyebrow. "How are you two getting along?"

"Good." Jason nods. "Real good. We're um...well, we're real good friends, Con."

"You two happy with that?"

Jason thinks for a moment, then nods again. "Yeah. She and Scott are doing well, and I like it that she and I can be friends again."

"Straighten out your differences?"

"I think so... it's a little hard sometimes since we can read each other so well, but...yeah...she's a good friend, and I trust her."

Con studies Jason for a moment.

Jason lifts an eyebrow. "What?"

"Just friends?"

Jason throws him a look. "Con...the past is over. Yes...Katie and I are just friends. And I like it that way. Do any more ridiculous hinting and I'll start teasing you about wearing a ball and chain."

"Hey now..." Con defends. "I'd hardly describe Jamie that way."

Jason grins. "Neither would I. Nervous?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "Good. Keeps you on your toes."

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